This fic is for my thirsty ass band mates..who should be reading this now so..HI GUYS AND LOOK WHAT YALL PUT ME THROUGH
I laid sprawled out on the floor a bottle of gin in my hand with my best friend, Gerard Way beside me..
"Hey N/N, what do I look like? I mean since I can't see my reflection and everything"
I sit up and look him in the eyes. "Hmm well you have jet black hair, that looks greasy by the way so you should shower soon. You have these beautiful green eyes, like emeralds! You have really pale skin. You're not exactly short but not tall either, your fangs are usually hanging out and..and your lips look really soft. You're beautiful in every sense of the world and I'm realizing right now I'm in love with you" by now I've shifted my gaze to my bottle of gin. Taking a quick swig I drop the empty bottle on the ground.. "y-you're in love with me?" Gerard stutter out. "Well yeah I mean who wouldn't be?!". In a minute Gerard has me pinned to the hardwood floor "you said my lips look soft..wanna find out?" He asks. I roll my eyes and pull him down into a kiss..
When they say sparks fly.they weren't lying.
After a moment I hear a sound that resembled a whimper from Gerard. "Gee you okay?" He looks down and put his hands in his lap. "We uhm have a problem.." he says, his face grew hot. I thought for a moment confused. OH That sort of problem!. "Sorry love you and I'll be uhm back!" He yells bolting to his room. "I could've helped" I mutter before getting up and grabbing another bottle of gin.Yes Gee got a hard on and yes I felt extremely weird writing this but whateverrrr. NEXT UP: Pete Wentz, Frank Iero and Brendon Urie. (Maybe in that order maybe not) ALSO, do Vamps get hard on's? Like I've never read or seen anything saying they do but I've also never read or seen anything saying they don' maybe they can maybe they can't!
MCR Preferences and imagines
FanfictionYou've heard it all before so let's DIVE RIGHT INTO IT!