Chapter 17

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After a few minutes of sleep, you finally gained consciousness. When your vision became clear, you roamed your eyes around then landing your sight at the person infront of you, looking at his phone.

"Howl?" You called making him look at you

"Oh, you're awake. How's my sister?" He asked

"I'm fine...." You said still roaming your eyes around the room

When you sight landed on the table where the bloody cottons were placed, your heart started beating so fast, you were sweating again. Without you knowing, you squeezed Kageyama's hand making him wake up. He looked up to see your terrified face, he followed your gaze and that's when he realized that he should've threw those away.

You were trembling, the sight of blood made you feel nauseated. You started to sob making Kageyama hugged you while your brother quickly threw the bloody cottons away. You were crying on Kageyama's chest.

"Hey, hey (f/n) it's fine, it's fine.... No more blood. Your Howlie Owl is here" Howl comforted you

You looked at him, you pulled away from Kageyama and hugged your brother tight. Kageyama was dumbfounded but he was hiding it. He just looked at you two

' I'm happy for you (l/n)-san '  Kageyama thought

"Shh.... Big brother is here. Calm down" Howl exclaimed making Kageyama flinched

' Big Brother? So the person who she was talking on the phone was her brother?! I'm such an idiot! Wait..... I still have a chance..... I still have a chance! ' Kageyama cheered in his head

After a few minutes of crying, you drifted back to sleep again. Howl gently laid you down on the bed and pulled the blanket up. He then looked at Kageyama

"Are you the setter from Karasuno?" Your brother asked making Kageyama stiffened

"Y-y-y-y-y-e-s" he stuttered

"Ah... I see. By the way, thank you for treating my sister. Sometimes, she can be quite a handful especially when she sees blood" Howl explained

"I-it's alright..... A-ano, why is she afraid of blood though?" Kageyama asked

"Oh yeah that.... Well she has Hemophobia. A phobia of extreme irrational fear of blood. Her phobia started when she was still little, she was bullied by some naughty children in the neighborhood so as her brother I protected her but they were too strong for me to handle. I got into a fight with them while (f/n) was watching. But I was pushed really hard resulting the reason why my sister was so afraid of blood. When the bullies pushed me, I fell on the ground hitting my head hard on a rock, I was bleeding, right before (f/n)'s eyes she saw her brother bathing in his own blood. It was hard for (f/n) since she was still 5 years old at that time" Howl explained

"That's why until today, she's still afraid of blood. (F/n) may be strong and all but she also has a vulnerable side" Howl said "that's also why, I'm trusting you to take care of her when I'm not around"

"B-but.... I snapped at her. I'm not good enough" Kageyama said

"Man up,...... What's your name again?" Howl laughed nervously

"Kageyama. Kageyama Tobio" he said

"Oh Kageyama.... As I was saying, man up, Kageyama-kun! I think you're good for her. Besides if only you knew....." Your brother sheepishly smiled

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