04. Birthday

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[name] yawned as she woke up with the sunlight shining directly on her face. She then sat up in her futon and stretched, popping the air bubbles that had accumulated while she was asleep. She then sighed as she remembered Haizaki was out on a mission and wasn't home still. Which means she didn't need to prepare breakfast or his medicine for him.

[name] then proceeded to wash up. Today was a special day, and she was trying her best to not let the fact that her brother wasn't around to celebrate her birthday affect her.

She had decided, she will head to town today.

But she decided she didn't want to go alone, so here she was, drying her hair quickly as she puts on a proper kimono to be seen when she is out in public. She then combed her hair through, and soon left the Shadow Estate, clearly forgetting about having breakfast as well.

After all, today was the day she turned 19.

She walked down the pavement leading to the courtyard where the meetings were often held. Many turned their heads as they looked at how elegant and beautiful she was, with her brown hair left untied and dark blue ocean eyes that showed kindness within them. Wearing a simple black kimono with a white centerpiece, she looked absolutely stunning.

"Good morning, Akane-san!" a few of the kakushis greeted.

"Good morning!" she greeted back, and the kakushis couldn't help but smile in response as they looked at how kind and gentle [name] was. Often greeting them whenever she could as well. [name]'s dark blue ocean eyes then spotted Mitsuri and Obanai, and she smiled.

Deciding not to disturb them at all.

She was just about to walk away from the courtyard, only to be called out by none other than the Sound Pillar, Uzui Tengen.

"[name]! Today is your birthday, isn't it? Happy birthday! Stay flamboyantly beautiful as always!" Tengen spoke out and [name] smiled in response as she looked up to Tengen. He sure was very tall...

"Thank you, Uzui-san," she replied with a smile, and Tengen chuckled. [name] then smelt the familiar scent of Obanai and Mitsuri and she turned. She noticed Mitsuri was pouting slightly in response and soon hugged the younger brunette tightly in her arms.

"[name]! Happy birthday! I wish I could accompany you today, but I've been given a mission!" Mitsuri whined out and [name] could only laugh in response as she hugged the Love Pillar back as well.

"It's okay, Kanroji-san. I was just thinking of heading to town today, it's been a long time ever since I stepped out of the headquarters," [name] spoke out truthfully, and Mitsuri's eyes lit up.

"Iguro-san can accompany you! He doesn't have any mission!" and Obanai was about to open his mouth to voice out his opinion, only to have himself stuttering when he took a good look at [name]'s smiling face.

Her dark blue ocean eyes held a little bit of hope in them. He then blushed slightly and Tengen soon noticed it, and a smirk appeared on his face. He then patted Obanai harshly on the back as he chuckled out.

"Of course, Iguro here will definitely accompany you!" Tengen added on, obviously putting pressure on Obanai, which then [name] noticed his discomfort.

"Iguro-san, if you're not free or don't want to accompany me, it's alright," [name] spoke and Obanai quickly shook his head in response. He didn't want [name] to think that he disliked her or anything.

[name] then smiled in response as she took his hand in her soft ones and smiled at him widely.

"Thank you! This means a lot to me!" she spoke, and her eyes widened when Obanai's face flushed red and he immediately fainted on the spot. [name] then started to panic and quickly checked his vitals while Tengen held him properly.

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