Our Lady of Sorrows

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Gerard's p.o.v.
"Becky?" I asked. We were in the library, working on our English project. Becky was looking around for books and I was flipping through magazines.
"Hm?" she asked, still focused on the book she had in her hands.
"What were you doing at breakfast that made Frank have to hold you back?"
"You heard me,"
"Those girls were just being rude and I had had it," she shrugged.
"You're not typically one to fight,"
"Yeah but what they were saying, it really got under my skin,"
"And what were they saying?" I asked, more intrigued now.
"Just some stuff," she spoke softy.
"Look, I need to know what they were saying so I know if I need to knock some heads,"
"They're girls,"
"Doesn't change the fact they were mean to you,"
"They weren't... saying anything about me," she sighed.
"Then who? Paige?"
"No, they were saying stuff about you," she whispered.
"Look, I like have a crush on you and it pissed me off that they had to audacity to talk about you in front of me," Becky said quickly.
"Hold up, you like me?" I asked, a little shocked.
"No Gerard, I just lied to your face," she said with a sarcastic tone.
"I mean, I've had a crush on you for forever and I thought it was obvious, why haven't you told me?"
"I don't fucking know," she set the book down and sat down.
"So now what?" I asked.
"I don't know, I mean, I like you, you like me. The fact that you haven't asked me out yet is kinda sad," she said, half way joking.
"Fine, Becky, will you go out with me?" I asked.
"Yes, now let's finish our project, I'm not failing because of this," she smiled and got up. She walked back over to the shelves and kinda giggled.

**in geometry**
Paige's p.o.v.

"Paige, can I ask you something?" Tyler asked me. We were in groups of two because we hated everyone else in the class.
"Sure," I said, not looking up.
"Has Jenna lost interest in me?"
"I don't know, why don't you ask her?"
"I think it's because we fucked," he shrugged. This made me pay attention. My eyes widen.
"Oh hush, I know that you already know about it ," he shook his head.
"This definitely seems like something you should talk about with her," I said, looking back down at my paper.
"Fine, I will," he started typing shit in the calculator. "But did she say anything like negative about it?"

"Not to me," I said.

Frank's p.o.v.

"Sup?" I asked Paige as she walked towards our table. Mikey, Gerard, and Becky were already here.
"Nothing," she shrugged, sitting down across from me.
"Where's that Jamia girl?" I asked.
"Shit, I forgot," Paige said. She turned around and saw her.
"Jamia!" she hollered. She noticed her and walked over.
"Hey," Paige said.
"You can sit over here," I waved for Jamia to come by me.
"Hey," Jenna sat next to Paige.
"Hi, Jen, this is Jamia," Becky introduced them.
"Have you talked to Tyler?" Paige muttered to her in a low tone.
"Not yet why?"
"He wanted to talk to you,"
"Okay well I'll worry about that later, right now, I'm hungry. Come one let's get some food," she got up.
"Not hungry today," Paige shrugged.
"Well, Jamia, come on, we'll get food together," she said. Jamia nodded and followed her. Paige sat her head on her hand and didn't talk to anyone.
"You good Paige?" Becky asked. She was sitting next to Gerard.
"Mhm," Paige nodded.
"BITCH!" Katelyn jumped on Paige.
"Katelyn, I swear to god," Paige put her hand on her heart.
"Sorry," she scooted off Paige and sat next to her.
"Jen's seat," Paige pointed out.
"Damn it, hey, where's that Jamia girl?" Katelyn asked.
"She's in line with Jenna," Mikey pointed at the line.
"Where she sitting?"
"Next to Frank," Paige smiled.
"Are you okay?" Katelyn asked.
"Yes I'm fine, why does everyone assume I'm not okay?" Paige asked.
"Because you're having a jank ass attitude with everyone and I wanna know why!" Katelyn yelled. "Who hurt you? I'll kill them,"
"No one dumbass, calm down," Paige said.
"Bullshit," Katelyn fake coughed.
"Fuck off," Paige got up and left.
"Alright who pissed her off?" Katelyn asked after she was gone.
"None of us did anything," Gerard said.
"What happened?" Jenna asked approaching the table.
"Someone pissed in Paige's cheerios," I said. Jamia, who had already sat down, laughed.
"Alright, I'll be back," Becky sighed, standing up.
*In the fancy bathroom*
Becky's p.o.v.

I walked to the "Fancy Bathroom," we called it that because it was the nicest bathroom in the whole school and had fancy ass water fountains.
"Paige?" I asked once I reached it. No answer. I walked over to the big bathroom stall, Paige, Katelyn, and I would all three go in there and stay for a whole period. We called it our apartment. I knocked on the door.
"Go away," Paige said.
"Dumb ass let me in,"
"Fine," I shrugged. I climbed on top of the toilet in the stall next to the big stall.
"I'm coming over," I threw one leg over top of the wall and hoisted myself over it.
"Talk to me," I said, landing on the ground with a thud. Paige shook her head.
"Is it because of Frank and Jamia?" I asked. Paige nodded.
"Look, I doubt they'll get together okay? I think she's trying too hard to fit in, and to be honest and she wouldn't fit with Frank. But you and Frank are like two halves of a whole. You guys go so well together and you're so alike,"
"I know! I'm the whole package," Paige said.
"And I know he loves you,"
"Yeah but maybe not in that way," Paige said.
"Then oh well, you can always get someone else,"
"I don't want anyone else," she said.
"I know," I bent down and gave her a hug. "Come on girl, I know you're hungry,"
"My stomach hurts," she said.
"You need to get those bad vibes out with shitty lunch food, come on," I pulled her out of the stall.
"Saw you sitting with Gee," she smirked.
"Oh yeah, he asked me out," I blushed.
"Did you say yes?"
"No, I broke his heart then sat with him at lunch to torture him a bit," I said sarcastically. She rolled her eyes.
"You gotta get this sarcasm thing checked out," she scoffed.
"Nah," I smiled...

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