Ran out of room in the first one so I made another one! Still random, still cringe, still three agents. And still basically a picture book but whatever.
Agent 3/Terrance Hunter
Agent 4/Juniper Eso
Agent 8/Kanji Eika
???/??? (Coming soon)
Just providing a picture of the agent trio to sort of reintroduce them (or introduce, for those who are new).
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The boy in the middle is Terrance Hunter, codename Agent 3. He's the most experienced agent of the three. In team missions, he usually takes the role of leader, but that can change depending on the type of mission.
The girl on the left is Juniper Eso, codename Agent 4. She hasn't been with the agency long, but she's just as potent as any other. She takes the leader role on missions involving lots of stealth.
The boy on the right is Kazuki Eika, codename Agent 8. Though new to the agency, he's no stranger to danger. He's a versatile fighter with a wide array of skills.