Candce vists space to escape earth.

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This my idea of what the movie will be like .

One day Candce was trying to bust the boys then suddenly a spaceship came and snatched her up. Vanessa was with her they were both taken to the aliens space ship.Apparently the aliens wanted to take over the earth. They thought they could use Candce and Vanessa as army so they can rule the world . Some how venssas dad came in to rescue her . He said he was in a ship with Candces brothers but some how it broke and he was separated from them .  Venssa leaves with her dad . This leaves Candce alone on the ship. Last time she was on a ship it was meaps. This was different she was stuck with not friendly aliens  . They hated her for being human. They made her run on treadmill for some reason and she had to wear a strange hat . They said it helped them control her mind . they also   wouldn't let her leave the ship they had . She didn't miss earth though. She was glad to get some time away from  her brothers and thier crazy schemes. She was upset there was no phone connection, she was stuck on a ship  with nothing to eat and was not sure how long she would make it before dying of thirst . For some reason she was able to escape aliens ship but they were still after her wanting to take over her body . She found some rocks and made a fort for to sleep in for the night . Aliens found her in morning .  They followed Candce around with there ship. . Candce still didn't know they were looking for . She searched for water . No luck , she wished she didn't leave her house, she wanted some of her moms pie now . She was sure her brothers would rescue her soon . Candce waited for them to save her. The head Alian was friends with Mitch . They tied her to a chair they found in thier ship and zapped her with somthing. Candce had head ace and couldn't remember where she was when she woke up . The aliens made her stay  on the ship for long time  and treated her like thier peisoner . They didn't give her good food , they gave her dried up fruit to eat and some old soda they had in the ship. the leaders name was Ron . He was not pleased to Candce on his planet , so he wanted to get rid of her after what she did to Mitch. Back at home the boys were searching Danville for Candce. Phineas flipped out when the  aliens took her from them . Ferb was trying to keep Phineas calm but nothing was working. He even tried to put his hand on Phineas's shoulder to calm him down-this normally would calm his brother down but today Phiness was having really bad  panic attack . Apparently Ferb was not getting any where near getting Phineas to calm down. Ferb tried to help Phineas the best he could . He gave Phineas his inhaler so he wouldn't freak out more . The fact that Phineas wasn't breathing right  was just making Phineas more stress out about the situation. Phineas was gasping for air as they looked for Candce. Ferb checked on him to make sure he was ok . Phineas knew they had to find Candce so he told Ferb he was fine and they should still look for her . Phineas was going to give Candce a gift he got her before she was taken from them . Now that would have to wait .   Phineas was thinking about all the things that could happen if they did not find Candce soon. Time went by they still have nit found her and Phineas was concerned that they might be to late to save Candce. He had a bad feeling that the aliens already turned Candce against him , Ferb , and their friends.  As they searched for Candce , Phineas become light headed he felt like he was going to pass out from the lack of oxygen he was getting . Ferb saw that his brother was looking pale and was worried if Phineas would be able to make the rest of the search for Candce. Isabella noticed Phineas was looking sick and tried to get him to seat down , but he refused to do that was still looking for his sister . He was so stubborn that he refused to stop looking for her even though Buferd told him he was looking to hot and he should rest up . Phineas ignored Buferd and still was looking for his sister. Phin hated to have his friends take care of him . He felt his friends should focus on finding candce more and spend less time worrying about how he was doing. Balljett saw Phineas refusing the help that ferb, Isabella and Buferd trying to give him . That got him worried about so he tried to help him in away they didn't think about . He brought him some water to drink from his water bottle. Phineas drank some water and felt less light head. But unfortunately he tried to take a few steps forward and fell . Ferb saw this and rushed to him to help him . Phineas actually let him help him get up. After he fell tried acting like nothing happened,. But ferb saw Phineas was still not feeling to good . Buferd also saw Phineas fall and kept a close eye on him for the rest of day . Phineas almost fell backwards because he blacked out for second but ferb stopped his fall . He again brushed it off like nothing happened. Ferb could see Phineas was in pain. He could see his brother had his hand on his heart he knew this wasn't a good sign. After a few minutes of searching for Candce , Phineas still was breathing heavily and that was a bit concerning to those who were around him . Phineas was aware of the fact he was not breathing well. He was just trying to act like he was ok . The last thing he needed was ferb to worry about him or have his friends worry about him . He hated worrying the people who loved him. He decided to start running to get ahead of group so he could lead the group to find Candce . Ferb had to stop him from running to fast . He got Phineas to stop running. He did this by grabbing on to his shirt and rapping his arms tightly around him . Phineas tried to escape ferbs grip but was struggling to do get free. Ferb made sure he didn't get away. His friends were watching Phineas carefully and making sure he wasn't going anywhere . Phineas was not to pleased with ferb or his friends . He felt that Ferb was holding him against his will. He felt trapped in his arms. Phineas was getting frustrated that he couldn't get out Ferbs grip. Ferb was not going to let go of him . He made phiness seat down . He knew he was still feeling light headed. The boys had to take a seat in the grass. They weren't to far away from the rest of the group. Phineas was finally was able to breathe right after few mins. Ferb still had Phineas in his arms . He was being super protective of his brother . He didn't want Phineas getting hurt . Their friends started looking for more water to help Phineas calm down .   They were able to find some and gave it ferb who gave it Phineas . After Phineas was calm the boys went back to their friends who were looking for Candce . They even searched trash cans for her . That was Buferds idea he thought she was hiding from them . Isabella thought that Candce was at the mall . So they looked there . They also asked Jeremy if he saw her , he hadn't herd from her since yesterday. At this point Phineas knew something was up with Candce. balljett thought that Candce didn't want to be found and ranway to avoid being around people. If that was case she was not going to be happy when she got rescued by her brothers. Phiness hopes balljett is wrong . Buferd thinks phiness should not look anymore for her . He thinks it's a waste of time to look for someone who would not care if they were messing. The boys went home to find her but something told Phineas she would not be there . They had to find her before there mom got home . They had thier friends with them so they all were in to save  Candce . They went to the backyard to find the remains of the muchine they used to to make a portal . Some how it got them to Doofenshmirtz place . Doof was thinking that we're aliens and thought his invention worked , he was going to make army of aliens to take over the tri state area .  He was sure Perry the platypus was coming to ruin what he made soon .  The kids fixed it up the portal and got some connection to talk to Candce. Some how the portal was glitching out so they couldn't really hear Candce well . But they were able to make out where she was . She got some connection from the bad aliens that were still around her attacking as she asked them for help to save her but then the portal closed because he aliens didn't like she was trying to get away. Phineas and ferb knew Candce needed them to rescue her as soon as possible. So They built a rocket to help them get to Candce. Their  friends thought they should stay on earth where it was safer  The friends didn't think Candce would agree to get in the ship with them , Phiness was determined to prove them wrong . Isabella, balljett and Buferd followed them into the ship and instead of being left out of the mission . The kids argued with Buferd who thought he should bring a canoe with him to space . He ended up carrying it with him the rest of the day. The friends came to help Phineas and ferb find Candce . It took them a couple of mins to get there. Buferd ended up eating some space food . He thought it was bad . He said it tasted like poop. No one ate the food non the ship after he said that . Balljett got motion sickness and ended up throwing up in the bathroom. Isabella was lost in Phineas land . phineas was still freaked out a bit about Candce being gone and he wasn't paying attention to driving the ship . he  hit a asteroid because his distracted mid set . He didn't see the asteroid until it was to late .  Ferb took over the controls for the rest of the trip since Phineas almost killed them by hitting an asteroid. Ferb had to avoid the aliens who were shooting at them as they got closeer to the ship and their planet . The kids were  were lucky they didn't not  get hurt , unfortunately the engine of the ship got damaged a bit. Ferb had a hard time landing the rocket on the bright planet .   according to balljett they were on the brightest planet in the solar system. It is called Venues. Ferb  didn't want the rocket to burn up from the hot planet. So he found a spot  where it wasn't to hot and landed  the ship there .  The boys and thier friends have  never have been on such a dangerous quest before . Phineas and ferb were risking thier own life's  and thier friends as well. Phineas realized the aliens could kill them and they could die on this mission before they even find Candce. They had to be careful where they stepped on the plant so they would not burn their shoes off thier feet . The gang worked together to look for Candce. The plant was brighter than the sun. They all  were wearing sunglasses to to help them see things .   Nobody found Candce yet .  balljett got scared  by a bright light that almost hit him . It was the aliens they were shooting lasers out of thier ship at the kids . Balljett started  running back to the ship. Buferd who was tired from running after balljett.   Ended up catching up to him they had some time to talk and hang out on ship. Isabella went with Phineas and ferb to save Candce. They were walking around and didn't see Candce. They took a while to find her foot steps because thier vision was blocked by the sun . Phiness couldn't see very well and was tripping over things. Ferb was much better at seeing things and was tripping over his brothers feet since he was behind him .  Isabella was next to Phineas and couldn't see to well ether . She was bumping in to Phineas a lot . Phineas was leading the way for them . He came to a stop to cover eyes from the bright lights that the aliens were still shooting at him than starting running with ferb band Isabella . They found a rock where they hid from the aliens. They stopped there for few minutes to catch there breath. The children got use to the bright plant.   It took them some time to found Candce, But the aliens said nobody could see her since she was not feeling well. So They went to earth to check for her again . They found her shooting things with a tee shirt cannon . She made this to escape from the aliens. She was yelling this ends now as she shoots at Irving . She hits a tree instead. Angry she missed she yells how could this happen and tries again now she hits Irving who is tied up to a rock by the aliens. Now she is yelling it's me against the world. And is shooting the cannon radomly at things . She hits Phineas and ferb who are trying to get her to come with fight on thier side . Now she is pissed because Phineas and ferb were still alive and is running after them trying to get them to be an alien. Phineas is trying to get her to see the Aliens are evil. He warns her thst they are going to take over the world if she lets them win . He also try's to get her to go home with them. Candce instead just ignores him and heads back to the ship to get more weapons. Vanessa finds the group of friends. She was so happy to see them she hugged them and thank them for trying to save Candce. venssa was sure Candce was already an alien . she didn't tell anyone that she thought this . She was glad that  phineas and ferb are ok . The group found Irving who was  still tied to the rock. He was dizzy  from the ray that Candace hit him with.  Apparently the aliens wanted to capture him too. The group of kids were able to untie him  from the rock and leave before the aliens realized he  was gone . They all went back in the to look for Candce. They found Candce again shooting things and this time the boys dragged into thier ship. As they flew out the aliens saw Candce was gone and got upset and started shootings at the ship .  Phineas and ferbs friends were on the ground killing aliens. The boys  were able get away from the aliens thanks to their friends. Phineas asked what the aliens wanted from her on the ride home  . yes they were on earth but it was unsafe to walk home when aliens were invading the earth . Candce refused to tell them . They all ended up getting home safely. Isabella got to thier house first . She told Phineas he was brave and hugged him and kiss him on the cheek. Phineas was able to get enough courage to kiss her on the cheek back. Than the boys went to hug  balljett. The boys after that hugged Buferd.  Buferd saw he was wrong about Candce coming home  . He was shocked Candce was back and not dead . Buferd managed kill the most aliens. Jeremy came by to welcome  Candce home. He kissed her  on the lips . This grossed out Buferd. He probably would have walked out if phiness didn't tell him they were going to have snacks inside. The gang ate cookies and welcomed Candce home . Their mom came home not long after the gang as done eating. A few mins after that the boy's friends left . The boys had great day and was going to plain what they were going to do tomorrow after dinner . They alone ate tacos for dinner and shared the stories about the day they had . After dinner the boys came up with some ideas of what to do the next day than went  to bed .

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