Chapter 2: My Gorgeous Family

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Brooke's POV

I walked into the house, smiling like a crazy person.

"Dinner!" My mom called.

Immediately, my brother and dad got up from the couch and walked towards the kitchen.

My little brother, Alex, had his blue-green eyes trained on his phone, as usual. This generation would not be able to live without their phones. I mean, sure I'm only 2 years older than him, but I can at least survive without my phone. Books, however, are a totally different story.

"Who you texting? Your girlfriend?" I tease, ruffling his light brown hair.

"No. Yours." He retorted.

I shot him a death glare.

"Don't hate me 'cause I'm perfect" he said.

"Fine, then can I hate you because your a douche?" I muttered.

"Brooke. Swear jar, now." My mother said.

I groaned, as I walked over to the jar, sitting on the counter, labeled in my mother's neat handwriting, swear jar.

I pulled a dollar out of my pocket, placed it in the jar and walked back to the table, sticking my tongue out at my brother.

Wow, real mature.

I looked around at my family sitting around the table, eating spaghetti and meatballs.

My dad was talking to my brother about his day.

I couldn't help but note how all my family looked like models.
My dad could be George Clooney, my mom, Cameron Diaz, and Alex Brooklyn Beckham.

Not to mention my older brother, Justin, who was a perfect Zac Efron look-alike.

And than there's me.

I began playing with my dark curls. I'm not really sure who I inherited my curls from, but I'm glad I did. My hair is most definitely my favorite thing about my appearance. And that's saying a lot, because I look like an ogre. An ogre with really pretty hair, anyway. I liked my hair because it wasn't the type of curls that some people have that are perfect spirals. And it isn't the wavy hair my half-sister has. (Who by the way is also super attractive, a Victoria justice look alike, no doubt) it's kind of in between.

Basically, it looks like I curled it.
And that is literally the only attractive thing about me. Compared to the rest of my family, I was a potato.

I wish I had my mom's eyes, I mean my hair with her eyes would look perfect, but sadly, I got stuck with my dad's hazel eyes.

"So, Brooke, what do you want to do for your birthday?" my mom asked.

Oh right, that's tomorrow. I shrugged, as I pushed away the rest of my food.

I had only ate half the plate, but ever since I was 12 and weighed 10 times my age, I had made sure to eat less, and exercise more. Thankfully it's been working, and now, at nearly 16, I still weigh the same I did when I was 12, though it did leave me hungry 90% of the day.

I stared at the food hungrily. One more bite couldn't hurt. Ill go on the treadmill for an extra 30 minutes. I pulled the plate back towards me and continued wolfing down the meal. I just wish my weight was as low as my self esteem

"I was gonna go to the mall in the morning with my friend" I said between bites.

"Okay, maybe we'll just go out to eat at night than. Not only are we celebrating your 16th birthday but in two days you'll officially be a junior!" my mom says excitedly.

"Yay." I said, gulping down a drink of water.

After dinner, I exercised, took a shower, set out an outfit for the mall the next day, than curled up in a ball, to continue city of bones.

When I got up to the part where [SPOILER ALERT] it says clary and jace are siblings, I threw the book against the wall, whilst screaming "MY OTP! NOOO!"

I quickly ran towards the book and pulled it close to my chest.

"I'm sorry, baby, I didn't mean to hurt you." I muttered.

I noticed that the book had knocked down my alarm clock, and picked it back up.

It read 12:00 am.

That's it. I was officially 16. Yay, I thought, as I texted my best friend, Kelsey, to tell her that I had finally finished the book, and am freaking out.

She quickly replied.

Kelsey the bestie 😘:
That's seriously what your freaking out about? I mean, I went crazy too, but you're now officially 16, don't you think that's a bit more important?! Actually, you're right. City of bones is more important.

I giggled, as I placed my phone on my nightstand and rolled over.
I fell asleep almost instantly.

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