Candce tries to bust the boys .

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One day Candce was so fed up with busting and falling. She took things to drastic measure.. c: I am going to bust them before they wake . So she grabes ferb first. He is still sleeping . He is snoring loadly . As she carries him to the closet., than she goes to pick up Phineas . Unfortunately he is a light sleeper. He wakes up when she lifts him out of bed.
P; Candce where are you taking me . Phineas is still sleepy and can't really see much . c; go back to sleep. I am taking you to a special spot where you can cuddle with perry . P ; now phineas is fully up and not pleased to be woken up by his sister. P; my alarm was set to wake me not you . He knows whst Candce is up too. He knows his sister well . Are you are waking me up. To bust me ? C; yes
P ; now phineas was mad , put me down Candce, I haven't built anything yet , this is crossing the line . You are crazy . She drops him , Phineas glares at her .p; you are not locking me in there. He points to the closet . C: o really? Watch me . Maybe I will leave you in there for good in there this time . P; He gasps . You wouldn't dare do that to me . I am your brother . You will treat me with respect. Also I am calsofobic Candce . You put me in there and  I will puke every where .  Then you will have to clean up the mess. C: do you think I care . P; You done something like this to me before when I was younger, c: but that was a different reason .  I did that because you were being embarrassing and I had it with you . P: I know that . I said sorry and you shoved me in the closet anyway . Mom had to let me out since you refused to , unless you want mom involved don't do this to me .   You are not getting away with this Candce., .   C; Phineas   P: O no you are not  laying anther hand me today . C; tell me why you  didn't want to ask Issy out than did  .   P; what that's got do with you wanting to bust me ?  C; it doesn't I am just curious.  But I still want bust you for what ever your planning doing today . P: ugh Candce when will stop busting us ?  For you information I didn't date Issy until now because we were friends. I didn't want ruin what we had .  Than I finally did it because I had feelings for her , you got a problem with me dating Isabella?  C; No  p :  he is still pissed he is up . I didn't think so ! C. ; that's it !  Now Candce was mad  at Phineas. You are annoying me since you keep yelling. , in you go . She pushs him in . Have fun . P; Your so cruel.    You got a cold heart and you also you don't care about me or ferb. May you riot in hell for this .  C : screw you Phineas .  P: Have you learned anything from last time you did this  to me ? Well   I have learned something from last time . And. That is your not going to get you what you want by locking me up . I am here for the long term whether you like it or not sister your stuck with me . .   Also I learned your nothing but a snitch . I looked up to you . c; well I don't care how you feel about all this , just get back in the closet before I grab you by the hair and drag you there . P; why are you being so mean to me ? I didn't hurt you . Why are doing this to me ? You are a real missed up person if you think this ok . You are a awful role model for me and ferb , He runs out the closet.  He is in-tears. He picks up perry and cry's in him . Some how he gets picked up again by Candce, . p:  how did you find me ? Hey let me go Candce,    He drops perry in the process of being picked up . She shoves back in the closet. C: as to answer that question you cry really ugly and load , so I tracked the sound down and found you . .She glares at him also your inventions are so stupid l I bet you there is nothing you can do to escape the closet . I win this time . Your busted . Why can't you be a normal boring brother instead of building things .?  I wish you never built anything again .
P; You don't meant that . I know you love my inventions that is why you always want mom to see them . Also , That's rude Candce to say that about my projects I work hard on them you got no right to say what you said about them . You know this is not fair  to lock me up against my will in here .  i could puke my self to death, in here , If I die it's on you .  I hate you Candce . He starts crying again feeling betrayed by his sister.   Let me leave  now Candce. This is not cool .  Your the worst sister. Why I even bothered to tell you how I feel . I still don't know . You are the only one busted in this house not me or ferb . You are crazy Candce and have lost your marbles.   You left me alone to die ? You are going to pay for this .  You suck Candce. I wish you were  never my sister. Yoou deserve to roit in hell . I hate that I am related to you .  You discuss me . I hate everything about you . You should hate your self for locking me up like some animal.this is child abuse. You are going againist the law . I have had with you amd your busting stuff . You drive me crazy . I rather be looked up alone in her than out there with you . You are no sis to me ., he starts crying.
C: life isn't fair Phineas. She shuts the door and locks it .  Not feeling sorry for Phineas who is in tears as she leaves him. I finally busted them . Yes I am a genius. She smiles and locks the boys in closet.
P; still crying . Let me out Candce. He bangs on the door. After a few mins he realized she left him amd stops banging . Realizing he 'is stuck in the closet for a while. He try's to call his mom . She doesn't answer. So he cry's more .
F; Hey do not cry any more Phineas . Wipe your tears don't like seeing you upset . She isn't worth your tears Phineas , she is a really is an idiot to do this to us .  She think we can't get out . I think she she's wrong .  Don't listen to her , she doesn't know whst she is talking about .  I am sure you will be ok Phineas . Because I am here with you .  Also, I thought of some ways we can escape from here.
P; he gasps, He turns around to see ferb .  Boy I am I glad to see you , he hugs him . I can't believe it this ferb . she put you in here too ?
F; yes while i was sleeping. Not cool on her part.
P:  ugh l want to punch her so hard for doing this to us, no body messes with phineas and ferb . I got an idea , let's try to pick the lock . Candce will get it once I get out of here .
F; it will not budge
P: I left my tools in the gurage . We are stuck here . I can't escape in time it will just be you ferb , leave me here .  I am feeling light headed can't think of any ways to get of here soon  . I think am going to pass out . Before passing out he calls Isabella, He is mange's to says theses words . hey ferb and I need your help . We are stuck in a closet because Candce locked us in here , she went crazy with busting and locked up so we couldn't build today . We need you to be over as soon as possible, I am not feeling to well . I can't breathe Issy . I; i am coming Phineas. P: hurry I can't hang on-much longer i feel like fainting.. he falls to the floor . I: no . Please  do not faint Phineas.  Hang on Phineas  . I am on my way. I am coming to save you ,. F; Phineas ! Please wake up .    O no . This allmy sisters fault her Stupid busting obsession did this to Phineas. You will pay for this Candce. You wil rue this day sister.
He grabs the phone from Phineas who is passed out , Isabella it's ferb , Phineas is passed out , we need you here . It's code red . Isabella knows thst when there's a code red , it means Phineass life is in danger, she also knows it means ferbs life is danger too , hearing this she hangs up and sprints over to Phineas and ferbs home . She pulls open the sliding door , she finds the key to the closet and opens the door . The sight she sees ,makes her burst into tears . Ferb is holding a unconscious Phineas in his arms . Phineas looks like he is dead . Ferb looks like he been crying . He is desperate to save Phineas. He carries him out of the closet. He places him on the sofa. He does some CPR on him . Phineas wakes up . I ; Thank god for you ferb . You saved Phineas .  you did it . She hugs him .p; ferb? F; yes. P; how are we out of the closet ?
I : i saved you Guys by finding the key .
P: thank you for rescuing us . We would have died if it wasn't for you , Isabella your my hero. l owe my life and ferbs as well,
I; thanks Phineas.    This why you will always be my favorite brother.   She kiss his cheek , that's for being my hero every day .  They hug .
P; thank you Issy. Your definitely one of closest friends . Glad you came to the rescue. 
I ; well I was going to head over here anyway to what you were doing.
P; lol well I am really glad you stopped by .
I; me too . It was worth saving your life and ferbs too  . You are both my best friends .
P:  thank you Issy, I couldn't agree more .
Candce stomps in and in trumps the conversation they are having .  C; how did you get out ?
P; Candce your stomping scared me .  It simple we picked the lock
C, sorry my angry foot steps scared you . You win this time . Next time you will will be busted .
F; Candce next time don't stomp like a Dino when your upset.
C; that's rude . I wast that load .
P; yes you were . You woke perry up from his nap and you scared us.
C/ what ever Phineas . Sorry again . She try's to leave but Phineas and ferb shove her in the closet.issy laughs at Phineas and ferb pushing Candce in.
P=; if I were you I would never mess with us again. You are so not sorry. You will try to bust us  tomorrow .  I told you wouldn't get away with this and you didn't believe me .
F: I am not happy with  you .  I hope learned your lesson and he shuts the door. We got her good . I don't feel bad for her .
P, me nether . She got whst she deserved. Pay back . That's what I call what we did today .  operation get Candce busted is complete.
they five each other.  F; yes we did it . She will be-in there for  a while . Laughing as Candce screams at them to let her out . She bangs on the door. But they left her there . c , Stupid Phineas and ferb . I hate you both . Phineas and ferb hear this they laugh at her lashing out them for putting her in the closet.
A few mins go by and Jeremy comes and rescues her ,Then shortly after that the parents of Candce and Phineas and ferb come home . They eat dinner then they to bed for the night .perry was tired from fighting doof and fell asleep through dinner .  He woke up hungry in the middle of night and went to see if there was food in his bowl.   He found there was some in there he ate it then went back to bed . He climbed into Phineas's bed and fell asleep to Phineas's breathing.  Ferb had nightmare and ended up climbing in bed with them . Than he went back to bed . 

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