May I

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(Okay I know I'm using the same artist and album but these songs just fit and I am making up those 10 days I've been gone I think it was more but I'm making it up with at least two chapters until I reach 10 ^-^)

Reader's POV

I swing my feet over the bed. I feel dizzy still, I just have to get some fresh air. I change real quick into leggings and a sweatshirt and throw on my moccasins.
"Boomer, wanna go for a walk?" I call out to the giant puppy. He hops up and waddles over to the door. I smirk at his walking, I grab his leash and leave the building.
It's grizzling a little but not that bad. The night air hits my face causing my cheeks to flush a rosy pink. The noises are heard now not being over powered by the roaring of the city.
I can't get him out of my head. But what's scaring me is why isn't she speaking? I shouldn't be complaining though, it's nice not having her here for now. When ever I see his face, his smile, it fills me with a warm fuzziness and I think I'm speaking for everyone who has seen him and his smile. His laugh is adorable and cheerful, and his voice, damn that voice...
I get tugged back by my dog. I turn around to see him sniffing what looks like... A shoe? A leg, then a body, then a... "Mark?" I squint trying to see him from the darkness. "Hey, (Y/n).."

Mark's POV

I sit up and suck in everything that I was holding back. I have to go find her and apologize. I remember where she was leading me, now all it is is to find the mailbox with her last name.
I put on my slippers and grab my keys, leaving locking the door behind me. I put my hand in my pockets looking up at the moon as it follows me. There's a lot of trees around here, good thing I don't live that far away, still pretty far though. I shouldn't have worn slippers, oh well it's not like I can go back now.
I turn into the street she lead me to before I got the phone call from Wade. I look over to the house I pulled into that day.
I look up the hill, someone walks under the street light with their dog, some living room televisions are still on.
I continue to walk up the hill getting closer to the dog and person. I then realize what type of dog it is. It's a Great Pyrenees like Lucy back home. I walk faster not resisting the urge to pet the dog.
It notices me coming up and pulls its own to me. His slobber trails along my leg and foot. "Dog, serious-"
That voice...
"Hey, (Y/n)..."
She drops the leash and runs over to me wrapping her arms around me causing her to stand on her toes. I hear sobs coming from her, she tangles her fingers in my hair.
"Mark, I am so sorry about all of this. I never meant for this to happen if I could redo everything I would. And I regret everything about it," she chokes.
I lean my head on her and hold her back and head. "It's okay,
(Y/n). I would've left too if someone treated me the same way I did you.
She leans back looking at me, her tears shine under the street light. "Hey, don't cry," I wipe a tear off her cheek with my thumb. She cups my face with her hands and kisses me, this time with sorrow but missing me.
The rain starts to pour down onto us. We simultaneously break the kiss, she faces the sky and giggles. She grabs the leash and my hand, "Let's get back to my place," she pulls me running up the hill.
I dry my hair with a towel. Her room smells of incense. "Here's one of my dads shirts," she throws the fabric to me. I freeze realizing something, "what will your dad do if he finds me?" I ask if fear of her father. "He's at work and won't be home until 12:00-1:00p.m." She hops over me and faces the wall. She pulls the covers over her and yawns. I take off my shirt and throw on the bigger one. I lay down next to her and wrap my arms around her waist.
"May I be your love?"
She rolls over and faces me. "What?" Her face is blank.
"May I hold you when you fall to sleep, when the world is closing in and you can't breath. May I love you. May I be your shield when no one can be found. May I lay you down," I whisper in her ear. " she smiles at me. "Yes Mark, and you're a dork for reciting the lyrics to 'May I'. Good night."
"Good night, my love." I kiss her neck. (Y/n) (L/n), my girlfriend.

...I Believe In You (Markiplier x Reader)(MAY NOT CONTINUE)Where stories live. Discover now