Chapter One

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Hello Everyone! In light of the COVID-19, I can understand everyone feeling frustrated, scared, and having a hard time adjusting to a whole new lifestyle. Once this happened I automatically went back to writing full time! I profit really nothing from this. The only profit I want to see is your benefit. I would like my stories to be your escape from reality. When I can't handle real life sometimes I usually begin to scrabble whatever I can think of or I read. And that is what I want you to feel. I so far have 20 chapters in the first series and I'm working on series two now. Please feel free to read, comment, like as much as you like! You can also catch this story on my Tumblr page www.tumblr/thedemonqueen. This story will be COMPLETELY free. Believe me, I would not charge anybody anything right now! Enjoy and stay safe and stay indoors!

We women are like the Norsemen. We are fearless. We are cunning. We are smart. Mostrious when we want to. We can love. We can hurt. We can be all this and when you cut our wings we continue to fly. We can love with such unbridled passion, and we can hurt like a knife through the heart. This is the story of Yrsa. Yrsa is the daughter of the King, Svend.

Yrsa is not like many young girls in her tribe. Yrsa is wild, she is fearless, and she is manipulative. Most girls are already married, but not Yrsa. She is said to marry a man just as cunning and fearless as her. Yet she has not found him. If she is not captured by her eighteenth year, she would have to be sacrificed to the Gods.

Yrsa does not fear anyone. She does not fear death or the threats of The Seer. On Yrsa's seventh birthday, she was sent to the North. There she grew an army and became a Queen in her own rite. Yrsa means wild, and that is what she exactly is, wild and untamable. A blood-thirsty butcher just like her father and his father before him. She wears her colors proudly. She would happily wear the blood of her enemies on her face everyday.

She is a skilled swordswoman. It is said to admire Lathertha, the wife of Raranor Lothbrok. She can take down two men that tower over her. She loves the fight and she loves to win. She is said that her mother was a fox, she is a cunning woman. She can scale buildings without someone noticing her. She can sneak up behind you and end you without you even knowing. She is truly a monster.

Also like all women she is protective of her heart. She hides her virtuality behind her brutality. She loves no one, and she has no respect for anybody but her father.

Since Yesa was sent away she has made her Kingdom behind her army. Her men and well being come first. Yrsa along with her army raided kingdom after kingdom. Village after village. That is until one day Yrsa reached Kattegat the year of her eighteenth birthday. This is where her life will change forever.

June of that year, she led an army against Ivar the Boneless. She has beaten him twice in battle and plans to move in until she has conquered all of the East.

Ivar the Boneless, the youngest son of Ragnoar Lothbrok. The monster. The cruel and evil Ivar Lothbrok. Never in Yesa's dreams has she ever met such a person before. It was right in Kattegat that she saw him for the first time. His blood covered face screaming into the air in what seems like a victory for him. The rain blinding Yrsa's vision as he makes his way through everyone.

Although Yrsa is not impressed a lot she was truly impressed by Ivar's rescenince. He did not fear her like all the men have in the past, and despite Ivar's disability he manages at his full advantage. Today is a very important day. It's the day where Yrsa will cry out,

"Retreat!" It is not a familiar word to her men, but it's a word that did not have to be repeated twice.

"Retreat!" I cried. How I hated that word. I rode on my horse through the small streets of Kattegat. I'm not sure if Ivar is behind me, but to live another day I must get away.

The King and Queen Of Kattegat Where stories live. Discover now