Phineas and ferb preform jonas brothers songs

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Hey ferb  rember when we went to that concert with Isabella; whst that band called we saw?
Ferb nods his head.   F: it was good. The band was call Jonas Brothers.
Well we should definitely cover their songs .
P; couldn't agree more .  Hey ferb I know whst we're going to do today . We are going to build a stage and make the biggest concert ever . We can be super stars for one day . Omg we could be like the Jonas Brothers.  f; They are definitely rock star material. They are so inspirational. They came from nothing and were rock stars sorry Candce  is fan of these that why I know this not because I like them . P ; so what if you do like them. I know I do because of Isabella bring me ti the concert.  The became famous because of Disney.   Issy knows more facts if you want to learn more about them she is your girl.  She knows everything about the,m. It gets annoying because she keeps talking to me about them. This concert we do will make her happy . I am no fan of them ether bro but if me doing this puts  a smile on Issy than I am in . I do anything to make her happy, she deserves the world. An amazing friend she is to get the tickets for me .  F: I agree . I think Disney could make us famous too .  P:  hey ferb we just broke the forth wall. They high five each other . F; Technically we are already known by Disney so thud should not be a problem for us . P: why didn't I think of that ? We should give them a call  them to ask any way.   F; Sounds good bro . Let's call.  They call Disney and get a meeting with some famous stars on Disney.  The boys  go to meeting some Disney people at  the meeting Gave them permission to sing  the Jonas Brothers songs .   But a surprise was there . It was the Jonas Brothers,  they came to meet Phineas and ferb . Since they liked them so much when they met at concert. They let them cover  many of thier hits as they wanted.    The boys wish Phineas and ferb good luck and leaves to head home to their wives. After they left they called Phineas and ferb to teach them all their songs just incase they were covering  them all at the concert.  Lucky for them Phineas and ferb we're still a the meeting picking up their stuff to head out.   After the call  Phineas and ferb walk home. So they can get ready for the show . Now the boys are seen on a huge stage they built in their backyard, Phineas is doing a back flip . He plains today do it in the concert.    Isabella comes in the gate , she sees the back flip .  O wow Phineas . I didn't know you could do thst .   P, o Issy you scared me . When did you get here ?  I ; Sorry Phineas . I just got here now . I came by to see watcha doing ?  She batts her eyes at Phineas trying to get his attention . It works  but not in the way she wanted it to .  P; that's ok Issy. Issy sighs because Phineas doesn't get she flirting with him .  He still not looking at her and is instead working on the project . He is finishing up what he was working on . He then turns around from where he was standing to greet his friend . Before he turned around he was hooking up a microphone to the stage .  He could stop what he was doing because he was in mid inviter mode before . From watching Phineas every day Issy knows there is no way of getting Phineas to stop what his doing. Once he has his mind set on something he will not stop working on it until it is finished. Issy knows ferb is this way as well when it comes to inventions. So Isabella had no choice to wait for phinams and ferb to be done doing whatever they were doing . So when phiness was done working he turned around and saw Isabella standing there in her pink dress with  big simile on and twirling her hair  trying to get his attention . This still does not work. Phineas just looks at her confused about whst she is doing . Ferb knew She is trying a second  attempt to flirt with her crush . As Issy waits for his answer she bits her lip than makes a pouting face. P;  he thinks in his Head ah my favorite catch Frase .  Dam it I love that cute voice she has She looks so adorable today . With her big pink bow in her hair , her black raven hair and her outfit. I love her outfit. Omg I can't think theses things she's my best friend . Why am I having these thoughts? They are so improper of me to have towards her . Whst is wrong me ? I can't stop staring at her amd smiling. Aww She has a cute smile he is zoned out thinking about Isabella ferb nudges his shoulder. Ferb how long has she been waiting my response to her question . ? F ; for a while . P : to ferb . I am going answer her question now so she is not waiting any more . t I will talk to you later about theses feelings I got for Isabella . Ferb: ok. P; to ferb O no this getting bad I think I like more than a friend. but I can't  tell her that . That would ruin the friendship I have . To him self. Keep it together Phineas .  He starts to take some deep breaths to calm him down . He was letting his thoughts take over witch was not good . Ferb was looking phiness and Isabella confused about what whst is going on in between them , he backs away from to give them time to talk . P ; still think in his head. Hey where did ferb go ? I am not sure where is but I can look later for him . O boy issy is staring at me  weirdly since I am taking so long to answer when I normally don't take this long .    Issy is still smiling at him waiting for answer , she is taking the time to think about Phineas how good he looks in his normal stuff.  She hated this new look of his . It wasn't him . He was trying to be  something he wasn't .  What is  up with that wig he is wearing it is so ugly? I want my normal red head crush back  not this .  She still thinks Phineas looks good in his outfit he has on today even though  they do look odd on him . Phineas clears is voice. This got Issys attention. P;  Hey there Isabella I am preforming some covers of Jonas Brothers sings with ferb .  So How so do I look? I : I liked the old you better . She was honest with him . She hated the wig on him .   But didn't want hurt him and say that .  She looks sadly at him . P ; Issy I am not a different person because I am doing covers of songs . I am still me . I : I am happy to hear that . But Phineas listening this music isn't your thing . Also singing sings thst you didn't write . That's not the Phineas I know . Where has the phiness that build things gone ? The music you are listening to changing you , I love the Jonas Brothers  but you're not Nick Jonas your Phineas Flynn .  You are a creative soul and you invent new things every day . This is not you . Did  you give up building for his concert?  As much as I love the Jonas Brothers I love you more than them . I want the real you back ! Not  this fake you doing covers to songs you don't know well.  I like your that you are coving thier music but you didn't need the wig or to the clothing change . You could have sang normally apdress like you normally do with out a wig . No one can see it you . They Weill not no the difference between you and nick Jonas . But I know the difference . You don't belong in the rock star life . You tried the one hit wonder thing already this summer . Why are you suddenly doing something similar that? You didn't even write your own music this time . I want you  put your own spin on thier songs. . Be creative not just sing thier songs the way they do. Creativity is the best part of you Phineas I would hate for that to go away for a stupid concert. 
P; I didn't stop building for this .  I built the stage with ferb today. The one we are standing on .  Bid not about the fame or the fact we done a similar thing . It's about the fans . Having a good time on stage with my brother . Hell I would perform for free if I wanted to . I love to sing no matter whst the music is . It inspires others . Music is an a big part of me you should give the concert a chance. Issy it's only one day of me being a rockstar than I go back to my normal boring life . I : your life is not normal or boring . You are an awesome inventor . You make the most of ever day tonight is no different from any other day . I was wrong you didn't change. You never fail to amaze me . P: thank you Issy . Balljett; hey Phineas please don't change for any fan girls. That's the issue with many rock stars theses days . P; I will not I wil be me no matter what . Ferb is still him too. next him Is ferb  he smiles at them and gives the group a thumbs up . He is dressed as joe , than comes in buferd dressed as big rob. Buferd  : i am also me  guys just incase you had any doubts I changed.  The k group laugh at buferd outfit. Buferd; ok I get it I look funny but I sing a rap tonight when that happens  I will laugh at your shocked faces .    P: Jeremy is still him too guys . Than in walks Jeremy dressed as kivin.  He has a guitar and is ready for practice before the show ..  he nods ti the group mans smiles at them to let the, know Phineas was right he hasn't changed,  he puts on his kivin wig on and ferb buts in his joe wig back in he took his off to show the group it was still him .  Isabella leaves the boys to practice and takes balljett with her . I ; Hold on balljett I got to say something to Phineas please go on with out me . Balljett: ok . She comes back to the room where the boys are playing music.   I: Hey Phineas     The boys stop playing music and look up at her  shocked she is back so soon .  P; Issy? Your still here .Thought you left already. Did you forget something?  I ; I guess  you can say that .  she leans in and kisses him on the lips . Phineas kisses her back with out hesitation. They both pull out of the kiss out of breath . Phineas Is trying to catch his breath still , p: did you just kiss me ? His voice is airy ,. He is shocked  Isabella kissed  him . she smiles at him I : yes I did phin . It was for good luck for tonight. P: with thst kiss I know I will do well. She kisses him again. P : hey Issy. I ;yes: Phineas was so nervous ask her out. He thought he might puke on her . P; will you go out with me to celebrate my big night ? . I ; yes I will with thst she kiss him on the check he blush's at her response. and They go to celebrate  just the two of them with ice cream at near by I cream place . Phineas pays for them both ., at the ice ream place Hines feeds Isabella some of his ice cream to try l the flavor was called monster mash .   She thsts fed him hers in return it was called cookies and cream . They both got toppings on theirs and  they both chooses whip cream. But Phineas added rainbow sprinkles and chocolate sprinkles and a cherry and Isabella added a cherry and  chocolate chips to hers and some hot fudge  with marshmallows on top of her cone ,     P: Now that's a piece of art work Issy  he points ti her I cream .  I : thank you but I think you got the most creative none between us two .  They laugh and Phineas wips some ice cream off Issys face and kisses her . He also had his arm around her as the ate their  delicious creations. They got ice cones  so they could eat it faster .  then they left to go get ready for the show . Phineas even gets Issy backstage tickets for tonight. I : thank you for everything you are so sweet Phineas like the ice cream we had together ,   P; thank you . No problem for everything you are my  best friend you should not need to pay for the date or the concert.  Issy hugs him I : thank  you again Phineas ; it was my pleasure.  He hugs her back . 

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