Season 3 Chapter Twenty

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Season 3

Chapter Twenty

Ivar was dying. Blood had built up in his legs and they began to ooze and bleed with an infection. I was going to lose my husband. At first, I was in disbelief about it, once I saw his legs, I knew that he was going to die. All I could do is stay by his side until he passed. I went numb and I did not anticipate his passing. The pain is too much to bear. Brae will be ok, he is young, but Hvitserk is gravely wounded he might not make it. I'm losing my family.

I sat on my knees, holding Ivar's hand. His breathing is labored, but other than that he looked at peace. Tears fell from my face as I tried to stop them. Ivar needed me, at least my last wifely duty is to be strong for him. Ingrid stood behind me, in the shadows to give me privacy. She feared if he passed I might slip into madness.

Ivar opened his eyes to me and turned his head over to me, "I feel a lot better..." his voice hoarsely came.

"Good," I muttered, smiling at him.


"He's resting..." I whispered, "He's alright."

"Don'" he began to shake. I took a damp cloth and wiped the sweat from his face.

"Shh, shh."

"I love you..." he whimpered, his eyes became teary-eyed.

"Not yet, Ivar, not yet..." I cried. "I'm not ready to let you go." I laid my head on his.

"I won't say I love you..."

Ivar put his hand on my head and placed a kiss on top of my head. He cried along with me. From behind me, I could hear the whimpers and cries of the slaves and Ingrid. Some stepped out of the room, and some stayed.

Ivar pulled away and laid his head on the pillow. "You've given me everything I've ever wanted..." he said, as clearly as he could. I moved some hair away from his sweaty face.

"So have you, my love."

"I cannot live if you die," I placed a kiss on his forehead. I began to cry hysterically. "I cannot live without you, what will I do?" I cried.

Ivar smiled weakly at me, "There is nowhere on Earth that you will go, that I won't be."

"You'll feel me in the wind, you'll see me in the sun, and you'll know I'll always be there," Ivar said.

"There is nowhere you will go that I won't be beside you." I smiled, laying my head on his shoulder.

"I love you," I whispered. I know Ivar meant what he said and I know he'll be with us always. A sudden gust of wind brushed passed me and all became quiet.

I looked up to see Ivar had fallen asleep, I felt all of my senses go out of my body as I gripped his hand tighter.

"Oh no!" A young girl cried. I cried hysterically, burying my face into the covers. In a way, I hope I suffocated just to make the pain stop. Ingrid approached me and kneel down before me.

"At ease now, Yrsa," she whispered. I looked up to see Ingrid's face. The sun then beamed into the room and shined right on Ivar's face.

"Walk now in Valhalla, my love." Walk.


I gathered myself up as Ingrid helped me up, my mind began to go back to how all this happened. Brae was safe, Ivar was healthy, and Hvitserk was content. Our lives were fine. The day Floki came to Kattegat and Ivar took him in, that is when everything started. This is all Floki's fault. The arrogant bastard tore my family up.

A deep rage erupted in me, I began to shake violently, and I had dark thoughts going through me.

"Ingrid," I growled. She looked over to me, "my sword..."

She handed it to me as I began to walk outside, Ingrid following me, and down the road where Floki was tied to a pole.

"Yrsa, Yrsa, no!" Ingrid called. "Yrsa, this is a time for mourning!" She shouted. I raised my sword above my head as Ingrid shouted,

"Yrsa, Ivar needs to be prepared for the Gods!"

Floki looked over at me with confusion, "What has happened?" He asked.

I looked down at him, as I gripped my sword and dropped it to the ground, "Ivar is dead," I said coldly.

Floki looked down and heaved as he cried. "I didn't want anything bad to happen to him..."

"Oh, but it did..." I laughed hysterically, "For your betrayal, you will suffer for it, and now we'll see if the Gods favor you...or me."

"Yrsa, it's Hvitserk and Brae, you have to come!" Ingrid called. I rushed over to her as I went to the shed they were in.

Hvitserk had a fever, and Brae was beyond exhausted. He told them he was up for two days. My brave boy. It was dark and cool for them, just what they needed. Brae laid on a small bed, still asleep. Hvitserk was in a small tub where it would cool his fever. My focus is now on Brae and Hvitserk, it's what Ivar would've wanted. Ingrid left me there with them.

I went over to Brae and sat down on the stool next to the bed. I gently glided my fingers through his hair. Something happened to him, his chubby cheeks thinned out and his lips were plump and red like Ivar's. Brae suddenly opened his eyes and looked up at me.

"Mama!" He cried, getting up and hugging me. I was never so happy to hug him.

He pulled away and looked around my shoulder, "Where's Father?" I sighed. I knew I would have to do this.

"Father is...walking in Valhalla," New tears formed and began to fall.

"He broke his legs and it caused an infection to spread..." I explained. Brae had an utter shock on his face.

Tears began to fall from his face as he laid back down, "Do you want to talk about it?" He nodded his head.

"I want to see him," Brae said.

"Father does not want you to see him like that for now, that is his request," I whispered.

Brae nodded as I leaned over, "Go back to sleep," I whispered. Brae is better off that way. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. I turned over to Hvitserk, I walked over to him and kneel down to the tub. Hvitserk was pale and warm to the touch. He laid naked in the tub, while bandages were wrapped around his waist.

I took the washcloth, sniffling, as I took cooler water and drenched his hair. He opened his eyes slowly to me. He sighed, breathlessly looking at me.

"I know your face..." Hvitserk said, softly. "I thought I would never see you again," his hand caressed my face.

I laid my head on his palm as tears fell down my face, "What's wrong?" his hand began to shake. Fear swept over his face.

"Ivar is dead."

His hand dropped into the water as his eyes widened, his body trembled, violently as he turned his face away. He became upset as his chest heaved. I didn't know what to do except to be there for his emotional support.

"Ivar..." he cried.

He turned back over to me and said, "Where is Brae?" I nodded my head up.

"Sleeping over there..."

He turned his head over to see an emotionally distraught Brae sleep away.

"Long Live the King..." 

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