Part 7 Clinical Trials

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     Sakyu woke, showered and dressed before going to the kitchen. She fixed herself something to eat and sat down. Meeting Urahara in his lab brought back memories. Not all of them were good. When Mayuri was involved things always turned painful. Urahara had always been gentle when it came to his experiments. She took the last bite of your rice and stood up to rinse out her dishes. Once finished, she walked to Urahara's office and knocked on the door. "Come in." He called. Sakyu walked in and he motioned for her to sit in a chair. He went through and checked her vitals and wrote the information down. "I was able to create a vaccine from your blood. I'm hoping it will block the enzyme that is causing all the problems." Sakyu nodded. "You will need to let me know how you feel as soon as I've injected you with it." Sakyu nodded again. He took her arm and Sakyu closed her eyes. After she felt the injection she opened them again. Urahara put a bandage over the injection site and had her lay her arm down. The first thing she felt was a warmth moving through her body. Not painful, almost comforting. As though she were warming herself beside a fire. "I feel warm all over." She told him. "Any pain?" He asked. "No. It's comfortable." He nodded and made a note of it. "Let's wait a few more minutes." Sakyu closed her eyes and focused on the sensations that she was experiencing. Other than the initial warmth, she felt nothing else. He opened her eyes again and saw Urahara watching her. She nodded. He smiled. "On to the next step then." He stood up and took her hand. "Stand up slowly." Sakyu took her time and got to her feet. Urahara walked out of the office and led Sakyu to their room. Inside she found her uniform and quickly changed into it. When she started to get to her knees, Urahara stopped her. "That's not necessary anymore." Sakyu smiled. He had her sit on the bed and wait. "I'd like you masturbate for me." He tells her. Sakyu blushed making him laugh out loud. After all they had done, she was shy about masturbating in front of him? "I would join you, but im testing a theory. Please?" Sakyu sighed and made herself comfortable. She spread her legs and began rubbing her clit, her breathing began to quicken. She rubbed herself with more energy until Urahara saw her body stiffen, her toes curl and she gasped as she came. He waited hearing Sakyu breathing heavily as she finished. After a moment he realized. He felt nothing. Absolutely nothing. "That's it." He yelped. Making Sakyu jump. He ran to her and kissed her. Her juices started flowing right then. Not fair. He pulled away and winked. After a moment, he opened the door and in walked five gigai. He had to be sure that her not affecting him wasn't due to other factors. He walked back over to her and stood there for a moment before he began fingerfucking her. Sakyu grabbed the sides of the bed and gasped as he fucked her in a frenzy. She could feel her body tense again as she quickly reached her peak. Then he stopped, watching the gigai. Not one of them moved, or even reacted to what was happening. "Urahara, please." Sakyu begged. "Let me cum." He turned to her and smiled. "As you wish." He then put his face in between her legs. He had another question to answer and this would allow him to do so. Sakyu grabbed his hair as he beat her clit with his tongue. She exploded and gasped as he dug his tongue into her. Sucking her dry. Once he had finished, he licked his lips as she watched. "Delicious." Sakyu blushed and rolled her eyes. He turned to the gigai. Still no movement. Next, they would need to see how long the effects of the vaccine lasted. He returned to their original training schedule. After about a week, he learned that the vaccine had run its course when he found Sakyu masturbating in her bed again. He felt that familiar urge pulling him towards her. Her body begging for his attention. He watched as she came and undid his robe. She took his semi hard cock into her mouth, grabbing his behind as she worked him. As soon as she released him, he grabbed her legs and put them on his shoulders. He grabbed her hips and shoved his cock into her. She grabbed his arms as he pounded into her. He let himself go. He felt so happy at this point. His work had been successful. At least to the point that mattered the most. He closed his eyes and moaned as he filled her up. He slammed into her one final time before pulling out and laying next to her. Sakyu smiled. She was glad to see him so happy. And proud that she had helped him achieve his goals. Even it they were for her sake. "What happens now?" She asked. Urahara sighed. During the week that they trained, he learned that the treatment in no way affected her spiritual pressure. They had on a few occasions had relations during that week. Sakyu had reacted as any normal woman would to his advances, so her sexual drive was not diminished either. The treatment only made it so that she could live a normal life and not affect those around her. That was the goal he had set. He had accomplished what the Soul Society had expected of him. He looked at Sakyu. "Now we have to convince everyone else that you are fit to return to duty." Sakyu closed her eyes. Part of her didn't want to return. She had missed Urahara so much. But as a Soul Reaper, she had duty to perform. "I am going to miss you." He told her. Sakyu put her hand on his cheek. "This is the second time you have saved my life." She felt a tear start to fall, but he took his thumb and rubbed it away. He kissed her again. She was capable. He knew that when she returned to the Soul Society, she would achieve all of her dreams. She would undoubtedly become captain someday. She had the drive and the ambition.

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