I Want A Rematch!

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Chapter 8: I Want A Rematch!

He went through the ideas he had in his head one more time.

Hopefully this would all work out in his favor.

Rona had woken up thanks to an alarm, and the first thing he wanted to do today (after getting ready and eating, of course) was get that rematch done. He made sure he was fully dressed and ready to go before running out the door of the Pipefish Posada, also making sure he had his necessities on him like his room key. He met Rex at the bus stop as promised, and was surprised to find the young Salmonling eagerly waiting for him already. Nonetheless, he was still glad the kid had kept his promise, and the two made sure they weren't forgetting anything before heading off.

The two were currently walking around, because they had no clue if Celine was already at the Splat Royale area or not yet. Rona was explaining the ideas he had for their plan, and Rex was either agreeing or disagreeing. There were pros and cons to each part, and while their plan eventually wound up with some modifications, the other parts Rona suggested were scrapped and ditched. The duo kept going over the plan as many times as they could so they wouldn't forget, but kept quiet so others nearby couldn't hear. The last thing they needed was their perfectly good plan foiled by some random in the streets.

The two of them had actually been walking for about 5 minutes without seeing signs of people from before, so something felt off. Of course, there could've been plenty of reasons why, like people moving locations or being busy. Maybe it was still early, but Rona didn't know. Should he just stand there and wait, or would that not be very king-like? Of course, he'd like to get a good reaction out of Celine, but he couldn't do that if she never showed up.

"I wonder where Celine went..." Rona muttered.

"Well, where did you first see her?" Rex asked.

"Oh, it was actually a little ways away from here, just a grassy spot like..."

Rona held up his hand and waved around an area. Of course, he had no clue if Celine was there today, but she could be.

"There, ish."

"Well if you're ready, we should go! I wanna see our plan in action!"

"Heh, alright. I guess a king should always take initiative. Let's go see."

Rona began to take steps towards the area, with Rex following behind. Sure enough, as the two got closer, they could see a small crowd around Celine as she was talking with them. Rona and Rex could hear bits of the conversation, and it seemed like they were talking about what happened yesterday. Probably something about how Celine easily beat him like he wasn't significant or something, but that was his guess. He decided to do something about it...by walking straight up to everyone and shouting.


They all heard him. Rex did too as he caught up.

"Dear god, not this again..." Celine groaned.

The group of people turned to look at Rona, some laughing and some with surprised and confused expressions on their faces. Bet they hadn't expected him again, huh? Rona felt better about this already.

"Yeah, you heard me. Rematch time," he said.

"Why? Are you going to make a fool out of yourself like last time? You got quite the placement there," Celine asked sarcastically.

"Hey, for your information, I wasn't the first person out, AND I splatted people," Rona retaliated.

"That's what they all say...

"Uh. Celine. I was there in that match, and yeah, he did splat some people," a person from the crowd said in a deep voice.

"Yeah? What was his kill count?" Celine asked.

"Well. It wasn't high, but he still splatted people," the person replied.

"See? Not a threat. Anyone can pull a trigger and fire, or throw a bomb. Anyone can last as long as they need either, and this brat here hasn't even done anything of my interest. So why should I even waste time and effort when I can train with the higher ranks to become better at this?" Celine asked rhetorically.

"Ah, but this time, it's gonna be different!" Rona spoke.

"Yeah! He has me!" Rex piped up.

"Ah, you thought you were too weak to beat me so you brought a friend," Celine muttered. "Amusing."

"This "friend" may be capable of more than you think!" Rex said confidently.

"That's right, and together, we're gonna take you down!" Rona added with a grin.

"I doubt that..." Celine sighed, ready to leave this guy at a moment's notice.

"It's not even for your rank this time! Unless you want to do that, which I am definitely down for~" Rona said.

"You flunked your chance at getting my place horribly. I'm not giving you another shot until I see you've improved," Celine replied. "Or maybe I shouldn't give you a chance at all, you're a pretty bad person."

"Heh, coward. You're still scared I'm gonna take your spot, aren't ya?" Rona asked.

"No, I just don't have time to waste on weak newbies like you, like I've stated before. Not sure if that got through your head, though it seems it hasn't."

Some members of the group around her gasped or laughed a little harder at that. Rex was about to run up and give her a piece of his mind, but Rona held him back.

"Well I guess you won't see how much stronger I've gotten then! C'mon Rex, we have better things to do than talk to this snob."

Rona turned around and started to walk away. Rex was about to protest, but followed him anyway, Leaving Celine to be stung with the words Rona had left. It made her ink boil, but maybe the kid had gotten stronger. She could probably still beat him, she just wasn't going to give up her place again for it. The kid had had his chance and he failed it. Chances were, he had some new trick up his sleeve and might actually...no.

Celine slowly turned around.

"Fine. I'll do it."

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