Part 3 Weakness Revealed(Lemon)

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     Urahara had taken a shower and happened to walk by Sakyu's room on the way to his own. He could hear her breathing heavy, as though she were struggling. When he noticed her door was slightly open, he carefully peeked in to see what she was up to. She was actually sound asleep and yet she was pleasuring herself. His cheeks burned and his member began to respond to the sight. He could hear her moan. "Please, I need to get off." He actually started to turn away, he had to be strong. But then, "Captain Urahara, please." He froze. Surely she hadn't caught him. "Damn it." He growls to himself. He slid her door open and then closed it behind him. She was still unaware of his presence, she was so focused on struggling with her womanhood. He sat down beside her, and watched her rub herself vigorously. He watched her tense as she got close, but then she would moan because her body refused to cooperate. He could see her juices leaking out of her in her attempt of reaching her peak. He decided then to put three fingers into her wet pussy and started pumping his fingers in rhythm to how she was rubbing herself. She gasped. "God, yes." She breathed. "Harder, please." He fucked her harder. "Yes," She breathed. "I'm so close." Urahara watched as she began to rock her body onto his fingers. He leaned down and began to beat her clit with his tongue. Flicking it lightly at first, when she rocked even harder, he beat her clit with more fervor. Finally he felt the walls of her pussy clamp down on his pumping fingers, and stop them. He forced his fingers deeper into her and continued until she came, her white, creamy, cum covering his fingers. Before he knew it, she had grabbed him and pulled him to her, her lips crashing into his. Wide awake now, her eyes burning with desire just as he remembered. "You better finish what you've started. Captain." So much for him being able to control her sexual desire. She had won this round. Urahara smiled at her and proceeded to shove his raging member into her. He grabbed her legs and fucked her in a frenzy of his own. Her desire taking over his mind. As he fucked her, he kissed her passionately. Remembering her taste. When he saw a flash of recognition in her eyes, he froze. "Urahara." She whispered. He kissed her again before helping her to her hands and knees. She put her head back as he put one hand on her back and started fucking her pussy with a new found energy. He took three fingers and after dipping them in the juices that escaped her pussy, he shoved his fingers into her ass. She gasped. "Fuck me." She demanded. He kept fucking her until they both had run dry. He smiled then as Sakyu lay on her back her legs wide open demanding more from him. Urahara chuckled and buried his face in her pussy, building her up to her peak again. He grimaced as she gripped his hair. He had forgotten how strong she was. He stopped until she loosened her grip. When she did, he grabbed her ass and began to eat her more enthusiastically. Just as she came again, he shoved his tongue into her to catch the fresh juices. He could feel her body shudder. Without a word, Sakyu placed herself over his face and took his limp member into her mouth. Urahara gasped at the heat of it as her mouth enveloped all of him. Despite her clit being red and already swollen from all of his attention, he sucked her clit between his teeth. Gasping as she deep throated him. "Oh baby, fuck." He tells her. This only made her suck his cock that much more. All he could think to do then, was to begin fingerfucking her again. Before long he could feel his cock throbbing as he got close. Sakyu gripped his shaft with one hand and stroked him while deep throating him at the same time. "Uhhh. Baby, I'm going to..." At his words, she took him completely and held him in her letting his juices gush down her throat. He grabbed her ass then as she gently licked his now overly tender cock and flicked his tip with her tongue before finally freeing him from the torture she was forcing him to endure. Sakyu  climbed off of him and lay down as he put his arm around her and kissed her again. "I'm sorry." He whispered. Sakyu looked at him, confused. "Why?" "I feel like I abandoned you. When Mayuri told me..." She kissed him. "It's not your fault, love." She tells him. Just when Urahara was going to say something else, he watched Sakyu's sleeping form. Her long hair tickling his chest. She was wearing a genuine smile, her cheeks flush from their lovemaking session. Not lovemaking, he corrected himself. This was a fucking session. Their hunger and drive for sexual gratification had to be appeased. Their lovemaking sessions were always so much more. She had been merciful to him. Most likely taking into account the length of time since they had been together last, or even since he had last had relations with another woman altogether. When she chose, when her drive was at its zenith, she could go for days. As a researcher and her lover, he had tested how far and how long she would go if given the opportunity. In the end, they had both ended up in the medical ward. Dehydrated, exhausted, malnourished. She had been unable to stop, the need drove her nearly mad. She had come a long way in his absence. Captain or not, she could have killed him. Her ability leaves a man completely at her mercy. Granted, his Zanapukto would have intervened, if it came to that. He would need to train himself to resist her as much as he needed to train her to control her urges. This encounter told him that he would need to use extreme measures to gain control of the situation with her. He intended to introduce her to things that as far as he knew, she had never experienced. She would learn that she was no longer the one allowed to be in control. He would need to show her a side of him that she never knew existed. A darker side that could wrest control from her and teach her that her behavior was not only unacceptable, but would be corrected no matter how far he had to go. With her stubbornness, he dreaded what would be required. As her ex lover, his heart felt as though it would break. He had lost her so long ago and had felt that loss deeply. His feelings for her were at one time so strong, he would have gladly given up his position and fled the Soul Society if it meant being with her. Though of course, there would have been repercussions and they would have been punished severely and even executed. He held her close, fighting back tears. He loved her, he realized. He had all this time. And yet what he had to do to her once morning came, made him a criminal. He would give her this time. She would have his tenderness this last time. He smelled her hair causing more memories to flood into his mind. He sighed again and tried to close his eyes. He had preparations to make. In the end she would have to hate him. She would need to feel betrayed so that she would turn her back on him and go on to succeed in her life as a Soul Reaper. Not just for her, but for all of the Soul Society. No matter how much he despised them. He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Sakyu moan again. He gently began to rub her overused clit until she came and settled back into a content sleep. He licked her juices off his fingers. Its a good thing that he enjoyed his work. Once he got into the proper frame of mind, she could no longer be known to him as a lover, a friend, or a comrade. She would become nothing more than his property. She would be treated as such from the beginning and by the end, if he did his job well, he would go back to his life and she would go on to live hers. He had no doubt she would become Captain at some point if she chose. Finally, sleep began to pull at him and he closed his eyes holding his lover in his arms.

     While he had Sakyu working outside, he found a room that he thought would work for his upcoming activities. He spent time building what he could on his own and ordering what he didn't have. She would be required to dress as she was commanded to. He expected her to fight back during this process as well. He hated it while he was preparing. Her punishments would be swift and severe. Rewards only granted when she learned the lessons he required her to learn. She would be taking some of her own medicine as well. The methods he would be required to use on her, she had used on others. This is where the shock value lay. These lessons would have the most impact. He hoped for her sake that she would choose to listen the first time. He would need to call on a third party to be there to deal with any recovery should she disobey. He could not allow himself that role. Once everything was ready, he would have to shut off all emotion to make this successful. They would only interact during their encounters. She would be submerged completely in this world he was going to create for her. Her training on hold. He needed to accomplish the task that the Soul Society had originally laid out for him. Once he realized who she was and that he still had feelings for her, he had no choice but to expedite his plan. Part of him wondered what would happen. Would she except the training he was going to put her through and thus change her behavior to what they expected? Or would she remain the same no matter how far he had to go. She could very well become so much worse. And this would spell doom for her. If the Soul Society felt she was a hinderance to their work or a danger to those who lived in the Soul Society, she could be disposed of. They could decide that she was too far gone. That would mean she would end up in one of two places. Back in the hands of Research and Development, meaning a long, drawn out, torturous existence. Or death. He didn't like either of those options. He would do his best for her. He went to his office and decided to update his journal. If he was going to do this, he might as well document it. He was still a researcher. And in the off chance that the Soul Society should decide to send him a similar project in the future, he preferred to be ready. He sure as hell intended to milk them for all he could when this was finished. This favor had become personal and therefore that much harder for him to accomplish. He felt that someone somewhere knew the dilemma he was faced with. He could imagine his old friend laughing at how he was handling all of this. Once the room was finished, he looked it over. All the necessary instruments, and other equipment was ready. He held the uniform he had chosen for Sakyu to wear. He hung it next to the door and turned off the light. He sighed again as he shut the door behind him.

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