Part 4 New Rules(Lemon)

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     Sakyu woke, dressed and went to the kitchen. But Urahara was nowhere to be seen. She shrugged, fixed herself some breakfast and sat down to eat. Once she was finished, she cleaned up. When she went to step outside the kitchen, she found Urahara waiting for her. His demeanor had changed. For a moment, Sakyu thought something must be wrong. "Urahara." She says, He didn't respond. "Whatever," She says then and starts to walk past him. He stood in front of her. "What the fuck?" She tells him. "Follow me." With a sigh, she did as he told her. After what had happened, this is not what she was expecting. Urahara stopped at a door to a room she had not seen before. When he opened the door, her eyes widened. A grin started to form on her lips. "Step inside." He ordered. Sakyu looked at him. Surely this was a joke. But there was no humor. He was dead serious. "On your knees," He ordered then as he shut the door behind them. And locked it. Sakyu laughed. Until Urahara put his hands on her shoulders and forced her to her knees. Sakyu heart started pounding. This was different. "Urahara, what..." He struck her across the face. She reacted by attempting to hit him back, but he pulled her arm painfully behind her back. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" She asked. He responded by striking her across the opposite side of the face. "Shut up. No speaking unless I order you to." "Okay, this is bullshit." Sakyu says then. She waited to see if he would hit her. He didn't. Instead he handed her a very skimpy dress. "Put it on." Sakyu finally did as ordered. As soon as she had done as she was told, Urahara pushed her up against the door and shoved his fingers into her pussy. "Ura-" She started. He fucked her even harder. As she came, he whispered. "You're to call me Master, from this point on, do you understand?" All Sakyu could do was nod. Wrong move. He struck her again. "Yes, Master." She growled. He kissed her then. She could barely stay on her feet. What was this? "Back on your knees." He ordered. She did so. "I'm going to explain the rules and your going to listen. Do you understand?" "Yes, Master." She responded. Way to quickly. What the hell? 

Rule 1- When I order you to come to this room, you will put on what I leave for you and wait on your knees until I enter and shut the door behind me.

Rule 2- You will address me as Master. While in this room, you will do as you are ordered. If you refuse, punishment will be swift and painful. If you comply, the pleasure will be worth your obedience. 

Rule 3- Because I know better than you what you can handle, there is no safe word.

Rule 4- The purpose to all of this is for you to learn that being a slut and sleeping around with everyone, especially Captains, is a detriment to the work that the Soul Society does. It was either this or execution. You will learn that catering to your desires will no longer be tolerated. I was ordered to go to what ever extreme was necessary to break you. And I intend to do just that. Your going to hate me when this is over and ultimately return to the Soul Society. From this point on, you'll get no sympathy from me.

Sakyu watched the floor. When she didn't respond, Urahara grabbed her chin roughly and lifted her eyes to meet his. "Do you understand these rules?" He asked. His heart was aching at that moment. He swallowed the lump in his throat. "Yes, Master." Sakyu whispered. "Speak up, I didn't hear you." He saw her eyes flash. "Yes, Master." She spat venom at him. There she was, he thought to himself. She would need to be strong through all of this. He took a rider's crop from a nearby table. "Stand up." He ordered. Sakyu did so, slowly. Urahara struck her on her breast. Sakyu hissed. "Too slow," He tells her. "Go lay on the bed." He pointed at the bed behind him with the crop. Sakyu moved more quickly this time. When she lay on the bed, Urahara bound her hands and feet so that she was spread eagle. "Well done." He tells her. For a moment, Sakyu saw the slightest smile. Then it was gone. Her heart started pounding as Urahara undid the robe he wore. Despite his treatment of her, she noticed his cock was hard as hell. She was beginning to understand. In order to break her. He intended to use the one thing she loved the most. Sex. That was fine with her. If he thought that simply fucking her would break her of her appetite, he was dead wrong. She smiled. "Do you find something, funny. Slut." Sakyu glared at him. "That's what you are." He continues. "Willing to be fucked by any cock, no matter who." "Fuck you." Sakyu spat. Urahara struck her on the inside of an arm with the crop. It stung and left a nasty welt. "Do you think disrespecting me is going to get you what you want?" Sakyu turned her head away from him. His once throbbing cock began to shrink. Good. Sakyu thought. Urahara grabbed her chin and turned her head towards him. When she went to yell, he shoved his cock into her mouth making her gag as he shoved himself in as far as he could go. Sakyu's eyes watered, and not just due to her gag reflex. This was not Urahara. Had he changed so much in their time apart. Part of her wanted to bite down on him. But she couldn't. He leaned down and whispered in her ear. "Remember Rule 2." Sakyu closed her eyes and began to suck his cock. As she did so, he shoved his fingers into her pussy again. Pounding her. They came at the same time. As her juices squirted out of her, he shoved his cock into her deep and rubbed her throat to make sure she swallowed all of him. Once she was done, he finally pulled out. She took a deep breath. He waited a moment before presenting his flaccid member to her again. She took it more willingly. When he was hard, he undid the binds on her ankles and put her legs over his shoulders. She gasped as he shoved himself into her. She forgot herself then. "Oh God, Urahara. Fuck me." He stopped all together. She lifted her head and looked at him. He struck her other arm with the crop and left a mark. Fuck. Urahara sighed. He pulled a device out of a cabinet and set it on the bed. Her eyes widened. It looked like a cock, no two on some kind of machine. She had learned about them during one of her trips to the World of the Living a few years ago. A fucking machine. Her eyes lit up. This looked like more of a reward than a punishment. Urahara shook his head. His eyes sad. She would learn that there could be too much of a good thing. He grabbed her ass and shoved both cocks into the holes he wanted. And turned it on. The orgasms were beyond anything she had felt. He put the binds back on her feet while she was distracted. At random times, Urahara would hit her nipples with the crop. For a while, this only intensified her pleasure. But before long, the pain began to overpower the pleasure. When he struck her and she cried out in pain, he finally stopped. She was beginning to feel raw, the relentless pounding of the two dildos into her body. With a longing glance, Urahara turned up the speed and walked out.

     Urahara sat in his office and sipped a cup of green tea. She had been in there for over six hours. He was curious what he was going to find when he finally returned. She had always prided herself and often bragged that she had an insatiable appetite. This was often her excuse for seeking out sex from men. This exercise was intended to teach her that  that only applied when she was in control. What would she think now? A machine has no sympathy. It would do as he programmed it. It would fuck her without remorse. Not caring that she would eventually become dry. He picked up his phone and contacted the member of the medical corps that was stationed nearby. She would be dehydrated at the least at the end of this session. She would then be allowed to rest for a time. When this was over, not only would she hate him, but he hoped she would develop an aversion to the World of the Living. He checked the time again. Eight hours. He drank the last of his tea and after writing a few notes in his journal, he met his comrade at the door and led him to where Sakyu was. The medical member, looked at Urahara shocked. "Just do what I asked you to do." He said quietly. Urahara shut off the machine. Sakyu was unconscious, which actually surprised him. He watched as the medic roused her. Urahara walked out of the room and left him to his work. The glare he gave him was understandable.  When he had finished treating her, she was left to rest. "The Head Captain agreed to this?" He asked. Not believing it. "I'll let you read the report." Urahara answered simply. "Who is she? An enemy?" He asked. "If she's a prisoner..." Urahara shook his head. "Her name is Sakyu Basan." The medic recognized her name. He was shocked. He had heard about her. She had one hell of a reputation. She was a damn good fighter, even without her Zanpakuto released. Of course her sexual promiscuity eclipsed her abilities as a Soul Reaper. He knew the typical punishments for dereliction of duty. This was certainly not one of them. She must have earned a lot of respect from the higher ups despite her behavior for them to agree to an alternative such as this. He bowed his head. "Captain, contact me again when I'm needed." Urarhara nodded. "Thank you." The medic left. Urahara returned to Sakyu, she was in a deep sleep. Had she not passed out, he would have been forced to continue. He sighed as he undid her binds and covered her with a blanket. The marks he had given her earlier were darker now. The welts were very prominent on her breasts, her nipples had small lacerations as well. He closed his eyes and sighed. He put the equipment away. Then he picked her up and carried her back to her room. She rolled over and gasped at the sudden pain, but remained asleep. She would be in a lot of pain tomorrow. He hoped that she was eager to comply with his wishes. She would find their sessions much more enjoyable and so would he. This was meant to be a lesson for her. He hated that she fought him. He had sealed her Zanpakuto before he had her come to the room. If things went too far, even that wouldn't keep her sword from coming to her aid. He had no intention of it going that far. But in the end, it was all up to Sakyu. If she chose to continue to fight him, he would have to continue what he was doing. Damn it. If they hadn't recognized each other, this would have been so much easier. Urahara sighed. He was exhausted as well. He showered and got ready for bed. Tomorrow was going to be a long day.

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