Chapter 5: "Coming Out"

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Brooke's POV

I followed Matt into the car, laughing my ass off, with Kelsey and Adam hot on my heels.

"So, guys, how do you plan on coming out to your parents?" Asked Kelsey.

The boys had lost the scavenger hunt and we were on our way to Adams house so that he and Matt could "come out" to his parents. Adam was extremely nervous, since his father was a reverend, and an extreme homophobe. He'd probably be grounded for life.

Adam slit his eyes, and glared at Kelsey.

"Your an ass, you know that?" He said.

"Can I be an astronaut instead? An ass makes shit, while an astronaut makes a good living." She replied.

Adam rolled his eyes and I laughed.

He turned to me, and said through gritted teeth, "You know, there's a special place in hell reserved for you."

"Yeah. It's called the throne." I retorted.

Matt let out a chuckle, and now it was his turn to be glared at by Adam.

"Why are you so happy? You have to pretend to be gay too!"

"Yeah but I've got awhile. We're going to your house first. Plus, my parents won't be so tough on me." Matt said.

"Actually, Matt, were going to your house first." I said

"What? Why?" He asked.

"Because if we go to Adam first, he'll be grounded and we wouldn't be able to go to you." Kelsey explained.

"Yeah, his dad is a reverend and will probably douse him with holy water. Your parents would be much more understanding." I added.

Matt groaned. "When can we tell them that it was a bet?"

"You can tell them tomorrow morning." I replied.

Matt pulled up in front of his house, and we all stepped out.

We walked to his front door, and Kelsey and I had to suppress our giggles as we walked in behind Matt and Adam.

"Mom! Dad! I've got something I need to say!" Matt called out.

"What is it, honey?" His mom asked, as she walked into the room, her husband following close behind,

Matt sighed. "You may want to sit down for this." He gestured toward the couch, and his parents sat down, a confused expression on their faces.

Kelsey and I plopped down on the couch opposite Matt's parents, stifling a giggle.

"Son, what's this about?" His father asked.

Adam stood beside Matt, and Matt grabbed his hand, holding it up like a referee announcing the winner of a wrestling match.

"I'm gay. And Adam and I are lovers." He choked out.

Matt's father handed his mother a 10 dollar bill.

"Matt, honey I thought you were dating Brooke?" His mother asked.

"Yeah, I thought so too!" I said.

"I was, but then I realized I was gay and have feelings for Adam, not Brooke." Matt lied.

Adam looked extremely uncomfortable as he said, "Yeah, and the feeling was mutual."

"But, can we speak about the more important issue at hand? You guys bet on me being gay?!" Matt exclaimed.

"Well, honey, I may have had my suspicions... But, we both support you strongly. Love is love." His mother said.

"Wait, but you think I'm gay?" began Matt. Kelsey kicked him.

"Maybe that's because you are." Kelsey filled in for him.

"Right, I am. You guys saw right through me. Anyway I uh gotta go somewhere so, uh, bye." Matt said, after letting out an awkward chuckle

"That's it? You just come out and leave? Honey, this is a big deal don't you want to stay here and talk about it?" Asked matts mom.

"Nope, I'm good." Matt replied, opening the door and leading us all out of his house.

"I can't believe you made us do that" Adam said through gritted teeth.

"If it's any consolation it was freaking hilarious." Kelsey said.

"Yeah that's absolutely no consolation at all." Adam replied.

I laughed as we walked back into the car and headed toward Adams house. Adam was shaking the entire way, muttering about how he was about to be grounded and his life was about to end. In all honesty, it was freaking hilarious.

By the time we finally arrived at his house, and everyone walked out, Adam looked like he was about to cry.

"Do I have to do this? I will literally be killed if I do."

"We'll miss you. I'll make sure they write something nice on your gravestone." I said, giving Adam a light shove toward his front door.

He glared at me as he opened the door, and gingerly walked in.

Kelsey, Matt and I walked to the fridge and helped ourselves to some drinks while Adam called his parents down.

With water bottles in our hands, Kelsey and I plopped down on the couch and Matt stood beside Adam awaiting their parents.

Adams parents walked in, and looked around at all of us with a curious expression on their faces.

"Mom, dad, you love me, right?" Adam asked.

"Of course honey!" His mom exclaimed.

"No matter what?"

"No matter what." His father agreed.

"Okay good, because I'm gay. And Matt is my lover." he said.

The look on his fathers face was priceless. His jaw had dropped down to the floor, and his eyes looked as if they would pop out of their sockets. His mothers expression wasn't any better either.

Kelsey and I nearly fell out of our seat from laughter.

After his parents had stared in complete horror and shock for a good 5 minutes or so, finally Adam's father opened his mouth and gulped before saying, "but son, it's Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve!"

"Actually my name is Matt..." matt said.

At that point Kelsey and I could no longer contain our laughter and left the house. We waited by their porch until Matt came out, not shortly after.

"His parents look like they're literally going to kill him. Let's go home, there's no way he's getting out of there any time soon." He said.

Laughing, we all hopped into the car and began the ride back to our houses. Today was absolutely amazing. I got to spend time with the most amazing friends in the world, and my wonderful boyfriend, and we got an amazing story out of it too.

Adam dropped me off at my house, gave me a parting kiss, and drove away.

as I walked into my house, smiling so big I must have looked like the joker, I noticed pretty boy sitting in his driveway and reading. When he saw me he ran over and said, "I tried calling you earlier but it went to pizza huts phone number? I think you gave me the wrong one.."

"Nope. I meant to give you that one", I smiled, as I walked away and into my house.

A//N: so I wasn't planning on updating this for a while, since I thought no one was really reading it, but then I saw that someone has added it to their reading list and another person voted for it, and I realized that maybe people aside from my friends were actually reading it. So shoutout to @skylar_lovesLA and @jaceeeeeeeee
For giving me inspiration to write this chapter! Sorry it's been forever, and if anyone wants updates more frequently the more positive feedback, the more frequent the updates!

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