Part 1 Quite the Handful

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Sakyu Basan was in no hurry. She had been summoned by the Commander. She had long auburn hair and bright green eyes. As she approached the meeting hall, she held her head high. As she walked toward where the Commander was waiting, she glanced at each of the captains. Some of them blushed as she did so. She almost laughed out loud. She bowed her head to the Commander. "You have been summoned here, Sakyu Basan, at the request of all the captains." Sakyu nodded. "Do I get to know why, sir?" She asked politely. The Commander blushed  some before continuing. "You know why, I believe." She wanted to hear him say it. "If you won't say it, I will sir. I am unable to control my appetite. Would that about cover it?" "Hardly" She heard one of the female captains mutter. "Sir," She says then. "To be fair, its not as though I was the only guilty party." The Commander nodded. "Agreed, however, there is a time and place for that type of behavior. When your actions disrupt the day to day operations of the Soul Society, then something must be done." Sakyu nodded. "I understand sir. I'm sorry to have caused so much trouble." She was genuinely sorry. When she arrived at the Soul Society, she found that she had an insatiable sexual appetite. She had hoped that by becoming a Soul Reaper, she could channel those energies into something more constructive. And she had for a time. Denying herself what her body desperately craved. She was a beautiful woman. And it took no effort whatsoever for her to seduce quite a few of the male captains. She had even at one point in time seduced the Commander when he was a much younger man. She had been doing so well. But with the lull in missons, it had become harder for her to control herself. The female soul reapers all despised her, save Rukia Kuchiki. She found all of it to be quite funny even if it was inappropriate. And they had been friends for a long time. Sakyu had standards of course. She had only ever slept with Lietenants or Captains, no one lower. In her defense, the men usually initiated the activity. Sakyu just never learned to say no. She also knew that some men were off limits. Sometimes learning the hard way. Sakyu had been in one of her rare sexual frenzies and had the audacity to approach Captain Byakuya Kuchiki, his spirtual pressure that built up against her was enough to land her in the medical unit for a month. Captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi was one who would have gladly used her for his own purposes, so she stayed away from him as well. She was also strictly dickly, so the female captains were safe. Though their anger towards her more than kept her on her toes. 

     The Commander continued, "You are being sent to the World of the Living. A suspension if you will." Sakyu bowed. "Yes sir." "You will be allowed to return to your duties once you have learned how to show restraint and developed better self control overall. You're dismissed." Sakyu bowed and left. She was immediately escorted to The Gate. The man who accompanied her handed her a piece of paper. "Here is the location where you are expected to serve your sentence." She caught a smirk despite his attempt to hide it.

Sakyu found herself in front of a quaint little shop

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Sakyu found herself in front of a quaint little shop. She sighed. When she walked inside it appeared deserted. She began to look around satisfying her curiosity. She heard him before she saw him. "Interesting that the Soul Society suddenly needs my help." Sakyu turned around and found Urahara Kisuke standing behind her with his arms crossed. "Captain," She says and bows. "Ex-Captain actually. You must be Sakyu Basan." She nodded. "Follow me." He led her to a room and slid the door open. "This will be your room during your stay." Sakyu nodded again. "Rukia provided me with a report in regards to your suspension, but she refused to go into any detail. I expect you to fill me in on why exactly you were sent to me." "Wouldn't that explanation be best left to the Commander?" Sakyu asked. Urahara chuckled. "Typically, but according to Rukia, all he could do was blush and was not able to form words. So whatever your transgression was had to have been pretty extreme. It certainly peaked my interest. Which is the only reason I agreed to the Soul Society's request. So in order for me to not send you back right now, your going to do as I tell you. That means telling me everything leading up to your suspension." "That may take a while." Sakyu said with a smirk. Urahara leaned in close. "I have all the time in the world. I'm charging the Soul Society for my services." Sakyu blushed. "Dinner will be ready in an hour. I've laid you out some clothes." "Thank you, Captain." She says bowing again. Urahara nodded and walked away.

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