08. Burns

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[name] shifted slightly when she continued to smell the sweet scent of ohagi. She then slowly opened her dark blue ocean eyes and yawned, which she then sat upon the futon and rubbed her sleepy eyes in a gentle manner.

She then turned and noticed Sanemi was still fast asleep beside her and she frowned. That's when she realized it wasn't morning yet for the sun was not up at all. [name]'s ears then started to twitch slightly as she could hear the loud voices of her fellow girls in the brothel, and she shivered slightly.

Well, at least she didn't need to go through that.

She then thought that she should thank Haizaki when she reaches home.

[name] then shook Sanemi and he grunted in response. He then woke up and glared at [name] despite being sleepy still from just waking up.

"What the fuck do you want?" he muttered out and [name] pointed to the crow shadow that was looming about outside the door. He then sighed and slowly got up, quietly opening the door and allowing his crow to enter, along with [name]'s as well.

"Message... Message..." her crow whispered out and she nodded in response as she soon perched on [name]'s shoulder and whispered into her ear.

"Uzui Tengen has informed that he will be bringing you home tomorrow as he has already found the demon," and [name] nodded in response with a smile on her face. She then noticed Sanemi was getting up and got dressed properly, and [name] then realized he was scowling still.

"Shinazugawa-san, please stop scowling," [name] whispered as she stood up and walked over to where he was, using her fingers to poked his cheeks slightly. [name] then giggled a little when she noticed the slight blush on his face, and she smiled in response.

"I'm so tired..." [name] whispered out and Sanemi raised an eyebrow in response.

"We didn't even do anything, and you're tired?" he asked in a low voice and [name] slapped him on the chest.

"Stop talking to me in such a lustful manner, it's really very disturbing to me," [name] spoke with a slight blush on her face and Sanemi chuckled in response.

"I would prefer Iguro-san instead, at least he doesn't tease me in such a way," [name] mumbled out and Sanemi then tilts his head to the side and smirked.

"So, you do like him eh?" and [name] took the pillow and smacked him in the face.

"Annoying," she muttered out.

"Hey, don't get all moody on me just because I'm not your Iguro-san," Sanemi teased even more and [name] was about to land a punch on him, only to have the door to her room slide open. Sanemi immediately grabbed [name] by the waist and tugged her towards his body. He then turned and looked at who had entered and narrowed his eyes in response.

"Oi. I fucking bought her time, who the fuck are you?" Sanemi spat out and [name] smelt the familiar scent of the bandits that Obanai had beaten up earlier that day. [name] then watched as the Lady of the House tried to negotiate the bandits to leave, only to have herself being shoved away.

"Please sir, she is fully booked for the night," she tried to reason, and one of the bandits immediately brought out a sword and pressed it against the lady's neck. [name]'s eyes then widened and the next thing that happened was Sanemi running like the wind and immediately knocked them out.

He had knocked them back a little too much and it caused a hole in the room opposite of [name]'s room, and there they were watching a free show. The girl screamed in response as she quickly covered up and so did her buyer for the night.

"Shinazugawa-san, stop. Please!" [name] spoke out as she tried to hold back Sanemi from going on a rampage mode. [name]'s eyes widened when she was immediately tackled to the ground as she heard a gunshot, and she noticed the bullet just whizzing past her ear, right before she landed on the ground.

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