Don't Mess With Me

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(Just a quick note there is a chapter in this so don't skip this. Okay so this has no fucking logic at all. I updated my last chapter on Christmas and went to sleep, like always so my spelling and grammar aren't the best until I look it over. So I go to bed and wake up to check my notifications on here and to see how many reads the chapter got so far and if I was going to hit 15K. I was expecting to see only 100 or 200 reads like my past chapters. No, I wake up to see, 500+ reads! WTF, the last chapter to get 500 was me talking about incorporating Dark into this XD. I thought it was a bug in the system or something but nope. For the past few times I checked the total reads was 666. I check today and it's almost 1K reads WHAT THE HELL IS SO GREAT ABOUT THIS CHAPTER AND WHAT GOT PEOPLE SO HYPE ABOUT IT XD. I still thank you all and I'm reaching 20K soon ^-^ I remember being so excited for 100 reads. I would've never thought I would become this popular this fast. So I just had to say that, now lets get on with the story)

"(Y/n)? I'm home, I brought McDonalds!" I quickly turn to Mark
"Get in the closet, now" I whisper to him. He stumbles in a panic to get in there. I shut the door just before my dad walked in.
"Hey dad, I finally got motivated to clean out my closet." I nervously smile and scratch the back of my head. His eyes wandering around my room.
"I didn't see anything wrong with your closet, but may I look at your progress?" He walks over to the door knob.
"NO!" He jumps at my sudden outburst, "I-I mean, n-not yet I want it to be a surprise," he smirks and pats my head, "You still act how you did when you were younger," he exits my room.
I exhale from all of the air I was holding in. I open the door, Mark's head pokes out of the corner.
"Oh, (y/n)!" I slam it shut. A thud and a muffled 'ow' was heard just before my dad came back in. "YEESHLAW dad, what do you need?"
"I'm just coming to tell you I got you a shake too" he smiles happily. His expression changes as he looks down to see the discolored towel on my ground. He leaves the room and closes the door only leaving it ajar. "I'm gonna be in my room playing your kingdom hearts 2.5!" He calls out to me. "Okay, don't you need to finish 1.5 first though?" I laugh. I love how I got my dad into that game. I slowly open the closet again. Mark sits there, glaring at me and points at the red bump on his forehead. I offer my hand and he accepts. "I think you dented my glasses," he takes them off and examines them. I bite my lip, admiring his face that's missing the accessory.
"I have to go, bye" "I lo-" I get interrupted as he kisses my cheek and leaves. I lower my, "I love you..."
"Sorry I thought someone was at the door,"
I hate lying to my dad. I throw myself into my bed. My nightstand vibrates from the buzzing of my phone.
Dylan: Hey how come you didn't text me yesterday?
(Y/N): Hey, sorry I was just thinking... Anyway, do you wanna come over for a little :3
Dylan: Yeah sure be there in a few.
I turn off my phone and stare at the ceiling.
I sigh and walk to his room. "Yes dad?" He pats the bed to have me sit down. I shuffle over to him and cross my legs. "Is there something you're hiding from me?" He looks dead at me. I feel my brain go blank and my face turn hot. "I'm not hiding anything, why?" I try my hardest to act as if it were real. "(Y/n), I'm not stupid. You not wanting me to see inside your closet, that towel of the ground, your stuttering. Tell me what you were doing last night when I was at work," his voice turns stern. It's very rare that he turns like this but when he does, damn it's scary. "God damn, dad I'm sorry. I-I couldn't sleep last night. I just..." I look down at my lap. "I walked the dog, I then saw... "I needed a name, quick. "I saw Dylan. We got into a fight that night and he was walking up to apologize. It was freezing out and I didn't want him walking back alone so I had him stay here. The towel, I took a shower and I used too much lotion on my legs so it wiped it off with it. I locked him in the closet because I didn't know how you were going to react seeing him over with me home alone." My dad chuckles. "Dylan is like my son, there's no reason to be afraid. But next time tell me before he sleeps over or anything. I don't want you two sleeping in the same bed too." He smiles and gives me a hug. "You're too good of a kid to do anything bad." "Yeah..." He lets go. "That's all I needed you for you can go back to whatever you were doing. And if you want Dylan can come back." I rush back to my room. Before I make it there a couple of knocks come from the door. I spin myself around and fly open the door. "You are coming into my room and we are talking." I grab his arm and pull him towards my bedroom.
"W-What's the deal, (Y/n). You're acting awfully strange." I pace back and forth. "(Y/n)?"
"Dylan! I need you to go along with whatever my dad asks you or says to you. I'll explain everything just please do this for me!" Dylan looks at me baffled. "W-Whatever, but what happened yesterday?"
I bend down and turn on the Xbox. I give him a controller and one for me and position myself on his lap. He rests his chin on my shoulder and wraps his arms around me to hold his controller. "I am going to kick your ass!" He growls in my ear and bites my shoulder. "Ow, MotherF-" I look up to see the silhouette of a man down my hallway. I blink, his eyes open to a red foggy haze and then vanishes into a black fog. "Dylan did you see that?" I get off of his lap and walk over to my door. I poke my head out and look around. No sign of the fog or the man. Maybe I was just seeing things. I sit back down on his lap. The loading screen for CoD shows up. We go onto Team Death Match. About a couple of minutes in something catches my eyes. I pause the game and dart out of my hall. The front door is open. "Dad?" I run to his room. His computer chair has been tossed to the ground. "DYLAN!" My door flys open. I run to the front and look around to find my father. "Dad?!? Dad.." My voice cracks as I fall to the floor. Dylan kneels down next to me and wraps me in his arms. I sob into his chest repeating the word 'dad'. He strokes my hair trying to calm me down. "It's all okay. I'm here to protect you." I look up into the sky. "Whoever you are, if Mark or I created you, you will not come into my reality and fuCK WITH MY LIFE." I rage and run into my room. I look around to find something to bash in. I run to my wall and punch multiple holes into it. I look over and see my messenger bag. I kneel down. I used this when I went camping with Guinevere, Dylan and my dad. I open the small pocket to see my safety knife, and.. A pistol? I don't remember putting this there. A note is tapped to the back of it.
'Find me. One may live but there can only be one of us. Chose who you love more. ~D'
Who the hell is D? I throw on my brown combat boot and my hoodie. "C'mon Dylan, we're going to go kick some bitches ass!" A grin grew to his face. He knew shit was about to go down.
(This all was kinda a brain fart so I might change it later on idk XD hope you enjoy)

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