Son of Tartarus: Part 2

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Son of Tartarus-Chapter 2

Disclaimer: NOTHING belongs to me. PJ belongs to Rick Riordan.

A/N: I'm STILL bored. Quarantine is STILL killing me, at least it's the weekend. I just realised in the last Chapter I said that the Hermes cabin was Cabin 9 when in reality it's Cabin 11, please forgive me.

Special thanks to SupremeLeaderArchos and Just a fan of fics for reviewing because I wasn't going to post this till tomorrow and I didn't expect to get reviews so because I did I'm posting this today (Sorry if the chapter is rushed, I'm trying my best). Any ideas for what Percy's powers could be?

'This is me thinking'

"This is me talking"


"I'm thinking that I want you on my team for Capture The Flag"

A Few Hours Later

'What have I gotten myself into'

That was the thought currently running through Percy's head. He was pondering this thought as he waited. Annabeth (the blonde) had picked him to be on her team for Capture the Flag.

He had been forced to put on a full set of heavy armour, been given a sword and told to guard the creek. He was currently sitting there, wondering if he shouldn't have tried as hard whilst training with Luke then maybe he would have gotten a better, more fun task to do other than stand around waiting for the other team.

Percy wanted to be in on the action, he wanted to be running through the trees whilst someone else provided a distraction (at least he didn't get that job). He wanted to be attacking , not defending. He was musing over this, feeling sorry for himself, when he heard a rustling sound from behind him.

He perked up immediately, maybe he would get to fight. He turned round and came face-to-face with half a dozen kids from the Ares cabin. The leader was a stockpile built girl with her hair in a ponytail.

"Hey guys look, it's the newbie" the leader sneered (Percy remembered her name was Clarisse), "Now prissy, let us pass and you might get away unscathed"

Percy gritted his teeth at her words but stood his ground, "No"

"You really think you can beat us in a fight? It's six against one, you may be good with a sword, prissy, but there is no way in Hades you can beat all of us, so be a good little boy and move. Out. Of. Our. Way!"

Clarisse was positively fuming, she probably thought that she ran the camp and he would do what she asked out of fear, but Percy wasn't scared. He'd had his fair share of bullies in the orphanage and juvie (and school to) and he knew that there was only one thing that they responded to, getting their asses kicked. He knew if he defeated them in a physical fight they would leave him alone (unless they were incredibly stupid). So in answer to Clarisse's question he raised his sword and attacked.

He clearly took them by surprise as Clarisse only just managed to jump out of the way before Percy's blade slashed through the air where she had just been standing. Her face reddened and she looked like she was about to say something before Percy's blade came down again. This time she managed to catch it with her electric spear, maimer (though everyone called it Lamer behind her back). Clarisse continued to hold Percy back, but he was slowly gaining the upper hand before one of her half-brothers attacked him from behind. His blade managed to catch Percy on the shoulder, momentarily stunning him. This have Clarisse the opportunity she needed and she drove her spear towards a chink in Percy's armour. The moment the spear connected with him, a shock went through his whole body and he jerked around. Luckily for Percy the whistle was blown before any serious damage could be done. Percy's team had won the game.

"You were lucky this time prissy" Clarisse spat on the ground by him, "but you won't be as lucky next time"

Percy sat up groggily, still feeling the after affects of Maimer before he heard a shout. Annabeth was running towards him, screaming (though he couldn't make out her words) and pointing to something behind him. Percy turned around and found himself facing a massive hellhound.

The hellhound lunged towards the campers, who Percy was in front of. Percy instinctively brought up his blade, but to his surprise the hellhound made a wide berth around him and instead proceeded to attack the campers behind him.

Percy lunged forward and managed to catch the hellhound by surprise. He stabbed his sword into the hellhound which exploded into golden dust that covered him and the campers that were near it.

_(This is a Line Break)_

Percy was in the infirmary again. He hadn't even been at camp that long and he'd already been in the infirmary twice. He watched as an Apollo camper approached him, his name was Will Solace, he thought.

"Percy, you're all clear to go" Will said, "Oh, and, before I forget, Chiron wants to see you in the Big House"

"Thanks Will, see you around" and with that said Percy exited the infirmary and headed up to the big house.

He walked up towards the door and Chiron trotted out.

"Ah, Percy, my boy, you're here. Please, come in"

Percy followed Chiron into a room. There was the head of a leopard mounted of the wall and to his surprise it was moving. To be honest, it wasn't the weirdest thing he'd seen at Camp. Chiron motioned for him to sit down.

"How are you feeling Percy?" Chiron asked.

"I'm fine" Percy stated, he knew there was a reason Chiron had called him here, not just to ask him how he was doing, "why did you want to speak to me?"

"Well, I wanted to talk to you about a few things, firstly did you notice the hellhounds behaviour towards you?"


"The hellhound avoided you and I was wondering if you knew why," Chiron continued without waiting for an answer, "I think it has something to do with your scent"

"My what?"

"Your scent, it's what monsters use to find demigods. Some demigods have different scents depending on their godly parent" Chiron stated, "but we can figure that out later"


"Well, you see, you've been given a quest"

"What!" Percy exclaimed, "but I'm new! Why would I have gotten a quest"

"Because you arrived at camp around the time Zeus master bolt was stolen"

"Woah, back up. Zeus master bolt, as in, his famous one?"

"Yes, and because your arrival at camp coincided with the time it disappeared, he thinks you might have something to do with the theft and demands that you get it back"

"Hey, I didn't steal anything!" Percy said, immediately going on the defensive, "why do I have to get it back?"

"One cannot defy the gods Percy. Now, I believe you have an oracle to visit" Chiron said solemnly, "You will find her in the attic"

Percy realised the discussion was over and headed to the attic. He walked into a dusty room, full of Greek relics. There were plaques telling him what they were and who retrieved them. He looked around and saw a old mummy sitting on a stool. He approached it cautiously. He came within three meters of the mummy and inched towards it. When he got close a green smoke poured from the mummy, engulfing it. Then the mummy started to speak.

"You shall go west, and face the god who has turned,

You shall find what was stolen, and see it safely returned,

You shall be betrayed by one who calls you a friend,

And you shall break your promise, in the end."

Percy Jackson: Son of TartarusWhere stories live. Discover now