Chapter 1: New school, same problems

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Disclaimer:  I do not own Seton Academy or any of the characters, nor am I profiting from this.  This story is simply something that I am doing for fun.  As this takes place in a university setting, all the characters here are 18 or older (nothing lewd happens, unless handholding counts).   

"New students! Hello everyone and welcome to Seton University! I am Professor Brinkman, the head of the History Department at this place of learning and education."

The Herrerasaurus began his speech as he faced the crowd of freshman students gathered around the podium.

The incoming students had all come to this open space in the middle of campus for their orientation at Seton University, founded decades ago by the same dinosaurs that had established the Seton private academy for high school students.

"Hope the teachers here are as good as the ones at the academy." Jin thought to himself as he zoned out, barely listening to the speech that was being given by Professor Brinkman.

It didn't help that he was surrounded by a whole crowd of animals that were fidgeting, talking and many other types of noises amongst each other, making it impossible for him to focus on the many facts about the University the Herrerasaurus told them, including that it is the largest university of its kind where any and all species are allowed to apply and study here.

"As expected, these animals can't even behave themselves for a few minutes," Jin grumbled to himself quietly.

Despite his brazen dislike for these creatures, he accepted that they will always be around and that he will simply have to learn to deal with them as they are.

Plus, this school was the most prestigious that he could afford to go to, something that he had dreamed of since he started in the academy four years ago. Once he graduated, he would be able to find a job anywhere he pleased, never to worry about money.

His enrolment and excellent marks in Seton Academy meant that he was easily allowed into the school once he applied.

The place was much large than his private academy had been, sprawling on over a hundred acres of land, with buildings reaching up to 8 stories high and built in a gothic fashion with its high archways and ornate sculptures.

The paths were laid down in red bricks and marked the ways to each building and the courtyards, making it easier to navigate through the many wildlife areas the school maintained for the students.

It looks good on a pamphlet and wonderful in real life if only Jin could see the architecture over the heads of all the towering giraffes, lions, bears and other students around him.

It didn't bother him that much since he would have four years to take in the beauty of the place while he worked on his degree.

Speaking of beauty, he glanced around and was disappointed that he could not find the only human outside of his family that he had known closely in his life, Hitomi Hino.

Being the only two human beings in the academy and running the cooking club for four years had allowed them to grow close as friends, but not as close as Jin wanted them to be.

He had always felt attracted to her since he first met her in the lunchroom and her being human only helped his magnetism for her.

But no matter how he tried, there was always something happenings that stopped him from dating her.

No matter what he did, something happened that prevented him from telling her how he felt for Hitomi.

He took it as a sign when they both got accepted to the same University that he should be persistent and not give up on her.

So what if I fall in love with a wolf girl? (A Seton Academy Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now