Part 5 Lesson Learned?

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     Sakyu woke up slowly. She grimaced when she tried to sit up. A dizzy spell hit her then. Had that really happened? Her whole body ached. She took a few deep breaths and assessed the damage. She had bruising where Urahara had struck her with the riding crop. Her nipples were still tender. As she began feeling her body she closed her eyes. She put her hands on her stomach. It still ached some but not unbearably. She reached her hands down further. Surely after what he had done to her, she wouldn't even think of being horny. And yet as she found her clit, she gasped. Somehow, even after the sexual beating her body had taken, she felt her body tense up begging for release again. "Shit," She gasped. She put three fingers into her center and she came. Now that she started it, she would have to finish it. She really was a monster. Her body just didn't understand the trouble it was placing her in. She began rubbing her clit. The upside to her abuse yesterday, she came quickly. She bit her lip and rode her orgasm silently. She gushed. Something that before the session, she had never accomplished on her own. She lay there feeling her heart pounding in her chest. She took a few deep breaths and tried to slow it. When she turned over, she gasped. Urahara was watching her. His expression was a mixture of shock and sadness. In the next moment he pulled her to her feet roughly. He handed her the uniform and simply pointed to the direction of the room. With a sigh, Sakyu complied. She experienced what breaking the rules led to. What would happen if she did as she was told?

     Urahara did allow her breakfast before they continued. There was no idle conversation. She ate quickly. When he got to his feet, she followed him. He opened the door. Sakyu stepped inside and immediately dropped to her knees. Her pussy began to get wet from anticipation. She intended to surprise him today. Urahara reached down and grabbed her chin, gently this time. When he kissed her, electricity ran through her. She blushed. "Stand up." He ordered. Sakyu rose to her feet. "Go to the far wall." He ordered then. Sakyu obeyed. On the back wall she saw a table. The surface was small, allowing only room for her back if she were to lay on it. This allowed Urahara complete and open access to all of her body. From every side. There was also another shackle system, though this consisted of  a more comfortable material. Almost like silk. She sighed as he bound her. The material making her body react. She could feel her juices begin to build up. Urahara watched her for a moment. Feeling proud. She had obeyed his commands without question or complaint. Sakyu gasped as he touched her breasts with a feather light touch. He ran his fingers over her bruises. For a second Sakyu saw his expression change. It didn't last. His fingers brushed her nipples, causing them to harden. She gasped. The pain and pleasure of his touch. Urahara watched her. He could feel his cock begin to respond as he played with her. This next test would be harder than she realized. He leaned down and whispered in her ear. "If you cum. You'll be punished." Sakyu gasped. And came. That was fucking cheating and he knew it. He produced a leather paddle and immediately struck her pussy and clit, hard. She yelped. "This session you will learn how to follow orders without question. You are not allowed to cum unless I give you permission. If you do, you will be punished." He showed her the leather paddle. Do you understand?" "Yes, Captain." "Then let's continue." He replies. He continued to run his fingers over her. She squirmed some as he ran his fingers down the inside of her legs. She closed her eyes. She began to feel her body tense up again. Like a snake poised to strike. She breathed deep. The tension eased some. She could do this. As Urahara's fingers worked their way down her legs and to her feet, she felt accomplished. Suddenly, he ran his fingers up her slit. She came again. She groaned and opened her eyes to see what he was going to do this time. He brought his hand back and smacked her pussy and clit, hard. She jumped pulling at her binds. She cried out and felt a tear fall. "One more time." He repeated the process step by step. And Sakyu didn't cum. But God her body ached for release. "Good girl." Urahara tells her. She waited. Urahara got on his knees and the entrance to her pussy. Sakyu's heart began to pound. She could feel his breath on her womanhood. And felt her juices rush to the entrance. She stopped them. Somehow she forced her body to pull them back. God her body ached. Then he flicked her clit with his tongue. "Oh fuuuck." She gasped. She exploded. All control gone. Urahara was there in an instant. Digging his tongue into her pussy. Sucking and biting at her clit. She came so much, he thought. He could see the pain in her face as she tried so hard to comply. He had to give her this. He would build her back up to a greater extent the next time. Sakyu's whole body shuddered as she orgasmed. Making her bindings rattle in the intensity. Urahara kissed her, she could still taste the sweetness of her juices on his lips. Her lips parted allowing him entrance. The tension built up again. He kissed her deeper and longer, not allowing her to use her previous method to gain control. He began to fondle her nipples, she could feel the shock between her legs in response. He finally broke the kiss allowing Sakyu to breathe again. The pressure began to rise even more as he began to kiss her neck and work his way back down. His lips caressed her skin as he worked his way down her body. He stopped at her belly button, and tongue fucked it some. She gasped. The tension continued to build. She took a few breaths. He continued his journey down her body. Kissing through the softness of her pussy hair. He pulled her leg some and kissed around her pussy. He continued further down. This time he chose to kiss her on the insides of her thighs, alternating one side to the other. He sucked on her some as well, making the intensity linger longer. Sakyu groaned. Her heart began to pound. The energy it took to keep from cumming was so fucking immense. She began to get dizzy and took a deep breath again. When he flicked her clit with his tongue this time, she cried out, but didn't cum. Urahara stopped and returned to her ear. "Hold it. Do not cum." She held it. Her body was screaming, her heart was pounding. Urahara opened up his robe. His cock was so fucking engorged, he could barely touch it. He put it at her entrance and shoved himself into her. She gasped and cried out. Don't cum. Don't cum. She told herself. God she was in so much fucking pain. How was this even possible. He proceeded to fuck her. Her pussy was so tight, he could see the sweat begin to build up on her body. He was getting close. "Cum for me." He said, his voice thick with desperate desire. Suddenly a flood gate opened. When Sakyu came she began to cry from the sheer release of it. Her body went into even stronger spasms and the endless wave of her cum threatened to overwhelm him. Her pussy was strangling his cock to the point that he wanted to pull out. The grip she had on him was monstrous. Almost as though she intended to punish him for all that he had done to her. He groaned. Finally her walls set him free. He pulled out with a gasp. Sakyu was breathing heavily. She was exhausted. He wasn't quite done with her. He began to stroke himself until he was hard again. Once he did this, he shoved his cock into her ass, hard. His body still wanted further release. His working with her had made his body want her even more. He wished he could tell her what she meant to him. All he could do is show her. He watched as she held in her cries. "No," He tells her. "I want to hear you." She did as ordered and cried out. "Yes, Captain. Fuck me, please." He fucked her long and hard until he came inside of her. He couldn't help but think that he was killing the best parts of her by doing his job. Part of him hated that she had followed his directions so perfectly. And yet he was proud of her. It worried him some that his body had responded so positively to her torture. He felt guilty that he had enjoyed it so much. The pain from his raging cock was punishment for him as well. He undid her binds. When she tried to stand up, her legs buckled. He instinctively reached to help her. She glared at him. She got on her knees and bowed her head. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction this time. Urahara smiled for an instant. Then "The session is over for now. I hope you've learned your lesson. Pleasure is a priviledge, not a right." "Yes, Captain." Sakyu responded. With that Urahara walked away, opened the door and shut it behind him. Sakyu sat there for a moment. Aware of the horrendous smell of the mixture of their juices that covered the floor. She got to her feet.

     Urahara sat down at his desk and opened his journal. As he updated the information, he began to wonder, what would he do next? She became horny around men, he would need to work on that next. But how? He would need to see if she had an affect on any man she met. He began to work on creating a special type of gigai. This exercise would be the most violent and extreme. And making sure she was unable to cum unless commanded would need to continue at the same time. He was still trying to determine where her ability to affect men came from. Did it come from pheromones'? Or was her spiritual pressure somehow involved? Trying to force her to stamp down her spiritual pressure was tricky business. If it was done wrong, it would affect her ability to interact with her Zanpakuto. He stood up grabbed some supplies and went to her room. When he opened the door, he found that she had showered and was sound asleep.  He took her arm and as gently as possible, proceeded to draw three vials of blood. She moaned but didn't waken. He bandaged the site and lay her arm down. He got up and walked out the door, stealing a glance at her sleeping form before closing the door behind him. If he could find a physical reason for her condition, perhaps he could make changes on a more cellular level. He was a scientist. He would even have to contact his old friend for advice. He dreaded that. If he expected Sakyu to suffer to become a better person, than he should be willing to do the same. He contacted Mayuri and described his findings up to this point. Mayuri chuckled. "You honestly think you can fix her?" Urahara sighed. "I've been trying to help her from the beginning." "You have made some progress, certainly. What is your next step?" Urahara described what he had in mind. "May I suggest that if she is able to not affect the gigai with her presence, that you have them entice her?" Urahara thought about that. He was right. She may be able to control her own actions. But what if she was propositioned by someone. She was beautiful and it was likely that a man may at some point push himself on her. What would happen then? Would she lose control? Urahara sighed. He had to make sure that nothing would undo all that he had accomplished. She had worked hard enough to get where she was. She was no longer killing the men she had relations with. At least the Soul Society was willing to acknowledge that much. He sat and talked with Mayuri a moment longer before finally setting to work on what he had to  do next.

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