Chapter 2

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"Hey Coach Ukai, about tomorrow what school are we facing?" Hinata asked

"It's a strong school so it's better if you discover it for yourselves" Coach Ukai said while reading a magazine

Some boy of the team was at Coach Ukai's store since they just got out of practice when they heard three faint feminine voices coming from outside. Wondering how could three girls be at the Miyagi streets at this time of day?

Moments later, three girls entered the shop.....

"Hey Izumi-chan, you sure the buns are good here?" The orange haired girl asked her blonde haired friend while the (h/c) haired female following from behind

"Yes." Izumi answered

"Then we should bring the others here next time!" Rizumu exclaimed

"Great idea and it will be your treat." You retorted

"Good evening" the three of you greeted when they noticed the other people inside

The third years couldn't believe their eyes, they were shocked because the three best volleyball player girls of Miyagi are right before their eyes.

"(F/n) got a clue on who will be our opponents tomorrow?" Rizumu asked out of the blue

"Why'd you asked? And damn, you've been asking me that since we started walking" You said giving her a blank expression

"Ah yeah, whatever but have you heard the rumors though?"

This caught your attention and looked at her as if saying to keep talking but didn't continue since they heard someone cough. You looked around was surprised to see someone quite familiar to you.

"Well I'll be, good to see you, Coach Ukai" you said giving him your Queenly smile

"(L/n) it's been a while, how's it going?" Coach Ukai asked

"Yeah, been busy with volleyball lately. How's the old guy?" you laughed sheepishly

"He's not getting any younger but he's doing well" Coach Ukai answered

"Good to hear that. Send him my regards"

He nodded before eyeing your two friends

"Amamiya Rizumu and Maaya Izumi, pleasure to meet you two" he uttered making you chuckle a bit

"How'd you know us? Are you a stalker?" Rizumu said while pointing a finger at Ukai

You hit her head and pointed the magazine Ukai-san was reading which the three of you was the cover.

"Pay attention, dumbass. This is Coach Ukai's grandson. Keishin Ukai" you scolded

"Oh, sorry" Rizumu said in embarrassment

"Hahaha it's fine..... What can I get you girls?" Ukai asked

"Some pork buns please" Izumi replied politely and he nodded

It took a while to get your pork buns. As soon as Rizumu received her pork bun she immediately ate it because like what she said a while ago, she's hungry. You paid for your food but before you went out but Ukai called you for some tips.

As the two girls was about to walk out the shop, they can't help but overhear the boys' conversation about their plan for tomorrow's practice match.

"(School name) is not as easy as it looks, this may be new to you guys a girls vs boys match but we got this!" The captain encourage

"Especially their captain" Suga said "so do whatever it takes to block her spikes"

"I can give you some tips!" A feminine voice inserted making them stop talking and face the owner of the voice "blocking (f/n)'s spikes can be a pain in the ass, it's really tricky. You are...from Karasuno right?"

"Y-yeah....we are. How'd you know that we were talking about (l/n)-san? " Daichi asked

"Tweety Bird told me hahaha" Rizumu laughed

Izumi glared at her but Rizumu just keeps on talking even though she can feel the glare from behind. Izumi sighed in defeat and decided to go with the flow while teasing Rizumu in the process

"If you're gonna serve, please aim at her she doesn't know how to receive"
Izumi teasingly smiles at Rizumu

"I swear, I won't save your butt when she finds out" Izumi whispered to Rizumu making her shiver

"A-ano, how do you know (l/n) (f/n)?" Kageyama asked making the third years stiffened, this boy doesn't know who your bestfriends are.

Rizumu stiffened as she feels the imaginary lines piercing through her heart while Izumi was loosening her shit because this boy doesn't know your appearance and your friends causing her to choke on her bun.

"Ahehe.... T-this m-mah friend Amamiya Rizumu" Izumi introduced while coughing a bit

"W-wait you mean one of the top five best middle blocker in Japan?" Yamaguchi asked

"Pardon my rudeness for laughing at my bestfriend, Maaya Izumi" she introduced herself

"Please to make your acquaintance, everyone" Rizumu smiled

While on the other hand, you were bidding goodbye at the counter. You waited for your friends outside while eating your pork bun. And speak of the devil, they finally came out

"What took you so long?" You asked

"Oh nothing just spreading kindness" Rizumu chuckled

"Real reason now. Izumi. Spill" you demanded

Izumi giggled "it's nothing important. We just gave some tips to someone about you"

"Are you kidding me?"

"Maybe" Rizumu playfully answered

"Remind me to murder you two tomorrow. 20 laps around the school ground" you said plainly

Their faces went from jolly to blank as if they were already done for. You turned your back at them and continued to eat with a smirk plastered on your face.

"Serves you right for not telling me" you uttered

"But it won't be fun if you'll know~" Rizumu sang and Izumi nodded

You just sighed and ignored them

"Whatever you two"

Just when you were about to leave, some people also came out of the store making you stop at your feet because of their conversation.


Heyyo! So how's the story? Please leave a message for me if you want me to continue on updating. I still have a lot of drafts tbh HAHAHAHAH really sorry for the errors

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