Chapter 6

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The match was starting so you and the girls went to your positions and so did the boys. When your coach blew the whistle, you all bent down to prepare. Karasuno was serving since they're the visitors.

"Nice serve, Hinata" Daichi shouted

"Hai!" Hinata replied and serves the ball

It was received by Alice then passes it to Izumi. Izumi tossed the ball to you in which you gladly accepted, you ran then jumped and when you were in the air, you spiked the ball with full force making the ball slam at the wooden floor before landing on the ground then looked at them straight in the eye.

The other team was shocked even Coach Ukai and Takeda-sensei......

"Prepare yourselves, boys. When it comes to volleyball, I won't go easy on anyone....." you smirked

Your coach and manager did the same.

"Wait until (f/n)-chan serves" your manager exclaimed

The match went on until it was your turn to serve. You bounced the ball a few times and took a deep breath, you looked straight at the opponent. You tossed the ball high and run before jumping then hitting the ball with full force. The ball was aiming for the ginger head boy who received it with his face but still not enough to stop the momentum of the ball. The sound of the ball that was already bouncing on the ground was the only sound that can be heard. You blinked once then twice and realized what you just did.

"Oh no..... Hinata-kun! Oh my god, are you ok?" You ran towards the ginger head boy who was already lying flat on the floor with a bleeding nose.

You helped him sat up "Hinata-kun, I'm so sorry. I didn't mea-"

You were cut off when a ball hit your head. Again. But this time, it wasn't Rizumu

"What was that for, Izumi-chan?!" You whined while rubbing your head

She walked towards you and Hinata. He helped Hinata to stand up.

"For not controlling your service. You even made this guy's nose bleed. Take it easy on your service, dumdum" She answered making you pout

"I didn't mean it," you pouted while helping Izumi on bringing Hinata to their bench in order to be treated

"Yeah, I know. Just be careful next time" she replied

When you arrived infront of the Karasuno's club staffs, you bowed at a 90° angle.

"I'm sorry for hitting Hinata-kun and for making his nose bleed" you apologized

"A-ah, i-i-it's alright, (l/n)-san. Right, Hinata-kun?" Takeda-sensei replied

"Yep! I'm ok now, (l/n)-san!" Hinata reassured

You smiled "Thank you and please call me by first name"

They nodded and excused yourselves. You went back to your team while Hinata was substituted by Narita. The game continued and it was still your service, this time you lessened the force on hitting the ball because you didn't want to make the same mistake again. Your service was received by Daichi and passed it to their setter, tossing the ball to Tanaka. But your team didn't even dare on giving the opposing team a chance to score. Alice received the ball with ease before passing it to Izumi and then tossed it to Rizumu. Rizumu gladly accepted the tossed but when jump and was about to hit the ball, a wall was already infront of her.

"Damn." She said and did a rebound

The opposing team was a bit confused but didn't confused the King at all. In fact, he knew why Rizumu did that.

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