Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

 A hundred flashing lights blinded my eyes and that’s when I realised why Zayn had been well hidden. His grasp around my fingers loosened and my hand quickly fell out.

“I’m sorry Grace, if they get a picture of us holding hands, someone will make a rumour that we are dating and you will get a lot of hate”

“That’s okay; it’s seriously like this everywhere you go ay?

“Yep, it can even be worse” he sighed.

We continue pushing our way through the fans and paparazzi until we came to the long table where the boys would be doing their signing.

“Who’s she?” One of the security guards asked Zayn, giving me a dirty look. “She isn’t allowed to be here” the security guard snapped.

“I know, but she’s a close friend of mine,” Zayn replies resting a hand on my shoulder. A close friend? I only met him yesterday. What was he on about? I went along with it anyway; knowing he was probably protecting me. The security guard just shrugs and pushes me off to the side of the signing. I join Zayn again looking at the security guard weirdly. We walk behind a big black curtain and I see the other boys.

“Grace!” Louis yells running up to me. He gave me a big hug and then I hugged the rest of the boys leaving Niall last. He squeezed me tightly.

“Glad you’re here love,” he whispers into my neck. I can’t help smile. He pulls away, and even though I didn’t want to let go I let my arms fall from around his neck.

“Alrighty, the boys are just minutes away!” I hear someone, a woman, say over the speakers. And that’s when I thought I would go deaf. Millions of girls started to scream and cheer. They were so loud! I never thought the boy’s fans were this crazy!

“Yeah they’re always like this,” Liam said. Did I say that out loud?

“Yes you did,” Harry said laughing. Did I say that aloud as well? I need to stop doing that…

“Louis you’ve messed up your hair again!” I little blonde lady came running in from behind a speaker. She was wearing a dark grey singlet with ‘HIPSTA PLEASE” written in white writing centred in the middle. She was also wearing short frayed denim shorts and black Doc Martins.

She ran over to him with a brush and hairspray and began to address the problem.

“Ugh I’m sorry” Louis groaned pushing her hand away from his scruffy brown hair. She stood back with a confused expression and turned to face me.

“Trying to impress the ladies Louis” she chuckled but stopped when no one joined her.

“Sorry Grace for the terrible first impression but this is Lou, our stylist” Liam smiled.

“Hi” I mumbled.

“Nice to meet you Grace” she replied before finishing fixing Louis hair. Another unfamiliar human joined us, this time a tall bloke dressed in black. He had an earpiece in his ear and black shades over his eyes making him look very intimidating.

“Boys you ready” the man said in a deep husky voice. At this moment the boys lined up in single file near the entrance and loud music started playing over the speakers, which I’m guessing is one of the boy’s songs.

The tune continued playing and I realised what song it was. It was that ‘Makes You Beautiful’ song that Paige is constantly singing. When the song got to the chorus the boys ran out of the black curtain. Niall ran out first, and then Louis, Harry, Zayn and Liam went out last.  The song faded and the boys begun to greet the audience.

“Good Morning Brisbane” Niall shouted into the microphone with his charming Irish accent. The crowd began to cheer wildly. When the screams died down and the shopping centre fell silent again the boys started to talk again.

“Thank you for buying our album, it really does mean a lot to us” Louis said cheerfully.

“Yeah we really appreciate it” Harry added.

“We wouldn’t be where we are today without you guys” Zayn continued and finely Liam said “We love you guys.” Wow the boys were very dedicated to their fans!           

The fans begun to scream again, this time it was consistent and the music started playing loud over the speakers.  I shrugged my shoulders and sat down on a trunk as far away from the speakers as possible.  I dropped my bag down against the trunk and grabbed my iPhone and earphones out of the front pocket. I plugged the earphones in and placed one in my right ear and the other in the left. I double clicked the home button and pressed the play button at the top of the screen. ‘Skinny Love’ by Bon Iver started playing, but One Direction’s music and screams of the fans were too loud for me to hear anything. I pressed the side button and the volume grew louder soon blocking out all the sound around me.  I sat there for a few minutes leaning my head against the pole holding the curtains up but shortly became bored. I stood up stretched my legs and arms. I walked over to the opening in the curtains and peered out at the crowds of people.

“Alright guys, let’s get this signing under way,” Liam said into the microphone.

“We will try to get through all of you!” Louis said as they all took their seats at the table that was set up for them. Louis sat in the middle Liam on his left and Harry on his right. Then Zayn sat next to Liam and Niall next to Harry.

As the signing got under way all the boys were having fun, laughing, talking to the fans and being the stupid idiot they are, apart from Niall. I was confused; Niall was usually the loudest member of the band. From what I’ve heard at least. Harry had been talking to Louis most of the time and it looked like he had forgotten about Niall. Niall looked upset about something; I wonder what was on his mind. I opened the curtains a little further and tried to get Harry’s attention.

“Pstt! Harry,” I whisper, trying not to let the fans notice me. Harry turned his head slightly around so he can just see me.

“What?” he asked. I point over to Niall and mouth “Talk to him.”

Harry turned to Niall and asked him what was wrong. Niall looked a little happier that someone was talking to him now instead of ignoring him, so I decided to go back behind the curtains before I make a fool of myself. I turned to walk away but of course being me, I tripped over some of the cables for the speakers and fell through the curtains. I landed on the stage behind Harry and Niall with a big thump. I lay there in a mess too scared to look up at the crowds of people probably staring at me. I felt a firm hand grab my shoulder.

“Are you alright Grace?” Niall asks giggling a bit.

“Yeah I’m fine” I replied turning my head to face him. I grabbed the hand he was holding out and he lifted me up. I stumbled to get to my feet, but I eventually balanced myself upright. Mine and Niall faces became very close and I could have looked into his dazzling blues eyes for hours but some fan screamed out “Bitch he’s mine!”

We both quickly spun our heads around to see who had said the rude remark but all we saw were hundreds of girls climbing over the barrier gates. Security tried to stop them but the fans force was to strong. I froze not knowing what to do or what the fans were going to do. They were coming at me like a stamped of rhinos or water buffalo but I just stood there frozen I couldn’t move. I could feel my heart racing as they grew closer, probably only a few centimetres away now but I felt something grab my hand. “Run” they shouted at me, so I did. The boys were all ahead of me by a few metres, I tried to catch up but I ran straight into a boy walking out of the chemist. Something fell out of the boy’s hand “Sorry” I mumbled as I picked up the object off the ground. It was a packet of Durex condoms. I past it to the boy only getting a quick glance at his face before some fans spotted me. It was Olly, what was Olly buying condom for? Was he really planning to have sex with that chick from the bar? I’m so confused right now but I have no time to think I’ve just got to get out of this shopping centre.  

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