Hotest day of the summer

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One morning the boys were setting under the tree. They were thinking about all the times they spent building under the tree . The boys were relaxing taking it easy since it hot outside they really didn't feel like doing much. p: Hey ferb do you remember how we met when we were younger. F: yes . P: ,me too that was the best day ever. Meeting you the day we met I knew we would be best friends. He picks up a book of inventions that Irving made him on his birthday . Look at all the fun things we did since then. If it wasn't for my mom marring your dad then we wouldn't know ether and none the stuff we did this summer would have happen. Have you ever wondered what you life would be if you didn't come to America and stayed in England ? Ferb Nods his head: yes but I think i would have missed out on meeting you and your friends here . Back at home had no friends because my mom really didn't let me go out of the house much. She wasn't the nicest to my dad or me so he left the house and came to America. P; i am so sorry that happened you didn't deserve to have that happen to you no one does. I love you and that will not happen again as long as I am here. I don't rember much about my dad . But I do know he did look like me. mom says I am a lot like him . Candce says my dad favorited me amd mom was angry one day that he wasn't paying attention to Candce and poof he was kicked out . Phineas starts tearing up he remembers the yelling of his parents. He also remembers thinking when he was younger it his fault dad left. He still sometimes thought that . I am sorry I am crying it's just so emotional then story you told me and the one I told you . I feel thankful to have you here . Just image a life without building with me that would boring. Just thinking about how I could have a life that didn't have you in it that scares  the crap out of me .  He shudders . At the thought that his brother might be gone . I really don't want lose you .  my dad left me when I was younger and I sometimes think your leaving me next.please don't ever leave me like he did I don't think I can handle it if that happened again my family. Phineas stars at ferb . I can't bear to think about what my life would be without you . I can't help but thinking your dad might leave my mom. That's when Phineas breaks down in tears .    Ferb I need you . He cry's harder and reaches out to ferb for a hug. Ferb hugs him. Phineas sobs in his arms . I am sorry ferb I feel horrible I should not have told you those thoughts. . F: its good you told me this stuff. I am not going to leave you . My dad is happily married and  we are step brothers forever. My dad loves America and loves you and your mom and me and Candce too. P: I know but I still fear this will all go away one day like our inventions do . O ferb I don't know what to do .  Please help me I am loosing ,my mind here . I am so scared. Phineas is hyperventilating like crazy as he tells his bother the following . I fear I might lose the life I have because it has happened before to me. Ferb looks at Phineas places his arms on his brothers shoulders. All the color was drained from his face. Ferb can feel him trembling. He can see the fear in his brothers eyes and on his face. He could see Phineas has been crying too. His cheeks were streaked with tears. He could hear his brother hyperventilating as well. Phineas ; ferb? Ferb is staring in to space . He hated Seeing phineas like this made his blood pressure boil . He was angry that Phineas father left him and that was the reason why Phineas feared that something else would be gone from his life. Phineas was hanging on to ferb like he was not going to see him again. That was rare for Phineas to be scared this badly and rare for him to cry so much. Phineas was shaken up pretty badly. Ferb was always sure Phineas was the braver one of them . Phineas was the one who helped him when he needed it . Now it was ferbs turn to calm down Phineas. He ran in get a glass of water for Phineas . What he sees when comes back makes him stop dead in his tracks. He is his brother lying on the floor with his hand on his heart. His brother was Looked terrified. P; why did you leave me ? ferb I cant breathe. Feel my heart is beating so fast. This snapped ferb out of his thoughts.. F: I am not going anywhere you are not. I will always be by your side. o ferb I don't know where I be with out you. With that he hugs Phineas F; Thank you Phineas. For being there for me when I need it and I will always be there when you needed it . P, Thanks ferb you are the best . I gess I really have nothing to fear now you here  by my side. I can't be scared Knowing. I am safe with you . He hugs ferb . You make me feel so safe do not ever let go . I love you ferb . F. I love you too. I will Not let go any time soon . They stay there hugging for. A while. Until. Ferb breaks the hug. F : feeling beetter now P. Yes I am thanks to you. Ferb : Good to hear man bro it  is hot out here  . Lets build a pool, P: ferb I know what we're going to do today . Hey Phineas whatcha doing  p: hey Isabella we are making a pool .  Isabella; Cool you need help.  P; Sure.  I; Come on girls we have to help Phineas amd ferb., buferd; man I cant believe how huge that pool is . C: you guys are so busted. Balljett; when will she learn she can't bust you guys . F; I got no clue.   P; Nice bathing suit issy.   I: Thanks  I am wearing a red  one. to match your hair. She blushes. P; he blushes. I can see that . He smiles at her. He puts on sun glass and passes ferb a maching one . By the way Isabella Red is a good color on you . Isabella. : thank you she blushes . Phineas; your so cute when you blush . I: thanks that makes issy blush more her cheeks are tomatoe red . Phineas: your cheeks match my hair . I: she looks down in embarrassment and blush's more she is redder than her bathing suit. I like your blue swim swimsuit. Can you remove your sun glasses please. P: thank you . fine but my eyes are sensitive to the sun. that why I got them on today . I: welcome . please Phineas. She makes a puppy dog face . P; fine . He takes them off his eyes sparkle in the sun. I; you got such beautiful blue eyes Phineas- . Bye the way your swim suit brings out your eyes. P; thank you , . Isssy . He blushes. I; aww cute your as red as your hair. Welcome . Phineas; blushes in embarrassment. He covers face  and puts back on his sun glasses.  By now all the children have  Put  on suntan lotion .    Expect for issy who asks phineas to rub some lotion on her back . He does this. Than she returns the favor, Then Phineas smiles at Isabella and pushes her in the pool. She laughs and splashs him . He ends up jumping in the water . They both laugh. ferb splashes him by jumping in the pool buferd comes in the water a does a dive and gets everyone wet. Balljett jumps in last . He was scared to jump in so  he jumps in with eyes closed . Phineas and ferb race  each other. Phineas wins. Buferd is playing volleyball with balljett and Isabella and Isabella is winning . Than the ball gets stuck in the net . Buferd grabs it and chucks it over. Issy hits it . It hits candce who is walking over to bust the boys. She trips and and screams at them for hitting her. The kids laugh at her .. she is stil angry and is trying to find her brothers, phineas and ferb hear Candce and dunk underneath the water. C; Hey kids where are my brothers, we don't know buferd says. C; Well all of you are busted. After she leaves Phineas and ferb pop back up. Phineas sees Isabella in the water her red bekinni shows her stomach. He sees that her stomach has goosebumps on it.   He reaches out to touch it. He could not help it . She is  to cute not to touch, he could feel the goosebumps as he touched her exposed stomach.   She shivers at his touch.  This makes Phineas pull his hand away . He was afraid to hurt her, Phineas gets his courage up  enough to take closer look at her whole body in the bathing suit he sees that issy  is pretty in her bathing suits. Then backs up again.  I : why did  you back away from me ? Is everything ok? What's the matter phineas you didn't like touching me? Phineas: I loved touching you. I : than why you stop. P : issy Got so much stay right now . Just having trouble coming up with the right words to say. Isabella moves a bit closer to him P : Isabella you look so sexy in that suit.and because you look so good. I worry that i cant control my self when i around you . I am  nervous to go closer to you issy  he bits his lip , because you are pretty girl  that I  like.  I: don't be come closer Phineas I want you to .  Plus you look so hot in that bathing suit. I  want feel your abs. I can seem them since you got no shirt on,Phineas takes a deep breath and gets closer. His heart is pounding as he steps closer . Isabella, reaches out to touch his abbs.  her touch was making Phineas go crazy. He wanted more of her,  she stopped touching him and he examines the rest of her body .  She has such a nice but he thought.  He grabbed it .  She let out a moan .  He let he steps back so  the rest of her bathing suit . He sees her boobs.  She smiles at him.  I; you like what you see ?   Phineas  nods his head.  I ; Go on touch them . I know you want to  do it .  You can take off the top if it is easier to touch them.  He gulps . He is so nervous because this his first time touching a girls bobs. His fingers were  shaking from his nerves as he untied her bathing suit top .  He was scared to  touch her Breasts . He wasn't sure how to touch them with out hurting her . He hesitates before he reaches out to touch them .he sees goosebumps on her bobs amd her tits were sticking out . Are  you cold issy ?  No Phineas I am not .    Phineas didn't believe her .  Are you sure ?  Your boobs say other wise you got goosebumps on them he says as he touch's her breasts. Your nips are hard too. Your breast's are cold I can tell issy .   Well Phineas am not cold keep my top off, in fact to prove I am not cold take the rest of my bathing suit off.  He did that .  He could see her arms and legs are covered in goosebumps  and her but was covered in goosebumps too. He looks at her pussy.  He touches it .   He hears  her moan.  He  can feel her  pussy getting damp.    She  shivers  in delight  to his gentle  touch.  He stops and looks at her pussy  . again     Now he sees goosebumps on her pusssy and the rest of her body.   She had smile on her face .    She looked so cute .He could not help giggling  a bit at her  and smiling back  than asking her  this are you sure you dont want me to but this stuff back on you. I : Yes.  He sees her shiver and sees her lips turning blue her teeth are chattering from the cold water. Phneas thinks his head issy looks cold .    Yet she doesn't want her bathing suit back on. I should take out of the pool.   But first let me see  if can change her mind.   Can't have her going outside of the pool naked.  I; Phineas I am cold . She can  feel her heart beat faster as  Phineas looks at her as she walks closer to him.   Phineas could feel the butterflies in stomach increase as  Issy comes closer to him  to get warmer . He wraps his arms around her to keep her  warm for a bit than lets go.   p; I can tell  you this issy your cold because your naked.     Now she was so close he could smell  the  chlorine in her hair,   Here Let me  help you put on your bathing suit back on..  there you go . feel warm now ? I. No . Phineas I am still cold.    P.   He looks at her . She is shivering harder then before and her lip are blue from the cold water,  her blue lips matched Phineas eyes.  her teeth were chattering loader  then it was before.  P: i am as well issy. I wish ferb and I  Built heaters in the water.  Or at least a pool where there  is warmer  water. He shivers. Isabella walks closer to him and they hug to keep them warm . P; let's get out the water that will makes us warm , they both step out they get towels each other . Phineas is drying his hair with a second towel.  This turns Isabella on. She smiles at this .. Buferd; the water is not cold for me . He is the only one in the pool  since Balljett was out of the water getting the chlorine out his eyes.  Ferb  was. Out of the  pool already before him because Phineas was out . He takes a towel amd dry his hair.  Phineas did you meAn before hot tub ? P; yes. That's what met bro ferb sees that Phineas is shivering . And so is issy he can see Phineas desperately trying to warm them both . Ferb giggles at his brothers attempt to get issy and him warm. Phineas was failing warm them both at the same time  . it was a pretty funny site too see.    Phineas was getting frustrated with fact he was not warming them and annoyed that ferb was laughing at them . F: I agree we should have added a hot tob. He leaves and gives them time alone.  Once ferb is gone  Phineas sighs . He has shirt off and his hair is damp .  He is still wet from the pool and he was still struggling to keep him and Isabella warm . He can feel her wet hair on him . That wasn't helping his case. That made the young inventor shiver harder. The water dripping from her was dripping on Phineas. He was bit more cold because of this . they hugged to keep warm, here Isabella take my towel it will keep you warm . Phineas I can't take that from you   You need it Isabella your cold . but Phineas your cold to. P, You need it more than me . It's better I freeze my but off then you freeze yours I; Phineas I don't like seeing you cold. P; gosh . Issy your freezing . I ; So are you Phineas .   P; I can feel you shivering issy . I wish I could warm you up more but used all my warmth I got on you . The young boy shivers . Isabella looks at him . I; Phineas I know your cold . I can see you shivering and hear your teeth chattering. She runs to hug her crush. I hate seeing you cold .Phineas let's go In before you catch a cold , Phineas  : Isabella I was going to say the same thing to you . We are both cold and it is much warmer inside. They walk inide.  P; let's take off. our wet Stuff gang . Buferd; That was fun. The gang changed out of there wet clothing and Isabella , and balljett and buferd go home . Phineas: we fun today bro. F; really . Balljett got chlorine in his eyes from the pool and his eyes were red . You were cold the whole time and so was Isabella. Buferd was the only one enjoying it . It really wasn't as good as I thought. P; i gess you can say that poor Isabella was still cold when she left . Gave her a sweatshirt of mine to keep her warm f; well I am sure she liked that . P; yes yes she did- Hey there are perry. You missed out on all the fun.  F: you and Isabella were cute today.  P: thank you . I think I might ask her out some time . She really was into me today and I had blast  with her and I like her very much .  F: well its about time you ask her out and glad your finally falling for her.   P: you got no i dea ferb. I got it bad for her.   F : than   Ask her out one day.
P: i will ask her out Tom.    F: sounds good . Don't forget about it .  I will not .

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