Part 6 Raising the Stakes

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     Sakyu had been left to her own devices for nearly a week. Urahara had ordered her that he was not to be disturbed. She kept herself busy by working out, cleaning, and practicing drills with her Zanpakuto. Urahara watched her as she went through the last. He had finished his work finally. And had found a possible solution from a medical perspective. He had found an enzyme in Sakyu's body that seemed to add to her sexual drive. It was possible to destroy this enzyme with a single vaccine. But this would be the final step. It was best that Sakyu learn how to control her weaknesses through her own means. Through will power and the willingness to control her inhibitions. He had set up the room for the next part of the project. It involved ten gigai. He was exhausted. He would give her today so that he could get some rest and get cleaned up. His body ached as he watched her, he sighed and went about his business. Sakyu had sensed his presence, but chose to focus on her training. 

      Sakyu groaned when her light was turned on. When she opened her eyes, she found her uniform waiting for her. She got up, got dressed and went to the kitchen to eat. Urahara was waiting for her at the door. He put a blindfold on her, opened the door and led her into the room. He held her hand while she got on her knees. She heard him close the door and lock it. "I want to see how your presence affects the men around you. You are to do as they tell you. You may consider this a pleasure session. I'm going to observe your behavior when you are allowed to have your way."Something was different, she could sense it. Her heart began to pound with excitement, her center began to get wet, really wet. What was going on? Urahara removed her blindfold and watched with amazement as the gigai began to move toward her. Their members were hard and at the ready. He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. Four of the gigai approached her. They helped her lay down on the large bed he had brought in. Sakyu gasped as the first immediately shoved his fingers into her pussy and began fucking her. The second presented his cock to Sakyu and she hungrily took it. The gigai grabbing her hair as she sucked him. The third began to fondle her breasts and suck on them. Twisting them on occasion. Making Sakyu gasp. No doubt his actions affected his comrades. Urahara imagined that her pussy would tighten and she would suck the other's cock that much more strongly. He watched the fourth lay so that he had access to her pussy. When he flicked her clit with his tongue, the others reacted. One of the gigai sat behind her and made her sit on his cock. He moaned as he shoved himself into her. He pulled her forward and a second gigai shoved his cock into her ass. Sakyu squealed at the sensation. He continued to watch as Sakyu was made to get on her hands and knees. Each of the ten gigai took turns fucking her, one right after the other. He could feel the pressure building in the room as Sakyu was satisfied. He almost stepped in when he saw two gigai shove both their cocks into her at the same time. Sakyu only begged them to fuck her more. It was a flurry of bodies. Finally Urahara had seen enough. He snapped his fingers and the gigai stopped what they were doing immediately. Standing in a line in front of him. His eyes widened when he saw Sakyu continue to finger herself. He looked his group over for any injuries. The first thing he noticed, each of them had sores on their cocks. She had made them raw in her desperation for satisfaction. He could relate to that. The group started to respond to Sakyu desire again. He deactivated all but four and let them return to Sakyu. She was still rubbing her clit when the gigai began fingerfucking her again. When she came, he put his face between her legs and began eating her. Another gigai lifted her so that she was over the first one's face. He grabbed her and pulled her pussy down to his face. The one holding her put his hands around her and grabbed her breasts, roughly. Urahara watched as she came, the one eating her acted as though he were starving and ate every drop. The one behind her removed one hand from her breast and grabbed his cock so that he could shove it up her ass again. The one eating her out grabbed her hips, making her cry out as he gripped her tighter than she was expecting. He pulled her pussy lips into his mouth and then used his fingers to spread them apart and beat her clit with his tongue again. Sakyu's whole body spasmed. He watched as Sakyu reached down to block the gigai from his work on her clit. He smacked it away, and only beat her even harder. Sakyu cried out as the gigai began fisting her. They were becoming even more insistent than she was. A third gigai went to her open breast and had his way. The fourth was stroking his cock like a mad man. "Enough!" The gigai stopped again. Remove their body parts from her and stood up again. Sakyu lay on the bed breathing heavy and sweating. Her body shaking from the overstimulation. He sent them away. Sakyu was moaning. But not in pain, he noticed. He picked her up and held her as he ran a hot bath. Once it was ready, he slid her into the tub and proceeded to wash her up. He noticed some bleeding from the work they had done. Going to that extreme had given him a lot of information. She did indeed give off a pheromone of some kind. His creations were compelled to fuck her. Almost to the point that it became a danger to Sakyu. They felt the need to feed the sexual desire just as she did. Even to the point of being willing to harm her just so they could the most pleasure. Sakyu sighed and opened her eyes to watch Urahara, "That was fun." She tells him with a smile. Urahara shook his head and couldn't help but chuckle. Once she was bathed and dressed, he sat her down and explained what had found in her bloodwork and what it was he was testing with the gigai. "Really? Wow." Urahara shook his head. "Your sexual overtness isn't entirely by choice. I developed a vaccine if you decide you would rather stop this now." Sakyu nodded. "No thank you. At least not yet. I know how important your research is to you." She tells him. "Are you up for more? Or do you want to stop for today?" Sakyu smiled. "Let's continue. I'm getting curious myself." Urahara stood up and took her hand. Urahara brought one gigai into the room. Sakyu could feel her body react. Urahara had her describe what she was feeling. Sakyu described the sensation as a form of static electricity moving through her body. When Urahara had the gigai step outside again, Sakyu told him that the sensation ceased. When the gigai returned, he had her focus on the sensation and see if there was a way she could control it. In all the years that she had used action to stave of her desire, she had never attempted that. Sakyu took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She found that controlling her desire and the sensation that went with it was much like controlling her spiritual pressure. After a few hours or working on it, she watched as the gigai's constantly erect cock began to ease and then finally it stood there without reacting to her at all. Sakyu began to waver and Urahara was there to catch her before she fell. "Did that help?" She asked in regard to his research. He nodded and picked her up. He laid her down in her bed and covered her. Urahara kissed her making her moan again. He had plenty of information to add to his journals. What he had learned could help many other people in the future. Granted, the likelihood of there being another person like Sakyu was rare, but, this would at least give the Soul Society another option besides imprisonment or death for anyone exhibiting similar behaviors. He only had a few more tests to perform. Then Sakyu would be free to return to where she belonged. Urahara had mixed emotions about her leaving. The fact that much of her behavior was caused by something out of her control made him regret his treatment of her. Seeing that she was eager to help him with his research, there was no need to continue the more domineering behavior to ensure her compliance. Though what she had learned would continue to be a benefit to her. He returned to his office and set to work updating his information. Before getting to testing the vaccine on her, Urahara had to do the test that Mayuri suggested. He brought in one of the gigai and set to work adjusting its behavior. 

     When Sakyu woke the following morning and went to the kitchen, Urahara was waiting for her. Her eyes widened when she saw the table. He had prepared a wonderful meal. Eggs, sausage, bacon, toast, hash browns. She had read that meals in the World of the Living could be elaborate. Urahara smiled. She was so glad to see him back to his old self. After they had finished eating, he handed her the uniform, this time with a smile. "Shall we?" He asked. Sakyu nodded and followed him to the room. She got on her knees and waited. Urahara motioned for a gigai to come into the room, and shut the door. "This last test is to see if you can refrain from responding if you are propositioned." He tells her. Sakyu raised an eyebrow. "Stand up." Urahara tells her. Sakyu did so. The gigai approached her. First he walked around her eyeing her up and down. Sakyu gave Urahara a look. Suddenly, the gigai grabbed her by her pussy. She closed her eyes and took a breath. The gigai responded by becoming more aggressive pulling her underwear back with one hand and shoving his fingers into her pussy. Oh, that was cheating. Despite that, she took another deep breath and let it out. The gigai removed his fingers and sucked her juices off his fingers before turning around and standing behind his master. Urahara nodded to the gigai again and he left the room. "Strip." He ordered Sakyu. Sakyu's body began to tingle. She did as ordered. Urahara had her follow him to bindings attached to a wall and had her stand so that he could attach the bindings to her hands and ankles. As he finished the ones on her ankles, her remained on his knees. He moved his hands up the inside of one leg and then the other. Sakyu gasped. Urahara watched her, and with a sly smile, he ran his finger up her slit. Sakyu shuddered. He stood up and leaned toward her ear. "Don't cum unless I order it." Sakyu sighed and nodded. Suddenly he began rubbing her clit, she could feel her muscles tighten and her insides ache. He rubbed her even harder. "Cum." He ordered and then stopped his movement. Sakyu gasped as her juices gushed hitting the floor in a massive splash. He rubbed her clit again and stopped. "Cum."  She gushed again. "Cum," A third gush. He did this over seven more times in succession. Sakyu found herself gasping and felt her stomach ache after he finally stopped. "What-" Urahara kissed her then. Sakyu closed her eyes as he wrapped his hand into her hair, kissing her more deeply. He began working his cock out of his robe and locked his fingers with her bound ones. She gasped as he shoved himself into her. Bouncing her on his cock as he held her. Before he came he pulled out and spread her ass wide open before he shoved his fingers into her. He felt her pussy tighten around his cock. He moaned and closed his eyes as he came. Once he had finished, he undid Sakyu's binds and handed her a robe. He kissed her again. I'll see you in the morning. Meet me in my lab after breakfast." With that he left. Sakyu put on her robe and went to take a shower before going to her room to rest. That session took more out her than she had expected.  

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