Season 3 Chapter Eight

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Season 3

Chapter Eight

"Where are we going anyway?" Brae said, sharpening his sword.

"I was just told we are going raiding and I couldn't pass this opportunity," He added.

"We are visiting Frankia, son," Ivar said.

"Frankia?" He said, getting up from his spot. "Yes, when you were a baby, your great-uncle Rollo left the Kingdom to you, but you can't rule until your next birthday," Ivar said.

I giggled, kissing Brae on the cheek, "Congratulations, son." The look on Brae's face was stunned.

"What about Kattegat?" He asked. "Kattegat will be yours as well, Prince of two nations," Ivar said. Brae couldn't help but smile.

"What about women?" He asked.

"What of them?"

"How many wives can I have?" He asked. Hvitserk giggled to himself, turning his head.

"As many as you like!" Ivar said, with a smirk.

Brae is young and almost as naive as Ivar and Hvitserk, although I think those factors are still very visible as they celebrated with Brae. I stood there with my arms crossed. The boys saw my discomfort and stopped immediately.

"Ivar, would you like to tell Brae where else we're going?"

"Where else are we going?"



"Yes, the country of gold!" Ivar said. Ivar threw a coin that came from Ireland made of pure gold.

"It's yours, Brae," Ivar said, "Thank you, father." Ivar smiled as he began to laugh, "It'll be a glorious moment when you raise your sword!"


 The night grew and mostly everyone was sound asleep with the ocean to rock people to slumber. Brae slept soundly next to Ivar. Brae laid on the side of Ivar's leg with Ivar's arm draped over him. His hand gripped his tunic tightly as if he was protecting him.

I leaned against the boat and took a breath of fresh air. Hvitserk came over to me and stood with me. His skin reflected the moon's brightness. His eyes sparkled like the stars on the sea. He sighed, putting his head down, that is how I know this won't be a pleasant conversation.

"What troubles your heart?" I whispered.

"Oh, Brae," Hvitserk said, looking over his shoulder to see if he's asleep.

"What has he done?"

"He asked if I was his father again," Hvitserk sighed. I laughed quietly.

"That is nothing new."
"He's smart, Yrsa, too smart," Hvitserk said.

I leaned over and placed a lingering kiss on his cheek, "Just like you," I softly said. Hvitserk stepped closer,

"I wish you didn't come, something could happen to you," Hvitserk said.

"And miss Brae's biggest moment?" I said.

Hvitserk sighed, "If something happens to you, I don't know what Ivar would do," he said.

"You mean what you would do?"

Hvitserk put his head down and said softly, "After all these years?" He looked up at me for the truth.



We reached Frankia by morning, I had never seen Brae so excited. He didn't even reach land before he jumped off the boat and rushed to land.

"Brae, wait for your father, he will take you," I called from the boat. Brae looked confused, but he knew what I said. Ivar made his way to land and took him to look around. Frankia was a Viking owned land now, they'll be safe.

Hvitserk and I went into town to help the traders with their cargo, it's what Hvitserk calls peaceful raiding. A little dark humor that Hvitserk doesn't use a lot. We kept an eye on Brae as he explored his new kingdom. He walked around in a way and mystery and even had a few girls giggle as they passed him. We could never be prouder.

That afternoon we set sail for Ireland. "How did you like your kingdom?" An elder sailor said to Brae.

"It is beautiful! A wonderful gift from my great-uncle!" Brae smiled. I couldn't help but smile at him. All our troubles and worries had paid off. My son grew beautifully and happily.

"What are you smiling at?" Ivar asked, coming up to me.

"Look at him, Ivar, how happy he looks!"

"I can't somehow think that I found redemption in being the father I never had," Ivar said.

I laid my head on Ivar's shoulder as he rested his head on mine. In two days we will reach Ireland, but for now, we will relax, eat heartily and laugh together. We never had any sense of munity, but friendship and love. Brae, however, could not stop going into the water for a little swim. He made us laugh as he dived and came back up.

"Brae, the fish!" Ivar cried out from the ledge.

"Father, take a swim with me!" Brae said. Ivar has never swum in the ocean.

Ivar looked over at Hvitserk and I who stood with concern. Ivar always consults us first, but this time he took a risk and went into the water. Brae swam over to Ivar and put him on his back.

"Hvitserk, they could drown!" I cried, rushing over to the side. To our surprise, Brae had the strength to carry himself and Ivar against the strong waves.

"Brae the Strong," Hvitserk commented.

Seeing Brae spend time with his father in the water, smiling, and laughing will be forever a memory I will cherish. 

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