Son of Tartarus: Part 9

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Son of Tartarus-Chapter 9

Disclaimer: NOTHING belongs to me. PJ belongs to Rick Riordan.

'This is me thinking'

"This is me talking"



Annabeth and Luke pulled the pearls from their pockets and smashed them on the ground. They were each engulfed by a huge bubble and they floated up and out of the Underworld.


After leaving the Underworld Annabeth and Luke had arrived on a beach. They could see the sun setting and the scene was beautiful. It would have been perfect if not for a certain god of war who popped up behind them.

"Ahem" Ares coughed.

Annabeth spun on her heel and Luke turned round.

"You!" Luke spat, "You traitor! You stole the master bolt!"

"Nah" Ares laughed, "I simply took it from the one who stole it"

"You still betrayed Olympus," Luke exclaimed.

"What you gonna do about it?" Ares rolled his eyes, "It's not like you puny demigods can do anything"

Luke didn't answer but rushed towards Ares with his sword drawn.

"So that's how you want to do it, puny demigod," Ares taunted, easily side-stepping the blow, "Come on then, fight me"

"I'!" Luke panted. He threw a fury of blows at Ares but the war god simply dodged them, not even bothering to use the sword which had appeared in his hand. Luke was getting angrier and his swings were getting wilder.

"Luke!" Annabeth called, "He's using your anger against you!"

Annabeth's words brought him to his senses and he realised what was happening. The war god was manipulating his emotions, using Luke's own anger against him to make him weaker. Luke forced himself to calm down and attacked again. This time his blows were more precise and Ares had to up his guard. The sound of clashing metal could be heard as Ares raised his weapon and blocked Luke's advances. Ares suddenly went on the offensive, catching Luke of-guard. Luke was forced to bring his blade up to defend, barely managing to match the god.

"Your pathetic" The war god growled, "Is this the best they can send"

With a swift blow Luke's sword was ripped from his hands, it flew from his hands and landed with a plop in the sea. Ares struck Luke with the flat of his blade, causing him to fall to the ground. Ares stood over him smugly, smirking.

"Luke!" Annabeth shrieked, she drew her celestial bronze dagger and stabbed Ares in the back whilst he was distracted. Ichor poured from the wound which quickly healed itself.

"Look what we have here" Ares sneered, "Another weak demigod for me to defeat" He stalked towards her, like a predator.

Ares grinned savagely and his sword morphed into a dagger, similar to Annabeth's one. Annabeth knew there was nothing she could do as the god of was raised the blade and brought it down. The dagger never made contact with her. Instead she heard the clang of metal

She opened her eyes and saw someone she never thought she'd see again. Standing in front of her, wielding Riptide, stood Percy Jackson. Her eyes widened in surprise when an arm grabbed her and dragged her away from the fight.

She turned around to see a girl with caramel coloured hair that was braided over her shoulder and warm dark brown eyes that were almond shaped. The girl was stunning. She looked like a goddess. Her attention was drawn back to the fight and she watched as Percy slowly gained the upper-hand. His teeth were Britten and he was sweating bucketloads.

Percy Jackson: Son of TartarusWhere stories live. Discover now