Percy Jackson: Son of Tartarus-Part 14

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Son of Tartarus-Chapter 14

Disclaimer: NOTHING belongs to me. PJO and HoO belong to Rick Riordan.

A/N: It's nearly 9 O'clock where I am. Here's the next chapter, enjoy!

'This is me thinking'

"This is me talking"



"Campers, may I have your attention please" Chiron stood from where he was seated and the chatter died down, "I would like to welcome the hunters of Artemis. They are our guests here so like always we shall be having the traditional capture the flag game in their honour"


The game of capture the flag had gone horribly. Well, horribly for the campers. The hunters had won for the fifty-sixth time in the row. Zoë Nightshade had easily retrieved the flag from the top of Zeus' fist and brought it over the boundary (the creek). The hunters were celebrating when an eerie green fog appeared. The cheers quietened down as a figure walked through the mist, coming to a stop in front of Zoë. It was the oracle. The oracle who gave the campers prophecies and lived in the attic.

"Approach seeker, and ask" The oracle said in a raspy voice. Percy didn't know what it meant but Zoë seemed to understand.

"What must I do to save my mistress?" Zoë said. The oracle's mouth opened and green fog came out of it, swirling around Zoë.

"Five shall go west to the goddess in chains,

Travel throughout the land without rain,

The one who you trust has shown you the trail,

Campers and Hunters combined prevail,

The Titan's curse must one break and withstand,

And one shall perish by a parent's hand"

The oracle collapsed once it finished and Chiron quickly steadied it. "Cabin councillors, meeting in the big house in five minutes. Miss Nightshade, you should think about who you'd like to come with you on this quest"

"I already know who I shall bring" Zoë said, "I shall take Phoebe, Bianca, Annabeth and Percy"

"Are you sure?" Chiron asked. Zoë nodded in confirmation. "Very well, those who have been chosen are to attend the meeting as well" Chiron walked away towards the big house with the oracle.

_(This is a Line Break)_


Jason recalled the dream he had had last night. It had shown the girl with caramel hair again, but the dark haired boy wasn't there.

Jason saw the girl struggling to hold up something. He looked above her and saw a swirling vortex. It was the sky. But Atlas was meant to be holding up the sky, why was this girl doing it? Jason watched as another girl who looked to be twelve stumbled towards the girl with caramel hair and took the sky. The caramel girl collapsed and a massive figure stepped out of the shadows. The figure picked up the unconscious girl and disappeared again.

Jason's dream switched, he found himself watching the dark haired boy. The boy was seated around a ping-pong table, listening to a man in a wheelchair. Jason watched as a girl with a silver circlet in her hair spoke. He couldn't hear what they were saying but it seemed important. The girl with the silver circlet continued speaking until Jason's dream ended and he woke up.

_(This is a Line Break)_


Bianca had, unfortunately, fallen ill and was unable to go on the quest. Zoë said it didn't matter and we headed west with only four people. Zoë, Phoebe (a hunter), Annabeth and Percy. Zoë drove the van and Phoebe sat next to her with me and Annabeth sitting in the back.

"Do you know where we are going?" Annabeth asked.

"Yes" Zoë replied, "Artemis is being held hostage on Mount Tam"

"Isn't that where the Titan's base is?" Annabeth frowned, "We're told to stay away from that area"

"It is the Titan's base, it's also where Atlas is meant to be holding up the sky"

"Meant to be?" Annabeth questioned.

"Artemis is holding up the sky, Atlas is free"

"How do you know this" Suspicion crept into Annabeth's tone.

"I had a dream" Zoë replied curtly.

"I have another question" Annabeth said.

"What?" Zoë snapped, clearly annoyed by Annabeth's consistent interrogation.

"Why did you bring Percy on this quest? I thought the hunters hated boys." Annabeth voiced what Percy was confused about. The hunters hated boys so why did Zoë insist he go on the quest.

"We do" Zoë growled out through clenched teeth, "As to why I brought him, that's none of thou's business"

"But-" Annabeth was cut of when Zoë slammed the breaks of the car and turned round to look at her.

"I repeat, it is none of thou's business but if you must know it is because he is a good fighter" Zoë glared at Annabeth.

"But there are lots of good fighters at camp, why pick Percy?" Annabeth persisted, oblivious to Zoë's death glare.

Instead of answering, Zoë threw Annabeth a frosty look and slammed her foot Dow on the acceleration, probably breaking the speed limit. Annabeth didn't ask anymore questions but sat quietly with a thoughtful expression on her face.

_(This is a Lins Break)_


Calypso woke up in a bed. She didn't remember falling asleep in a bed. The last thing she remembered was the goddess Artemis taking the sky from her before she passed out. She looked around the room, taking in her surroundings. The room was mostly bare, except for a wardrobe, a dresser and the bed she was lying in. The door opened and she sat up in the bed as a man walked in. The man had greying hair and was wearing a smart business suit. He had a sword strapped to his waist. Calypso stifled a gasp. She would've recognised that man anywhere. It was her father, Atlas. She had figured he was free when she had been forced to hold up the sky but this was the first time she'd seen him in millennia.

Atlas stood in the doorway, surveying Calypso, "Your awake" He observed, "Are you hungry?"

Calypso nodded numbly, "Yes" She croaked. Her throat was sore and she coughed, "Would it be possible for me to have some water?"

"Of course, I'll send someone to bring you food and drink" Atlas said stiffly. He lingered in the doorway for a few seconds, "I will come talk to you later, there is a bathroom through there" Atlas pointed at a door, "Stay in this room and do not attempt to leave" Atlas left, closing the door behind him.

Calypso wondered what was going on. She guessed that she was being kept on Mount Orthys but why she didn't know why she was there. The door opened again and a nymph pushed a laid a platter on the bed, leaving without saying a word. The platter had a substantial amount of ambrosia on it as well as some mortal foods. There was some nectar as well as a glass of water. Calypso sat on the bed and ate the food hungrily. She hadn't been fed whilst she was trapped under the sky. She finished the food and took some ambrosia and slipped it into the pocket of her jeans. She placed the platter on the dresser and lay back down on the bed. Suddenly feeling exhausted, she closed her eyelids and fell into a dreamless sleep.

A/N: ...

I'll probably post on Tuesday or Wednesday. If not I'll post on Thursday.

Hope you liked this chapter!

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