Amplified Attitudes

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Chapter 5: Amplified Attitudes

Rona was picking up the pace as he made his way over, making sure all his weapons functioned properly. He couldn't afford to fail now when he was so close to his target! Nobody else went after him as he left the town area to go up the hill, probably because they were all busy. Didn't matter anyway, just made things easier for him. As he got over to the area, he managed to spot Celine after a minute of glancing around.

She was currently on some sort of wooden tower, fighting off some other players. Rona brought out the crowbar he had and ran over, hacking away at the planks to possibly topple the tower. Luckily for him, there was no need, as he heard someone drop down behind him and take off. Turning around, he could see it was Celine, who'd miraculously not noticed he was there. Well, now was his chance to go after her!

Rona brought out his charger just in case, and attempted to snipe her as she ran. Unfortunately, she was too far away, so swimming after her it was. She didn't even go that far, just back over to the town area Rona had been in. Rona switched to his blaster and followed, noticing that she'd stopped to examine a crate containing materials.


Rona used the spring he'd gotten from before to jump over to Celine and try to blast her with his weapon. However, Celine finished with the crate quicker than he'd thought, and dodged as he attempted to blast her. She brought out her weapons, dualie squelchers, but paused to examine Rona.

"'s you. That dumb kid from before."

"Yeah, the kid who's gonna be a king someday!" Rona shot back confidently.

"Alright, then parry this, you filthy casual!"

Celine dodge rolled towards Rona at a lightning fast speed, landing a few hits on him before Rona panicked and dropped down to the ground. He quickly pulled out the smokebombs from before as Celine dodge rolled again, hoping he wouldn't be easily taken out. Rona threw down the last of the smokebombs to try and get Celine away, but she brought out some sort of giant fans and blew it away as Rona ran back. So now he couldn't ambush her in the dark and get the advantage...but there were still other ways to attack. He switched to his charger and aimed at Celine, now that she was in visible sight and busy fanning.

However, Celine quickly whipped out a rapid blaster and inked a path to Rona. He shot a path of ink away to try to get more range between himself and his opponent, but Celine was too quick. She used the dodge rolls to catch up, and as Rona tried to aim at her and fire, he only landed a few weak ink shots before Celine was mere feet away from him. She shot the charger out of his hands, then threw down a toxic mist to slow him. Rona switched to the blaster to attempt firing a shot before making his way out of the mist to flee and recover.

Celine sunk into her ink to dodge the blast, then switched to dualie squelchers to go after him. Rona flung a burst bomb at her to halt her, and although she ran right into it, that didn't stop her. She leapt out of her ink, ran up to him, and physically kicked the blaster away from him while he was immobilized from waiting to see if she was blinded or not. This left only his Splattershot, and Rona couldn't waste time or materials on this.

Celine dropped back into her ink to quickly recover, then switched to regular splat dualies as Rona tossed a bomb at her. He then booked it while inking turf to gain a better advantage, but Celine was still onto him. As Rona turned around to see what she was doing, Celine threw a burst bomb onto him, then started firing while he was temporarily blinded. Rona sunk down into his ink, but Celine did not cease fire. Seeing as he was about to get splatted, Rona swam away as fast as he could.

He'd underestimated Celine by a lot, and since there were hardly any people here, he wouldn't have much assistance. He didn't know if this town had some sort of thing you could lead players into to automatically splat them, and he really should've done research. Oh well, surely he'd have beginner's luck, right? Celine suddenly went down another alleyway, and Rona stopped. Popping out of his ink, he watched her leave before staring to turf the area around him more.

"Hah! Coward! I knew you were scared of what I could do!" he shouted.

But his confidence was cut short as Celine then appeared from an alley behind him, using a burst bomb rush she'd gotten from a can. Rona, not seeing an opening or wanting to waste his ink on another bomb, took off into the alleyways, hoping he could lose Celine there. She followed alright, but she seemed to be swimming more with less shooting. Rona was confident that she'd just given up and wanted him to get lost in the alleys so he wouldn't bug her again. However, as he took the next and only turn that was available to him, he saw giant pillars of ink in front of him, blocking his path.

Rona skidded to a halt as he looked around. Celine had used the special weapon of Reef Barrier to block him off, because if he proceeded through those, he'd be splatted by them. She'd also covered the floor and walls with a plastic material that was un-inkable, so he couldn't hide in his ink to recover faster and retaliate. Man did she have this planned out! Rona wasn't prepared for this, but he kept his confident look as Celine approached from behind him.

" think you've got me down, huh?" Rona asked, holding up his last weapon.


Celine rushed forward and held the dualie squelcher straight up to us face. Rona had nowhere to run, she'd disarmed him and blocked off his escape routes.

"I know you had no chance from the start."

"Really? Well-"

Celine shot him without further hesitation, and Rona was out. But...the match wasn't over, meaning there were still people left. As he respawned in the main lobby area, Rona waited to see what place he got. It took a few minutes, but his score eventually loaded in front of his face on a digital screen.

He was ranked 75th place out of the 100 participants that had played this specific match.


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