Part 8 A Fresh Start

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     Sakyu woke feeling refreshed. She dressed and hurried to the kitchen. Urahara bid her good morning. Sakyu smiled and took the rice he offered her. "You're leaving today. As soon as you're ready, we can leave." He tells her. Sakyu nodded. "Thank you, sir." Urahara tried not to grimace. The memory wipe had worked. She no longer remembered their past together. Once she had eaten, she changed back into her Soul Reaper garb. Urahara led her to a gate. After it opened, they found themselves in front of the Head Captain's meeting hall. Sakyu and Urahara walked to the door and after a moment it slowly opened. Inside the Head Captain as well as all the captain's of the thirteenth guard waited. Sakyu walked forward until she faced the Head Captain and bowed. "Sir, I would like to apologize for my previous behavior. To you and the other Captains. I am prepared to serve the Soul Society as I was meant to." The Head Captain nodded. He looked at Urahara and he bowed and nodded. The vaccine had indeed worked. The Head Captain looked at each of the other captains and they each nodded one after the other. "Well done, Kisuke." He turned his gaze back to Sakyu. "Which Captain would like to take this young lady as part of their squad?" Captain Kyoraku stepped forward. "I would be honored to have Sakyu Basan in my squad." He bowed. "So be it." The Head Captain stated. "Sakyu Basan, you are now a member of 1st Division. With all rights and responsibilities restored to you." Sakyu bowed to the Head Captain and then stood up to wait. "You may leave so that you can get settled in your new barracks." Sakyu bowed and turned to leave. He dismissed the Captains so that he could speak to Urahara alone. "You have done the Soul Society a great service." Urahara bowed. "Thank you, sir." "Were you required to wipe her memory as you feared?" He asked. "Yes, sir." Urahara answered. "I see." The Head Captain replied as he shook his head. "You'll receive your payment as agreed." He added.  "Thank you, sir." Urahara says simply. "You're dismissed." He bowed and left.

     When Sakyu arrived at the barracks, her Captain was waiting for her. She bowed. "Sir." He only chuckled. "I look forward to seeing what you bring to our squad, young lady." He tells her. "Yes, Captain." Sakyu bowed again. She had indeed been forgiven. She sighed. She would be forever thankful to Kisuke for his help during her probation. She looked forward to returning to her position as Soul Reaper. She had fought hard and long to get where she was and had almost messed everything up due to her actions. She had certainly learned her lesson. And had rather enjoyed it. She felt her cheeks warm. "Are you alright?" Her Captain asked. For a moment he had a worried look. "Yes, Captain. I'm fine." "I'll let you settle in today. You'll be assigned to a squad first thing in the morning." He tells her. "Thank you, Captain." Sakyu bowed again and watched as the Captain walked away.

     Sakyu went on to become successful in her squad. Her sexual desire and activities were no different than any other woman her age. Urahara was given regular updates from his connections in the Soul Society and was pleased that he had been able to help her. It would take him some time to get over the feelings he had for her. Their time together had been intense and unforgettable. At least for him. Once he had updated his journals, he put everything away and went about his normal business. He was glad to be back to doing his normal activities and to be together with those he considered his family. He had learned as much if not more than he had intended during his time with Sakyu. The most important was that no matter how much time passes by, love for someone never fades. She would always be a part of him.

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