The Battle Intensifies

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Chapter 9: The Battle Intensifies

Everyone was loaded in again, but this time Rona was going to meet Rex at a certain location. He was once again loaded into a field, and Rex had told him to meet up by a tower in the town area. Rona headed over without much of a care for dealing with other players or getting far away items unless they were good. As he arrived by the tower, Rex was waiting for him. He pointed outwards, back towards the grassy area, but far away.

"See that mountain?" Rex asked.


"That's the one we talked about."

" will I know the flag's green? It looks pretty far away."

"You'll see a flash of green, and hopefully you can get Celine in a position where she can't see it...or you'll see it before she can," Rex explained.

"Got it."

"Take this weapon I got too. Stay alive for me!"

Rex handed Rona a regular blaster before running off with a splat roller he'd gotten. Rona figured he might as well look for better weapons now that he was in the town area. He looked in buildings, on rooftops, and anywhere else he could. Rona also kept a watchful eye out for snipers or hidden players, because he was determined to complete this plan with Rex. Eventually though, he located a crate on the back porch of a building and headed over.

Rona immediately dug through it, finding a fan and some smokebombs... and a splatling inside! Well, splatlings were a bit more of a pain to use for him, but he'd take anything. It was possible to lose all 3 of your weapons and be weaponless, so he didn't want that. He searched the town for more crates, but found nothing and left as new players entered. He needed to last longer than he had last time.

He hid in one of the buildings, down in a closet in the building's basement. If all else failed and he was found, he'd have his Splattershot Jr. with its bombs ready to take out whoever attacked. As the match went on, Rona quietly chuckled to himself.

"Well. A king shouldn't be hiding, it's a shameful thing, I guess...but if this is how I win, then this is how I win."

Several more minutes passed, and Rona watched the counter go down every moment. Eventually, it reached a point where there were three people remaining. If he had to guess, Rona would assume that was him, Rex, and Celine. Of course, once you were out there was no way to communicate with people inside, so it could also not be them. But nonetheless, he made his way out of the building, got out of the town, and headed to the grassy hills to see where Celine and Rex might be.

The mountain Rex had mentioned earlier hadn't glowed green, and Rona sure hoped he hadn't missed the flash. But he still stayed in a position so that he could see it, just in case. He turned the grassy area around him to pass time, heart rate increasing from wondering where the other two were. If it was Celine, surely she would've found him by now? After all, she wasn't a "high rank" for nothing...

Suddenly, Rona was pelted by shots from a shooter weapon. On instinct, he swam away as fast as he could, Splattershot Jr. in hand. However, he didn't see a weird blue orb being lobbed at him until it was too late. It hit him and knocked him out of his ink, covering him in some sort of slime as well. Rona resumed humanoid form as he tumbled and landed on his back against a solid surface, which he soon realized was a rock.

Looking up, he could also see Celine approaching him with her weapon, a Splattershot pro. Rona tried to move, but quickly found out that he was stuck to the rock with...whatever that slime was. He still kept tugging at the material even as Celine aimed the splattershot pro at him.

"You may have gotten to the top three this time, but I'm not going to let you take another step," Celine said coldly.

Rona looked around, and saw that the mountain in the distance had suddenly flashed green. Any time now...

"Alright, but I've gotten stronger, no?" he asked smugly.

"Oh please, you played the cheapest trick in the book and waited for everyone else to kill eachother off."

"Hey, for your information, I killed like two people. Maybe three."

"Ugh! Enough stalling! It's time to finish this here and no-"

Celine was interrupted as something distant came from the air.

"What is that?"

"I dunno."

"You fool! This is part of your plan isn't it?!"

"I dunno."

"Yes you DO!"

"Maybe. Turn around, and you tell me."

Celine quickly turned around, and watched in shock as a missile-with Rex riding on top of it-shot straight at her with full force. She didn't have time to get out of the way, and Rona could only hope the explosion radius wouldn't get to him too. He braced as the missile landed and exploded, the ground under him shaking a lot. Dust swirled up everywhere, and he shut his eyes and mouth tight. As the sound of the explosion faded out, a voice snapped him back into reality.

"Hey, the dust is gone now!"

Rona looked up to see Rex...and no sign of Celine.

"Did...did you splat her?!" he asked, unable to contain his excitement.

Rex checked the status of the field. It read "two players left total"

"I...I DID! I DID IT!"

Rona was whooping and cheering with Rex as Rex destroyed the rock behind Rona with an explosive. He was half-freed from the sticky stuff, but he could still move an arm.

"So uh. Now what?" Rex asked. "Guess you couldn't really shoot at Celine with your arms stuck, huh?"

"I...yeah, I guess I'm supposed to win, so uh. I shoot you, if that's okay?"

"Oh right! Definitely! Hit me!"

Rona smiled as he lifted his blaster and shot directly at Rex. Rex disappeared with a puff of smoke as it hit, and Rona felt the sticky stuff disappear. He smiled as he looked up at the sky.

It was only a few seconds before he heard the announcement.

The winner of this match is RONA!

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