Season 4 Chapter Four

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Season 4 

Chapter Four

Brae's P.O.V

Floki has been found guilty and he is to be put to death. Although Blood Eagle is too good for him and it makes my mother's blood curdle. I decided to execute him the way Bjorn almost did to Uncle. My blood burned to see him dead. Ivar left a hole in Kattegat and it wouldn't happen if Floki just minded his business. Hvitserk stood with my mother. Their faces are painted with the Ivar the Boneless's colors. I've never seen my mother so proud as she is now. Her eyes were cold and her expression was hardened.

A frightened Floki was forced in front of us as he looked upon his tomb. People threw oil over the wood to make sure it burns well. They dragged Floki across the dock as people spat at him and threw aged vegetables. I sat on Ivar's throne with my back hard against the chair. I remember something similar to this as a child. Ivar had found a spy from neighboring Vikings who wanted our city. He was found quickly and executed exactly like this. Mother put me to bed and made sure I was well asleep. She did not want me to see the wrath my Father can unleash.

A child of ten, I watched a man burn behind my parent's thrones. The fire exposed his bones as they sat exactly how I'm sitting. I knew I was Viking when I liked it. Although, it did give me nightmares for years, leading up to the death of my father. I sighed deeply as I sat up on my throne. Floki was tied to the wood and hung upside down. He cried for mercy, but I never learned mercy. They then set his body on fire as everyone cheered for justice.

I glared over to my mother who was taken back as Floki cried in horrible pain. Hvitserk held her hand and squeezed it. I nodded with a small smile knowing I did the right thing. I hope I brought Ivar justice as I looked up at the night sky as Floki's cries became less, I could see his face in the stars. Childhood memories flooded my mind.

The time we sat on the edge of the Earth and water as the ocean current took us in and out. I remember that day being a lot of fun. He held onto me tightly that day. I remember burying him in the sand as he slumbered and when he woke, he couldn't pull himself out. He acted angrily, but I knew he didn't mind.

When I became sick, it was not my mother who nursed me or the slave woman, it was Ivar. Ivar always knew what to do and what to feed me. I could still feel my head against his chest as he rocked me back and forth in the rocking chair. I may never have felt like his son, but he loved me like I was his King.

With a tear coming down my face, I looked down to find Floki had completely vanished in flesh. I noticed Hvitserk and mother looking at me with concern as I twirled my hand to show I'm ok. Mother merely smiled as she leaned over to Hvitserk and whispered something. Hvitserk muttered something back to her.

I looked back over as some airbrushed the fire and towards me. It twirled around my face and towards the sky. I looked up to see two distinctive blue stars. An image became clear to me as the small white stars formed a crescent moon at the bottom of the two blue stars. My eyes could not believe what I was seeing. As quickly as the image came is as quickly it disappeared.


My son has made me prouder than ever to bring Ivar's traitor to justice. Although it does not bring back my husband, it does me well to know we have no more enemies. I did not sit on my throne, I feel as though if I don't the Gods will bring back Ivar. Hvitserk came over with two cups, he sat down next to me and handed me one cup.

"Are you alright?" Hvitserk asked.

I scoffed while smiling, "Yeah, I just miss Ivar, he would want to see Brae on the throne and his enemies brought to justice."

"I miss him too, I could still see his face in everything..." Hvitserk said. He then looked over at Brae.

"He has high ambitions."

"Runs in the family," I said.

Hvitserk turned to me and smiled, he sighed through his nose and then moved some strains of hair away. My feelings towards him are numb right now. I can't feel anything except my own grief. I looked over at him, his eyes were tender against the fire, they were also glassy and dark.

"You've been crying?" I whispered.

"Every night..." he said, softly. The people around us have become white noise.

Our lips came together as we softly kissed causing old memories to flashback. I could still remember the night we conceived Brae. Hvitserk is gentle, but I can tell he is an animal as well. He wanted to lash out several times, but he didn't because of the circumstances. I pulled away, forcing those memories away.

"No, I should've never kissed you."

"It's ok, I love you, and you love me..." Hvitserk said. I sighed, getting up. I don't want to love for a while and I love Hvitserk too much to lose him too.

"There was a time I did love you..." I said, turning to him. His eyes widened as his heart jumped to his throat.

"You don't mean that.." he said.

"Your brother has not even been in Valhalla for a week and already you want me in the sheets!"

"You know very well my entire life has been dedicated to you. I never loved another, and I would never take advantage of you, the mother of my son!"

I scoffed, throwing the cup to the floor, "You think because Brae knows you're his birth father that we can make a new family from these ashes?"

"We were never broken..." Hvitserk's voice growled, "We just have one less." I couldn't deny I loved him.

He sighed, coming over to me, and leaning into my ear. "I know you need to grieve, I do too, but don't confuse years of love that has been with lust because of grief."

I melted in his sweet voice that he uses as a weapon.

"You have no idea how much I miss Ivar..." his voice cracked. "I loved him and because of that I never touched you only when he asked me too."

"I carry this curse with me all my life, the love I have for you is a curse, but I love it." 

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