The Decision

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Kacey woke up the day before they had to leave for Hogwarts again. She stood up and walked down the stairs to see Fred waiting for her. "Kacey, I need to ask you something. Will you go out with me" Fred asked. "L-let me think on it" Kacey said with a red blush on her cheeks.

Kacey stood outside in the snow, building a snowman as she felt two arms wrap around her. "Hey" the person behind her said. "Hey" Kacey said and turned around. "Whatcha doing George"!Kacey asked and George smiled. "I have to ask, will you be my girlfriend Kacey Malfoy" George asked.

"I don't know who to choose" Kacey vented to Reagan. "Well who do you love" Reagan asked. "That's the problem, I love both of them but there is one I love, maybe just a bit more" Kacey said. Reagan smiled. "Then that is who you pick" she said. Kacey nodded and smiled. "The person I love the most is..."

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