The Dead Feel No Pain

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I wake up to my head feeling as though it's going to bust. I retrace the fragmented memories I have of the past 24 hours and recall the punch that knocked me senseless, and with that memory comes the others. The cell, Leona, and the scent of cinnamon all come to mind. I moan as the sickening memory of Leona's murder schemes come back full force, almost bringing tears to my eyes. I fight them back, I will not cry here, not now. I attempt to move my hands to my throbbing temple, when a feeling of panic washes over me. I can't move, not my legs nor arms or anything. And I realize wherever I am is pitch black, cold and noiseless. I think I'm in a horizontal position judging by the blood trickling from my forehead into my hairline instead of running down my face.

Am I dead?

Well the dead don't feel pain I wouldn't think, and the ache in my head is very real. So that rules out option one (thank God. While life at the moment isn't the greatest, I'm not ready to release my grip on it quite yet).

Where am I?

Suddenly light races through (what I see now to be) the small concrete room I'm in. I'm on a stainless steel table that stinks of bleach, with my arms and legs well restrained by metal cords that are currently cutting off the blood flow in my limbs. I notice various machines scattered about the small perimeter of the room, but as to their purpose, I have no idea. But I doubt that they make cupcakes or anything. Suddenly a wall seems to slide open, revealing Leona, Cade, and two bodyguards identical to those who knocked me out. Leona speaks in his typical oily fashion, addressing me.

"My Dear Arista, I had hoped we could avoid this procedure. But as you seem to be unwilling to listen to reason, you have left me no choice. This will probably hurt a little, but you'll find yourself much happier and compliant afterwords. 2460, check if her bindings are secure as I prepare the machine."

Cade strides over to me, and presses his fingertips to my head, bending closer to my face as he attaches another cord over my forehead. His hair brushes my cheek softly, and suddenly he whispers in my ear.

"Play along. Whatever he says, go with it. It won't work on you I know, just go along."

The urgency in his voice is unmistakable, and I'm confused and dizzy as the sudden light in the room has sent stabs of pain through my head, plucking with red hot pinchers behind my eyes, rendering me mute for fear of crying out in agony. Isaac speaks to me slowly, patronizingly.

"Now, if you would just relax and try not to resist, this will hurt much less my dear.."

I open my eyes a fraction of an inch and see one of the ominous machines is positioned so that what looks like the barrel of a laser pen is aimed directly at my head. Leona is at the front of the machine, pushing buttons and murmuring to himself. Cade stands next to the bodyguards about five feet away, expression blank. I don't know what I was expecting, help? Not likely, considering he's one of the ones who brought me here. Isaac clears his throat and addresses me again, as the machine starts to whir and click. A sudden feeling of heat attacks my head, and something that can only be described as a needle, about as thick as a human hair, feels as though it is boring through my skull.

"Miss Arista, those memories of your past life before entering the Project are painful? Are they not?"

I remember Cade's words. "Play along"

God help me if I screw this up.

"Yes, they are painful.."

Leona smirks, and continues

"Would it not be better if those memories went away? No longer in your mind to torment you, and plague you with their existence?"

The bastard. He's trying to wipe my memory.

I manage to get out a,


Without screaming at him. He obviously can't tell I'm still rather aware of myself and my "past life" as he calls it, for he starts saying what I suppose are my new memories.

"Now, your title is 2520. You have lived here happily all your life, and are now coming to the time in which you discover your skills. Correct?"

"Yes, that is right."

I monotone my voice, hoping that's not over-the-top. How do people under memory erasing machine influence act exactly? I think my performance pleases Leona, who flicks a few switches that quickly shut the machine off.

"Excellent. Now 2460, take her to her new rooms. She shouldn't give you too much trouble now."

Isaac Leona's laugh is blood chilling, that's all I can say. Cade steps next to me and releases the cords from my wrists, ankles and forehead, promptly escorting me out of the room.

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