Phiness and ferb fight and candce ruins invation

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One day the boys are deciding on what to do . Phineas comes up with the idea to build  some bumper cars in the backyard.  Ferb  starts building it with him than he finds out thier is issue With  the muchine. It seemed to be Turing on randomly when Ferb was not even touching the controls. They find out there is a glitch in the muchine and fix it . Then Phineas gets his friends and they go to ride it .  ferb stays behind not wanting the muchine to glich out again. He rufues to ride it no matter how much phiness wants him to join them . Phineas gets off the ride to  talk to ferb . They never fight on things. Ferb always agrees with him . But today was different ferb got hit by some green ray and starting fighting with Phineas telling him this was a stupid  idea to build a ride that keeps glitching out . They end up arguing for awhile about hoe to fix the glitch. They couldn't agree on how to fix the glitches.  The fight the was getting ugly. Buferd was enjoying it he loved a good fight.   But after a while he got annoyed that fight wasn't ending.  Ferb even punched phiness in the eye to get him to shut up . He also slaps him and tells him he is stupid to build things that don't work . I : This argument is stupid not phiness . F; think what you want. You will soon see how stupid he is being . Ferb thinks the ride is not safe . Phiness thinks it is , there argument makes there friends worry about  them . They never seen Phineas and ferb fight . They wanted to check In on Phineas to see how he was doing but when they did they found Phineass crying because ferb yelled  at him , at this point phiness thinks ferb hates him . He was sad and didn't want to build anything any more . His friends talk to ferb . He said phiness should apologize he didn't listen to him . He told phiness it was dangerous to ride yet he still didn't listen to him  , he put everyone's life on the line  and should have gotten off it the second he told him to . So the friends get Phineas and ferb togther . They fooled them into thinking they were  going to a surprise Party . they have them both blind folded . Then unfortunately when they got to yard to unblind fold them things got worse . Phiness was not happy to see ferb .  P; what is he doing here ? You said he wouldn't be here  . I really don't want to hear anther word you say ferb. Unless it's sorry  f,: are you kidding me ? you are the one who needs to say sorry not me . if this is what you guys think will make each start talking with phiness again than you are mistaken.  I am out of here . Ferb try's to walk out the yard but is blocked by Issy .  She brings him back to talk to Phineas.  P; I don't get why I got go say sorry ferb . All I did was make a invention and ask you to join then you lost it .  Why did you yell at me in-front of everyone ? You embarrassed me in-front of everyone .   F; sorry I embarrassed you . You got to be more careful when it comes to building stuff .  the glitch that appeared on the screen of our invention was something I could have fixed if you didn't go back on it .   P; are you telling these my fault and that nothing would have gone wrong if I just listened to you ? F; yes , to both of the questions.  P; well  why don't you ask everyone else who they think started this fight ,  Why don't you ask them if something would have gone wrong if listened to you .  f; no I am not getting them involved in our business. This is between me and you .   You should take a chill pill Phineas . This fight happened because you didn't listen to me. I said the ride was not safe . You could have  gotten hurt . What where you thinking ? This is just a stupid invention. We can make plenty others . You need to stop yelling and see the truth is we messed up . I think we should just get rid of this invention . Make new one instead thst not broken and unsafe . You are not even letting me try to fix the invention. Your standing in the way of it , P; ugh , I like the muchine the way it is.  I don't see the glitches the screen your talking about. I don't think any improvements are needed. The only thing  that is needed is that you stop yelling at me and thinking I did this when your at just at just as much as fault as me . You started this fight . You find away to end this .  You dragged me into this argument. I don't want to fight with you I'm the first place . F;  Don't make me feel like i was wrong when I know you were .  P; that's not true . I was the one who just wanted to have fun . You ruined everything.   I don't ever want build with you again . F; o don't be so dramatic.  . I know you are upset . I know you are saying things you don't mean. You got a whole summer to build with me . Come on let this invention go.  P; fine . No one gets to ride the ride . He unplugs the muchine . The muchine blows up . P: it's a good thing no one was riding it .  Some one could have died ,wait a second you were trying to tell me that all long weren't you ferb? Me nods his head .  Are you happy now ?  F; yes. I am happy now . Thank you Phineas .was that so hard . ?   P; No . It wasn't.  you called the invention stupid . That hurts.   F; Phineas I didn't mean that was angry . I love all the inventions we make . It's just that that one was unsafe so I did t want you to ride it untill we fixed it .  P; why didn't you say that before? We could have avoided the whole fight we had .  F; your right I should have done that before , sorry phiness about all this .  P; it's fine just don't fight with me again . if you disagree on something let me know a head of time .  F; ok . I love you , no more fighting.    P; I love you too , I hate  fighting with you and hurting you , it was hard not talking to you for a while when you were upset.      F; yes it was. Sorry I got so mad before.  P; that's ok . Sorry I didn't listen to you .  Are we cool ?  F; We  are cool .  He shakes phiness hand.  They both hug . Phineas :  they say home is where the heart is . That could not be more true with you ferb. We got a special bond between us that nobody else has . Glad I didn't lose you over a stupid argument.   F; couldn't agree more .  You mean more to me than any invention we ever made . P; I agree . They seat in silence for a few mins . Than Phineas talks again .  P; Hey ferb , promise me not to ever fight like we did today ?  F; yes I do . They pinky promise.   P; you know you can't break a pinky promise.    F; I know that . I don't plan to .  They both smile a each other. I; I see you guys are getting along again.    Phineas; yes yes we are . I; good. I will tell the other foresight girls there is nothing to worry about.  . P; thank you Issy.   I , you welcome .   Buferd: well good to see you guys happy again.  Balljett; I was going to get Candce If you guys kept fighting.   P; she probably would have busted us for fighting.  F;yep. Well at least no one got hurt .  P; not true you slapped me before.  And you punched. My arm and that hurt . F; sorry phiness you deserved  it because you were being stupid.   Phineas : roles his eyes . He know ferb is being a prankster like he always is .  That wasn't very nice . the only one being stupid is you . Ferb ; playfully shoves phiness . He knows phiness is joking with him . P; hey thought we agreed not to fight .  F; we are not fighting we are joking around. That's different . P: ok . But if anyone asks why my eye is black I blame you for punching it.   F; that was not done on purpose. I was angry was trying to punch your arm to get your attention .   P; well than You are in charge of telling mom amd than amd Candce.  F; fine . I will later .   Now let's go ice your eye .  P; I  deserve this . You were the one who said no . I should have waited until it was fixed .  F; we are both at fault here . Our inventions are not always as safe we think they are .   P; yes I gess I learned that today the hard way.   The next day they . started building  swing s that went high . Since no one could use the last ride . This one seemed one to worked .  suddenly balljett throw up because he got motion sickness .  than Issy got her hair stuck in the swing. Ferb has to stop the muchine,  phiness got out the ride to help Issy.  Balljett went off the ride to throw up some more .  Phiness didn't want any one else getting hurt so he made ferb keep on watch as they started the ride again . Now the ride was fine until phiness realized that the swing stopped. He wasn't sure if ferb pressed the button just to mess with him for last time when he didn't listen to him .   But then it started again . But it was going slow. They ended up ending the ride for technical issues. This was the second time the ride was not working, normally there stuff would be safe but today and yesterday Phineas and ferb have had bad luck with thier inventions. They had to fix the whole ride . This time phiness was listening to ferb . He did not go back in the ride until it was safe to . They were able to fix the problem. They got to ride one time around before getting off it because Candce was yelling at them, she thought the ride was unsafe . She shutdown the whole ride , this made phiness upset.   P; what did you do that for ?  C; I caLl this pay back. For all the times you got something I didn't . You are busted.  P; how could you do this to us  ?   F; You stoped the ride for your your own selfish needs.   Do not drag us into this .  You should not have touched the muchine.      C; welll your Inventions are stupid. I am glad I stoped you before you guys got hurt. You make dangerous things every day .  P; well technically we were safe , we did fix the problem we had .  C; Why can't you just stop being weird and be normal for once .    I wish I was not related to you guys .  You two are annoying and need to stop building useless stuff.  Or how about this just don't build anything at all . That would be interesting to see how long you can handle that. Hum I am taking this from you guys , she grabs the tool box. P: Candce you don't get how much building means to me . You took away the invention we made and now  you are taking the tools away . F: I hate you for this , Phineas try's to grab the tool box but  trips on a nail that is on the ground and misses his chance to get it .  F: angry that she took the the tool box . You can't do this to us Phineas: he starting to tear up . Ferb seems to understand this and tells him it wil be ok if he just talks to Candce more .  P: Your right ferb let's try to reason with her .   P;Candce you don't realize that you are taking away the one that ferb and I love do by taking away the tools.  Building things  makes us who we are . Our creative ideas that we draw out every day  on blue prints are  nothing if we can't build them . you are going to regret this.  I know you think your doing what's right here but your not ,  you are doing the wrong thing . you are  breaking my heart  can't you see the pain are causing me . I used to think you were a good sister .i looked up to you .  I was wrong no your nothing to me Candce.  You are the worst sister.  I hate you more than anything in this world . He runs inside crying. F; You made phiness cry. I hope you are happy Candce.   Phineas was right you really are the worst sister. You suck . 
  He push's Candce since he is pissed she hurt Phineas . She drops to tool box as she falls .   Isabella picks up the box . She glares at Candce.  I; you are never touching this again is that clear? 
C; yes it is .  Issy but's the tool box in a safe .  They go to check on Phineas.   They all walk in and find Phineas creativity drawing some pictures of Candce. They were drawn with black crayon . In red crayon Phineas wrote heart breaker .  Next to that there was anther drawing of Phineas upset . It is as in red letters look at what you done .
Theses pictures were enough to get Candce to really see upset Phineas was .  She says she is sorry and phineas forgives her ,   Ferb forgives her as well and things go back to normal for the rest of the day .

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