Chapter 35

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After your first anniversary, things went well again but things weren't going the way you thought it would be. A while ago, you were just having fun with your team, laughing and giggling at things but all that fun went to an end. When you got home, all you could hear was shouting. Yes, angry shouting and things being thrown everywhere.

Your parents were having an argument and this argument was way worse than the previous ones. You didn't know what to do, the choice you had was just to lock yourself up in your room. All you did was cry while listening to all their shouting, yes you were strong but seeing your parents fight could make you cry in an instant, this was one of your vulnerabilities. Seeing your love ones fight, seeing them get hurt, seeing them cry, all of this could make you fall on your knees and burst into tears immediately.

You decided to call Kageyama to at least comfort you with his presence.


You were hiding the shaking of you voice. You didn't want him to worry

["(F/n), what is it?"]

He sounded..... Tired

"Are you busy?"

["No but I'm a little tired from practice"]

"Oh.... Ok. You should take a rest then" 

You acted normally, you wanted him to get some rest. You were that selfless, you didn't want him to be disturbed even if it means that you were already suffering.

["Yeah. Bye"]

"Bye. Lo-"

You were cut off when he immediately hung up. Your comfort and peace just hung up on you, just like that. No further questions, nothing else and nothing more.

"He's just tired...." You said to yourself

You decided to call Rizumu instead. When it started to ring, Rizumu immediately answered the phone with a joyful voice.

["Hey (f/n)!"]

"R-Rizumu...." You voice cracked

["(F/n)? Hey, are you crying? What's wrong?"]

"C-can you come over?"

You couldn't stifle your sobs any longer, you wanted to let it all out already but you just don't know how.

["Ok I'll be there. I'll call Izumi too. Wait for me ok?"]

"Ok... Thank you"

You hung up and hugged your knees while resting your head on top of it. You didn't bother on telling Howl about this or else he'll be rushing over here to stop the argument to make you stop crying. Howl hates the sight of you crying and getting hurt even though the two of you would always end up fighting but it would never change the fact that the both of you had each other's back.

A few minutes later, Rizumu and Izumi came in running in to your room. And there they saw you, all messed up, your eyes were already puffy due to all the crying. Rizumu and Izumi immediately went to you and gave you a hug when you felt their presence around you, the feeling that you were containing a while ago bursted out, you were crying hard on you bestfriends' shoulders.

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