This week is literally going by so slow; I cannot even begin to comprehend its only Wednesday. As I walk through the doors to the school, I'm quickly accompanied by a couple football players. Christian and Bucky.
"Ready for California Miss Cheer Cap?" Bucky asks as he shoves his way through the crowd of people blocking our way.
The one nice thing about walking with football people: people move away for you.
"Yes sir." I reply as we walk up the stairs to our group's normal spot.
Christian lights up, "You mean you're coming?!"
I nod.
Christian shouts and cheers. As we approach out group, Hunter asks, "Dude, what the heck?"
Christian puts an arm around me, "Tay is going to California!"
Our entire group cheers and I think I notice Thomas try to hide his smile.
I'm excited to go. I love my friends and I'm excited to go on a vacation with them. I need one.
Davis grabs me from behind and spins me in a circle, "Tay! You're coming!"
I giggle and he sets me down, "Yeah. It's gonna be fun."
"Fun? It's gonna be LIT!"
All the football players, in their jerseys of course, start jumping and cheering. Thomas starts shouting one of their chants, when Abby grabs my arm and says, "Let's give them some space so we don't get trampled."
The girls in our group walk a ways away from the boys and Chloe says, "Guys, did you know that Mr. Eller got arrested?"
"What?" I ask.
"Why?" Claire asks.
Chloe leans forward like it's a huge secret, "Mrs. Pyrma found him injecting himself with heroin last night. At the school. Turns out, he's a total druggie."
"Dude! That's like, so messed up!" Mailie exclaims.
She's such a white girl.
"Do you guys remember when Mr. Mulvey almost got fired?" Meadow asks as the boys start to file back into our group.
"Don't remind me. He should have been fired. I still cannot believe how gross he is." Chelsea remarks as she pretends to have a shudder attack.
"Bros, wanna know who is super gross? Christian. He's been hitting the gym for 3 hours every day after school for the past week." Davis points out.
Christian flexes, "Dude, with the national championships coming up, I gotta look swoll. I want the president to be scared to touch my biceps."
Hunter cringes, "Donald Trump would touch anyone's biceps."
"Eew." Mailie adds.
"Boo." a voice says from behind me.
I turn and see Thomas.
"What do ya want Tommy Gun?" I tease.
The group continues their conversation and Thomas offers his hand. I take it and he leads us away from the group. Everyone moves out of Thomas' way as well. He's so tall and buff, nobody wants to even rub shoulders with him, which they wouldn't even be able to do because he's tall.
"I can't believe you're able to come to California!" He exclaims.
I shake my head, "Me neither. My mom isn't too happy about it, but my dad convinced her."
"I miss your dad. He is the nicest dude I've ever met."
"He got surprisingly comfortable around you for sure."

Old Flames Die Hard
RomanceTaylor is just your average Senior cheerleader trying to survive the complexity and harshness of High School. The last thing she needs is a love life to surface in her life, but that may be something she has no control over. When faced with the choi...