Chapter 22: Quiet as a wolf

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"She still hasn't left that chimpanzee's place," Ferryl muttered under her breath, her eyes focused on nothing but the door to Jin's dorm building. It had been difficult for her to accept that her little sister Ranka would choose this thing of all potential mates, and even more so to keep her distance.

"B-boss, can we find someplace warmer to hide in?" her second in command Kuromori suggested, his teeth chattering from the cold wind blowing against him and the others of the pack.

Even wolves have their limits on the low temperatures that they can handle, especially at night. Which made it even more miserable when the pack had stayed up all night outdoors to keep watch. "Ah, giving up easily I see?" Ferryl growled under her breath.

Not wanting to look weak in front of his massive boss, Kuromori sputtered, "No of course not! I was just worried that you would catch a cold and then you would not be able to see your little sister and risk giving her the flu."

"You're right!" Ferryl gasped, her eyes widening, completely forgetting Kuromori's whining of how freezing the outside was. "I should go inside with my sister and stay healthy! That way she won't have a good reason to kick me out again!"

"Speaking of which, there she is!" Kuromori pointing out.

Crouched behind the bushes across the street, the pack watched in silence as they saw Ranka emerge from the building wearing Jin's only puffy coat. "I'll be back in a little bit! See ya!" She yelled out behind her as Jin waved. Ranka dashed off to her dorm to collect her books and whatever else she needed to stay as long as she could at Jin's.

Overwhelmed at the sight of her little sister, Ferryl began to weep in happiness as she pointed out Ranka to the others in the pack. "There she goes, off all on her own!

And she-" The tears stopped as she sniffed, her nose picking up something. The scent of her sister was there but mixed in with something else. That jacket that she wore, it gave over another type of smell.

"That damned chimpanzee! He has defiled my little sister!" Ferryl snarled, frightening the rest of the pack with her outburst. "His scent is all over her as if he has already claimed her all for his own! What kind of a monster would do that?"

"W-well they are dating, boss." Kuromori nervously pointed out. "And besides, Ranka does look much happier than usual. Maybe somehow that human, as hard as it seems, is the perfect mate for her?"

As those words left his mouth, he instantly regretted it as Ferryl took his suggestion poorly by punching him across campus. The others kept their mouths shut and waited in fear as Ferryl breathed heavily, contemplating her underling's suggestion.

"How could Jin of all being's make my Ranka happy? He isn't even a wolf, why would she love him at all? He can't hunt, he isn't proud like a proper wolf, he doesn't even have a tail! He did at least try to protect her many times, which makes him better than the average chimp, but that alone does not explain why she would love him."

As Ferryl scratched her head and racked her mind over why Lanka would pick such a weak mate, something else caught her eye. A pink blur dashing across the snow towards the dorm door.

Happily, Ferryl looked up eagerly and tried to look for her sister. Has she returned early with her things? Why would she do so, unless she was planning something with Jin? Was it......"No, no, she's not in heat yet! She would not go out in that condition at all." Ferryl watched the creature in question and was disappointed to see that it was only a cat that was making her way across the campus street.

"Oh, it's just another one of the cooking club members." Ferryl thought, then grew interested as she saw Kurumi approach the dorm door. The cat suspiciously looked around to see if anyone was watching before she quickly snuck in and closed the door behind her.

So what if I fall in love with a wolf girl? (A Seton Academy Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now