The Damaged

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His voice makes me feel sick in a way I've not experienced before. And breaking me in? What the hell does that even mean? Do I want to contemplate it?
Before I can respond to the man, I'm aware of another presence beside me. And for the first time ever, I thank God for Cade Silvers, who seems to have materialized beside me. This doesn't make the snake-man too happy, as the malicious grin slides from his too-wide lips they settle into more reserved lines that I suppose are meant to resemble a smile.


Really, the whole number thing again...

"Master Leona, I apologize for the interruption, however I must request the honor of joining you and our new recruit on her tour. I have been here the longest, and as she and I have met before I think my presence may be a comfort to her."

Leona ( or I guess that's his name, he hasn't told me otherwise) hisses at Cade,

"Her comfort is not my priority."

I suppose I wasn't meant to hear that, but my hearing is a blessing and a curse.

Cade murmurs to the man,

"Sir, she may be less...resistant...with me there."

I don't even want to think about the implications of that statement, and right then the Leona fellow makes up his mind.

"Fine. Miss Arista, I believe you've already met 2460?"

My words bubble out before I can stop them

"Yes, but I know him by his name. He is Cade to me...sir."

I catch a glimpse of Cade's face as I say those impetuous words. There is an unmistakable light in his eyes that glows for just a moment, and his face softens. But it's quickly covered and the light extinguished as Leona speaks again.

"Charming. However, here his name is 2460, and that is how he shall be addressed, understood?"

"No I don't understand."

What is wrong with me?!

"Excuse me?"

"I'm pretty damn sure he's a human being, and no human is given a number as a name. Unless the ultimate goal in doing so is to eliminate any kind of individuality then go on your merry way with this number business. But if that is not your goal, and it certainly isn't mine, I will continue to address him by his name."

Every one in a ten foot radius seem shocked into silence by my words. Leona himself is simply staring at my face, measuring the level of sincerity behind my words. I don't dare look at Cade, I just look dead into the eyes of the snake in front of me, trying not to shudder at the cold emptiness in his eyes.

"Fine, I will allow this one insubordination. For now. But enough of this unpleasant topic, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Isaac Leona, and I am what you might call, "the man in charge" of this enterprise for gifted youth my associates and I simply call, the Project. I'm sure you've heard of it, our employees have approached you often enough.

"If by often enough, you mean twice, then yes I suppose it was often enough."

Personally I think it was too much, but that's just my opinion.

"Yes, well, now I feel it is my place to explain what it is in a little more depth. What exactly have you been told about it Miss?"

"It's a place for kids who've been freaked up by science, have been a threat to society just by being a part of it, and now have to be hidden from to world to be freaked up by science some more."

My words came out just as dry as intended. To say I wasn't fond of the Project was an understatement. I abhorred it with every bone in my body.

"Oh my dear dear girl, you mustn't think so ill of us!"

"Oh I mustn't?"

"No no no, on the contrary. Every damaged youth helped by our program becomes a helper to society, and a protecter of it.

Damaged youth? We couldn't help it that you damaged us. And I wouldn't use the word damaged, you and your cronies simply altered our genetic structure when we were infants. You didn't mutilate us or anything, just made us a little extra-ordinary.

I keep these thoughts to myself, but they must have been evident in my face as Cade, who's been beside me the whole time Isaac is giving his spiel (his back to us of course) places his hand warningly against the small of my back, creating a waterfall of heat coursing through my body at the contact. Leona continues his speech, as he starts to walk ahead, not looking back as he assumes we'll follow. We do, but only because Cade presses harder into my back, gently pushing me along.

"The youth are sent here to hone in on their skills, and to perfect them. This is their home, a safe haven for people such as them."

I look around and notice the teens and even some small children who walk around one by one, never as a group. All clad in black, black shirts and pants are their attire, a stark contrast to the white clothing of the employees.

"We care for them here, we give them food, a room, and others of their kind to associate with away from the prying eyes of society. No news cameras to frighten them, no curious looks from people who are not like them to torment them here. It is safe within this facility for them, and they are grateful. We heal them when they are sick, we give them a place in society when they learn to control themselves, and when they can no longer take care of themselves, we put them out of their misery."

His words stop me in my tracks as a cold feeling crawls over my body, engulfing it in dread.

"What do you mean, put them out of their misery?"

Cade suddenly seems intent on not looking at me, and almost looks sick. This is new. The serpent speaks again,

"Well, it is common knowledge everyone ages. But those last years of life are misery, cooped up, aching bones and the thought of impending death or disease is consuming in the old. So as a thanks to those who have served us faithfully throughout their lives, we spare them that misery. When their worldly troubles are no more, they continue to give, as their room is given to another child, young and ready to help its community."

I'm nauseated at the thought, but I have to speak.

It can't be what I think, it can't be...

"So basically, after they've been worked all their lives and become unable to any longer, you kill them. Is that right?"

"Kill is such a strong word. I prefer..."

"Answer my question, damn it!"

Leona sighs.

"I suppose in a sense we do. It isn't a hard death, it simply requires a chamber, about five feet by ten feet wide with a pipe inside, that connects to.."

I don't give him a chance to say anything else. I don't even say anything else. All I do is release a guttural cry from the back of my throat.

Even if this gets me killed, I have to try.

I launch myself at him, tearing at his face, his clothes, anything I can. I'm blinded by my rage, my heart pounding almost audibly. I think I manage to make contact a few times before I'm grabbed by the guards who promptly grasp me and land a blow to the head that I know already will render me unconscious.
As I slump to the floor I'm aware of Cade's voice in my ear, and the faint smell of cinnamon.

"I told you to not get crazy girl, what have you done?

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