Son of Tartarus: Part 1

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Son of Tartarus-Chapter 1

Disclaimer: NOTHING belongs to me. PJ belongs to Rick Riordan.

A/N: This is my first fic. I'm bored. Quarantine is killing me.

Percy was running.

Running from the monsters. The monsters that had hunted him for as the past week. From the first time he'd seen one, he'd known. He wasn't normal. Now he ran. It was exhausting and he felt like he could collapse at any moment. He hadn't eaten in days. But still he ran. The fear of death kept him going, fear that the claws of the thing that was chasing him would sink into his flesh and rip him apart. So he ran.

It wasn't like this at first. He would see the monsters in the distance, when he was in juvie. He lived in an orphanage and had been labelled a 'troublemaker' since the day he got there. At first the monsters would keep their distance. They'd watch him but wouldn't come any closer. That was how it was, until his thirteenth birthday. The monsters had come towards him then. Worst. Birthday. Present. Ever. They had approached him in the orphanage. The workers there had let them in. They couldn't see them for what they were. They saw two old lady's. And what did Percy see? Two horrifying monsters. Two gorgons. He'd recognised the creatures from his books.

Percy continued running. He was in a weakened state and wasn't thinking clearly. Up ahead of him he saw a pine tree, and beyond that he heard the clash of metal.

'Maybe they can help me' Percy thought, 'After all, they have weapons'

He stumbled towards the tree, his vision blurred. He saw a boy running towards him. Or a goat. No, a boy-goat.

'Not the strangest thing that's happened to me'

And then he passed out.

_(This is a Line Break)_

The first thing Percy saw when he woke up was a girl with blonde hair, staring down at him. He sat up suddenly, unaware of who she was, or where he was. She jumped back in surprise, clearly not expecting him to have woken up.

"You drool when you sleep" The girl said. Then she walked out.

Percy sat up and pushed himself out of the bed he was in. He glanced around, taking in his surroundings. The room looked like a hospital ward. It was bare except for a statue of a centaur. Percy glanced at it, then it moved.

"Argh!" He screamed it surprise, "What on earth!"

"Ah, sorry if I gave you a shock....?"


"Well Percy, welcome to Camp Half-Blood, my name is Chiron, I'm the Director here at camp" The centaur said.


"Well, you know the Greek myths?"


"They're real, the Greek gods are alive, and you, my boy, are a demigod"

"A what?"

"A demigod, or half-blood if you prefer, you have one mortal parent and one godly parent"


"You don't seem that surprised, is something wrong?"

"Well, I'm not surprised because I've been chased by freaking MONSTERS straight out of some whack-ass mythology book!" Percy took a deep breath, "And you're a centaur so either Greek mythology is real or I'm hallucinating, which is entirely possible"

"I can assure you my boy, you're not hallucinating, this is all real" Chiron smiled, "Now come this way, I'll get Annabeth to show you around and explain to you about Camp'"

_(This is a Line Break)_

Percy walked through the camp with Annabeth, the blonde girl he'd seen when he woke up. She had explained about Camp Half-blood, how the Greek gods were real, how the monsters from the myths were real. She explained about being 'claimed' and told him how she was a daughter of Athena. She led him to a cabin and opened the door. Percy was greeted by the sight of sleeping bags everywhere, there were a few bunks but they were all taken.

"Claimed or unclaimed" Someone asked.

"Unclaimed" Annabeth replied, "Everyone, this is Percy. Percy, welcome to Cabin 11."

A loud groan emitted from the group, but was quick to disappear. A boy walked over to Percy and stuck out his hand.

"Welcome to the Hermes Cabin, I'm Luke, the head councillor" Luke grinned widely at Percy who shook his hand, "I can show him around, Annabeth, if that's alright with you?"

"Sure! I mean, I have some stuff I need to do, anyways, thanks. Percy, go with Luke for now, he'll show you around"

_(This is a Line Break)_

"Come on Percy, try harder!"

Percy was training with Luke, though training was putting it lightly. It was more like Luke was whopping his ass than training. Luke had taken him to a shed by the Athena Cabin and told him to pick a weapon, he had picked a sword made of a material called celestial bronze which could apparently vaporise monsters. Luke has taken it upon himself to teach Percy the art of sword fighting, which he was currently doing. Luke swept his sword in an arc, nearly cleaving Percy in half who manage to dodge at the last second. Luke brought his sword down again, and Percy barely managed to block him. Their blades clashed for a few seconds before Luke gained the upper hand and struck Percy with the flat of his blade. Percy fell to the ground and looked up to see Luke's sword pointed at him.

"Do you yield?" Luke asked.

"I yield!" Percy yelped.

Luke stepped back and offered a hand to Percy who grabbed it and pulled himself up.

"You're getting better Percy" Luke walked over to the side of the arena, wiping sweat from his brow, "Heck, a few more weeks of training and I think you could be as good as, if not better, than me!"

Percy just grunted in response and proceeded to take a large gulp of water from his bottle. Annabeth walked over from where she had been watching.

"You're getting good Percy" She preceded to analyse him and made Percy feel uncomfortable, she was clearly thinking, "I'm thinking that I want you on my team for Capture The Flag"

A/N: Okay, so this is my first fic which I'm posting. I only wrote this because this quarantine is killing me (I have A LOT of free time). I hope you random peeps who I've never met and don't know like it, cos I'm not really a good writer.

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