Shall We Dance

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Kacey sighed as she watched Professor and Ron dance. "Now everyone get a partner and try it" she said. Kacey found George and he took her hand and started to lead. Kacey stepped gracefully as she danced. "You're a great dancer" George said and Kacey rolled her eyes. "Well I do try" she said as he twirled her.

Kacey sat in front of a mirror as Hermione came in. "Hey" she said to her roommate. "Why aren't you ready? The ball is starting and you have a date with a Weasley" she said. Hermione had been a good friend to Kacey. "I can't get my hair to do anything" Kacey lied, the real reason she wasn't ready was because she didn't want to dance. Hermione rolled her eyes and grabbed some hair pins. She sat behind Kacey and shoved the pins in her hair. "Ow" Kacey would mutter when one jabbed her in the ear. "Now put your dress on" Hermione said and Kacey looked in the mirror. Her long black hair was in a beautiful bun with one curl hanging in front of her face. Kacey smiled and pulled her sparkling orange dress from the closet and pulled it on. She picked up her white heels and looked at Hermione. "May I escort you to the common room" Kacey asked and hooked arms with Hermione. "Please do" Hermione said as they joked with each other.

The two girls entered the commons room and Hermione went outside the commons room. Kacey looked at George whom smiled at her. "You look beautiful" he said.

As they walked in to the the ball, George put his hand on Kacey's back and took her hand and they danced, and Kacey smiled. For the first time since she got the parcel she really smiled. George tilted her face up and moved the stray hair from her face but it fell over her cheek. "Now I wish I had seen that smile sooner" he said and kissed Kacey's cheek.

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