Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter seventeen

Oh, happy day! It is my wedding day. I was going to finally marry Ivar. It was days before Yol. The snow has covered Kattegat white. The air has flushed out the smell of fish and trade goods and replaced it with fresh, cool pine. I would not dress in the traditional Kattegat wedding gown. I used my mother's wedding gown instead.

It is a white, skin-tight gown that cuts around my belly. I wore red flowers in my hair and up in the traditional Spanish hair style. All of Kattegat came around to see us. As I slowly walked down the aisle there stood Ivar, his long hair in a braid and going down his back. He wore his heavy, fur cloak and his crown. Hvitserk, now well, stood next to Ivar. Something was off about him though, Hvitserk was smiling brightly. No other wedding has ever looked nicer.

Once we were presented the rings, Ivar took my ring and blessed it in the blood of a sacrificed lamb. He then placed the ring on my finger and said softly,

"With this ring I devote my life to you, I will love you until my days are done..." His voice became shaky.

"And I will always be your faithful..." Ivar lost his balance and fell into his brother's arms. I grabbed his arm and pulled him back up, although I did hear a pop.

"I got you, I got you," I said softly. Our lips were inches apart. "I'll be your faithful friend," He said, his breath shaky. His breath showed through the cold air. I took his ring from the blood soaked bowl and placed it on Ivar's finger. Hvitserk continued to hold Ivar up until he was able to get his balance.

"With this ring..." I said softly, "I'll be your loving wife and the mother of your sons," I took his hand in mine, "and devote my everlasting love to you," I said. Ivar smiled. We kissed and from then on, I became a Lothbrok. I've never seen the town quite as hype. Everyone was celebrating in their own way. I was now able to sit in the Queen's chair right next to Ivar. Ivar and I held hands the entire time as we sipped on some ale together.

"I have a gift for you," Ivar said, leaning over to me. "For me..." He nodded. He struggled to get up. He went into front of me and held out his hand.


"Dance with me?"

I breathlessly sighed taking his hand as we made our way onto the floor. Everyone cleared the way as we swayed back and forth. Although Ivar did his best to move.

"Ivar, was dancing..."

Ivar chuckled, "I tried to learn for you, I heard your mother taught your father, and he taught you."

"Yes, he did, and my father also taught me..." I moved Ivar's feet onto mine hoisting him up and holding him close.

"That you will always have someone to trust while you dance..." Our feet moved simptantiously together. Ivar chuckled softly, leaning in to kiss my cheek. We continued to dance together a little bit more, just starring. A sudden pop happened to cause Ivar to purse his lips and close his eyes.

He opened his eyes and then I saw his eyes were icy blue and when his eyes are icy is when his legs hurt. I cleared my throat and help him to his chair. The crowd chattered to themselves and I knew what they were saying. I just hope Ivar does not hear it.

"I'm sorry..." Ivar mumbled. I sighed, a strain of hair laid across his face, I moved it to behind his hair.

"I love you..." I said, kissing his forehead. I knew Ivar felt more at ease with himself, and that gift meant more to me than anything else.

I sat down on my throne and watched the others. I saw Hvitserk from the corner of my eye. He looked slightly drunk as he leaned against the post. Although I knew he was troubled. He has been troubled since we found him wandering in the forest. I looked over to Ivar and saw his concern.

"I don't know what to say to him that can make him feel better..."

"Let me try..." I said, I got up and went over to Hvitserk, he did not dare to look at me.

I slowly moved some hair away from his face. He then looked over at me.

"You should be sitting with Ivar, and not tending to me," Hvitserk said.

"Hvitserk," I said, grasping his hand. I then turned to Ivar who was watching intensely. I turned back around.

"I would like to consider you more than just my brother-in-law, but my brother, I promise you as your sister I will always look after you," I said.

Hvitserk looked at me, his eyes almost tearful, his lips quivered, but as I noticed it he quickly straightened himself up and cleared his throat.

"Thank you for the invite, Yrsa, but I will just like to be your brother-in-law," Hvitserk said.

I nodded, "Then at least take comfort in knowing Ivar and I will do anything to keep you safe, Bjorn would have to kill us first to get to you," I said.

Hvitserk's head turned to me quickly as if I struck a nerve. His breathing quickened and his face turned red.

"Excuse me," He said, going pass me. I turned around to look at Ivar, he looked disappointed, not at me, but the situation. I offered our protection and he refused it. I did not understand.

I went back to my seat and sat in shock, Ivar leaned over and whispered, "You did the right thing, Hvitserk is smart, he'll be ok."

"You don't understand, I love you, I love Kattegat and I love Hvitserk like a brother and I will do anything to preserve my treasure."

Ivar took my hand and placed a kiss on it, his icy blue eyes looked up at me, and he smiled.

"You have such a heart..."

Once the party was over, it was just Ivar and I in the throne room. We sat together; drunk. We giggled and laughed. Ivar became sober for a moment as he leaned over and said,

"I have another gift for you, my love."

"Ivar..." I giggled, "You're spoiling me now, I have nothing for you."

"You have given me everything already," Ivar softly said, "I know I can't offer much to you," he said looking at his legs as they laid sideways.

"Ivar, you must not let your legs become your weakness..." I said, placing my cup down.

I looked over at him, "They are your wings, Ivar, you have done some great things, not even my father or your father could do!"

Ivar pursed his lips strongly together, and his face tense up. He began to cry.

"I ruined our wedding day!" He cried.

I went over to him and grasped his face in my hands, "You did not ruin anything!" He laid his head on my shoulder.

"Ivar, this was the best day of my life, maybe the only best!" I said, wiping his tears away from my face.

"I love you," his horse voice came.

"I love you," I said, pressing my lips to his.

He stood up and took my hand into his, "Come," he said, sniffling. We went into the back of the room where our bedroom is. There on the bed, laid beautiful dresses that I could only see in my dreams. On the other side laid a battle suit, with the Kattegat colors. I gasped holding my hand to my mouth.

"They are all for you," Ivar said, pushing my hair behind my ear.

"Ivar," I said, turning around, "You cannot give me these..." I said. He smiled, as he twiddled with my hair.

"A Queen needs to look her best," he pressed his lips against mine as we slowly made our way to the bed to lay down.

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