Finally Here

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"I have been home schooled due to certain issues. So I'm a fifth year to be sorted this year" Kacey said. The twins moved over to her and wrapped their arms around hers. "Well, if you are put in Gryffindor than we will show you around" they said in unison. Kacey smiled. "That's very nice of you two. But I have to hope I get put into Slytherin because my father and mother were Slytherins and my brother is" Kacey said. </p>
<p data-p-id="49a65fd4a72ea979eed228802c4015c3">Kacey and the twins talked for a while and they gave her some fever fudge so she could get out of classes. More than halfway through the ride, Kacey laid down and closed her eyes. The train had pulled up soon after that, but Kacey lain fast asleep. George shook her and tried to wake her. Kacey turned around and snored softly. George looked at Fred. "I've got the luggage, you get her" George said and grabbed the luggage. Fred nodded and picked her up fireman style.

Everyone bustled off the train into the carriages. "There's no more" Fred said. "Then we'll wait" George said. "We could just apparate their" Kacey spoke up. "When did you wake up" Fred asked. "A minute ago" she said. Fred put her down. "Then why didn't you say anything" Fred asked. "I had a nice view" Kacey said with a shrug. "So" she continued, "I'm not the best at apparating so maybe one of you could apparate us there" she said. George sighed. "We can't apparate in Hogwarts. We'll have to walk." He said. Kacey smiled as they reached the castle. "Wow" she spoke. "We forgot it's your first year. You probably need to go join the little first years, we'll show you where they are" Fred said.

All the first years had been sorted, all that was left standing was Kacey. She walked up and the hat was sat on her platinum blonde hair. "Kacey Malfoy, I've been waiting to sort you." The hat said. Over at the Gryffindor table Fred and George looked at each other "Malfoy" they whispered in unison. "Hmm, you've been through a great ordeal, you'd fit in nicely with the Hufflepuffs, you're kind" the hat said. Loud snickers could be heard. "A Malfoy kind?" Was one whisper Kacey could hear. "Or Ravenclaw, you're smart but Slytherin would be a good fit for you. You're cunning but not that cunning. I say GRYFFINDOR" the hat shouted the last word and a few Gryffindors stood and clapped but most looked confused. Kacey could see Draco, he wouldn't even look at her. Kacey hopped down and walked over to the Gryffindor table. She walked over to the twins and sat down as food appeared on the table. "Well, I guess y'all can show me around" Kacey said and laughed nervously. "You're a Malfoy?" Fred asked in disbelief.

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