Son of Tartarus: Part 10

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Son of Tartarus-Chapter 10

Disclaimer: NOTHING belongs to me. PJO and HoO belong to Rick Riordan.

'This is me thinking'

"This is me talking"



Percy just grinned and dissolved into shadow. He heard Chiron saying he would 'take care of everything' and to 'be back in ten'.


After speaking to Chiron Percy had shadow travelled to the beach where he had unintentionally left Calypso. He had stepped out of the shadow and stumbled forward (he wasn't used to shadow travelling). Glancing up he came face-to-face with a glaring Calypso (gods of Olympus, she could be scary).

"Where have you been?" She yelled. Calypso ran over to him and crushed him in a hug, "You don't know how worried I was, some random god pops up and whisks you're away, I didn't know what had happened or where you were!"

"Yeah, sorry" Percy winced, "And the 'random god' was Hermes. He took us to Olympus and then back to camp"

"What happened to Ares?" Calypso scowled when she spoke the war god's name.

"They're giving him a trial of sorts, I think" Percy said, "Now come on, you coming with me?"

"Where to?" Calypso asked curiously.

"Camp Half-Blood, where else?" Percy laughed. He took her hand in his own and kissed her knuckles dramatically, "M'lady, I'd be honoured if you would accompany me on a journey" He held his arm out for her to take.

Calypso giggled and took hold of the offered hand, "Well, what are we waiting for, let's go!"

"As you wish" Percy smiled as he disappeared into shadow with Calypso.

_(This is a Line Break)_

A blonde boy watched carefully as he saw two smiling teenagers disappear into shadow. He knew what it was the teenagers had done, shadow travel. He had heard of it before but never seen it. He would have to ask some people about that later. Putting all thoughts of the black haired boy and his companion aside, he turned around and walked over to his friends. Jason Grace couldn't wait to go home.

_(This is a Line Break)_


Percy and Calypso had arrived on the top of the ping-pong table in the Big House. There were no others present in the room so Percy and Calypso had sat down. After a few minutes Chiron had walked in and greeted them.

Chiron had recognised Calypso and told Percy he needed to take her back to where he found her less the gods punish them both. Percy had protested but Calypso had assured him it was alright and Damasen's place wasn't so bad. When Percy pointed out she was meant to be on Ogygia she had told him they would figure out something later.

When all of the councillors arrived Chiron spoke something about 'heroes successful...tell us what happened" and Percy, Annabeth and Luke had to tell everyone what happened on their quest. Percy let Annabeth and Luke do most of the talking but chimed in every so often to correct them or provide more information.

When they reached the bit when Percy fell into Tartarus the whole room erupted with questions. He caught some of the campers shooting him pitiful glances whilst others looked at him like they didn't believe it. He heard Clarisse yell something along the lines of 'Prissy did what?' and the girl from the Demeter cabin (Katie Gardiner) said something as well.

When Luke and Annabeth finished telling everyone what happened to them the whole room looked towards Percy, obviously expecting him to tell them what happened to him. He cleared his throat nervously and began to speak.

"So, um, I fell into Tartarus" Percy started lamely, "And I passed out"

"Wouldn't the monsters have found you?" A concerned looking Katie Gardiner asked.

"Some friends found me" He murmured.

"Who?" It was Annabeth who said this. He hadn't even told her or Luke what happened yet.

"A peaceful giant-" Percy was cut of.

"A giant?" Clarisse interrupted, "Like the giants who fought the gods?"

"Whose name was Damasen" Percy continued, ignoring Clarisse's questions, "And Calypso"

"Calypso?" The boy from the Dionysus cabin asked, "The one who's on Ogygia? The one who Odysseus met?"

"Yes" Percy said patiently, "Anyway, as I was saying, they found me and brought me back to Damasen's hut and I woke up after a while"

"How'd you get out?" Will Solace, the Apollo camper, asked.

"I used the pearl that this nymph had given me" Percy replied, "And that's how I got out. You've heard the rest from Annabeth and Luke"

_(This is a Line Break)_

After the meeting everyone had left the Big House except for Percy, Calypso and Chiron. They were discussing what to do with Calypso since she was meant to be in Tartarus. Calypso had said Percy could take her back and she'd continue to stay with Damasen. Percy had insisted she stay for a bit longer, after all, she hadn't seen the world for millennia (first she was isolated on Ogygia then she was chucked into Tartarus).

They had decided Calypso could stay for a few more months if the Olympians agreed and Chiron would explain everything to the Gods. Percy and Calypso were in the middle of a heated discussion, trying to figure out where they should go so Calypso could see the world, when Annabeth came bursting in.

Annabeth was panting and tears were falling from her eyes.

"Annabeth, what's wrong?" Percy asked.

Annabeth looked up with tears running down her face, "It's Luke" She gasped, "He's gone"

A/N: So in my logic, Luke would have still stolen the lightning bolt because Percy came after he'd done that but in this version the quest with Percy made him regret his actions and since he knows Ares will tell the Olympians he was the thief, he's run away (but he hasn't joined Kronos).

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