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The last bell rang indicating the end of school for the day.

"Hey Ray," I heard as I packed my books into my bag. "Here," Timmy said handing me a flyer.

"What's this Timmy?" I asked taking the flyer.

"Its an invitation to the 'Father and Son Weekend Camp' that the school has every year. I'm handing out the flyers," he said.

I looked at the flyer. "I don't have a father. My father passed away when I was still in my mommy's tummy."

"My bad," he said sounding sorry. "I thought that man that always picks you up is your father. My bad," he said and he walked away.

Mr Shawn is not my father. He's my friend and mommy's friend.

I always wanted to go camping but mommy isn't really a fan of that.

I walked out of the school building and Mr Shawn was already waiting for me. Since mommy is still at work Mr Shawn has been picking me up.

"Hey buddy," Mr Shawn said opening the front door for me.

"Hey Mr Shawn," I said getting inside. He closed my door and went to his side.

"Your mom gave me y'all house keys so she's gonna find us at home," Mr Shawn said starting the car. "How was school big fella?"

"It was okay. We had a pop quiz in Science. I think imma ace it," I said excitedly.

We talked for a while until something popped in my head.

"Mr Shawn," I said. "Can you please pose as my daddy."

"You want me to pose as your daddy? What for buddy?"

"See, there is this 'Father and Son Weekend Camp' coming up and I really wanna go. I can't go with mommy because she's not a daddy. I thought that I can ask you because you're the closest thing I have to a father," I said.

He cleared his throat. "Thanks for that but imma have to talk to your mother first."

Shawn POV

Damn. I didn't know that Ray sees me as a father figure.

Bey and I have been dating for about two months now and I never thought Ray would look at me like that. Well, at least not this soon. The poor guy doesn't even know I'm dating his mom.

"Let's go make dinner," I said to Ray as I entered Beyonce's place.


"I'm home," I heard a sweet voice entering.

"Mommy's back," Ray said running to Beyonce's arms.

She bent down and hugged him then kissed his cheek. "Take mommy's stuff and put it in her room," she said handing Ray her stuff then he left the kitchen.

I went over Bey and pulled her closer to me by her waist. "Hey baby. How was work?" I said then I pecked her lips.

She sighed and wrapped her arms around my neck. "It was fine but something doesn't add up with Kelly. She's been acting really weird. She's been on her phone a lot and I've noticed that she bought red bottoms and a Gucci bag. Where did she get the money?"

"Kelly loves fancy stuff so she must have saved the money. Its simple babe. I think you're just over thinking," I said then I pecked her lips.

"You're right. Maybe I'm just over thinking. Sure Kelly loves money but I also know that she'll never do anything unethical to get easy money. I trust my best friend," she said.

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