Chapter Six: "Trust issues"

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Madelaine's pov

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Madelaine's pov

I made it back to my apartment at 4:36am. After hours of filming scenes for the first episode of Riverdale I was somehow filled with weird energy. After I locked up I toss the keys onto the table and made my way into the kitchen.

I looked through the cabinets until i found the box I was looking for. Brown Sugar Cinnamon poptarts. I pulled out a package and placed the box back in it's spot before closing the cabinet and making my way onto the couch.

I picked up my ps4 controller and unplugged the charger cord before leaning back onto my couch, I pulled off my ugg boots and rested my feet on the table as I scrolled through my apps and landed on Netflix. When it opened I immediately went to my continue watching and clicked on Lucifer..

It's quickly become one of my favorite shows on netflix.

After about 20 minutes in and finishing the poptarts I got up to throw the wrapping away. When I walked back from the kitchen I heard a quiet knock on the wall.

I smiled when I remembered that me and Constantine did agree to talk around this time. I then walked over to the wall and sat down on the rug.

"You there, Red?" His voice asked coming through in a pretty quiet tone but loud enough for me to still hear him clearly.

"Yeah, im here."

"Good, how was your day?" He asked

"Tiring but also really fun. I got here like 30 minutes ago but I'm somehow full of energy so I'm up binging shows."

"I could hear the loud ass netflix sound a little while ago so I figured I'd let you watch your show." He says

"I've binged it before, I wouldn't missed anything if you wanted to talk earlier."

"No it's okay, I'm glad we're talking now." He says

"Me too, by the way. Im watching Lucifer, you ever heard of it."

"It's my 3rd favorite show after The Office." He says

"Absolutely love The Office, but what's your first favorite?"

"Okay.. so don't judge me because all my asswipe friends do." He says

A loud laugh escaped my mouth but I tried by hardest to stop laughing as I covered my mouth with my hand. "Okay, sorry about that. This is a no judge zone."

"Okay, you have a cute laugh by the way." He says

I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks and I covered my face, then I rolled my eyes at myself for doing that because it's not like he can actually see me.

"Oh, thanks."

"You're welcome." He says "But uh my favorite show is... Riverdale." He says

My eyes widened as I managed to force a reply out of my self.

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