Chapter 52

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When Emmett asked me if I wanted to crash Vanessa's party, I was ecstatic. I'd give any chance I got to rain on her parade and tonight was as good as any. I put on the shortest dress I owned and straightened my hair out. Once I was done putting on makeup, I went to my closet and snatched up a pair of black stilettos. Just as I reached the bottom of my staircase to heard the doorbell ring. I opened the door to see Emmett decked out in the latest fashion. I forgot that his family was loaded. Emmett looked me up and down before nodding appreciatively.

"Let's do this," Emmett said, wrapping his arms around my waist.

I had to give her props. Vanessa knew how to throw one hell of a party. I hated how as soon as we walked in Emmett's eyes found Vanessa. I tugged on Emmett's shirt, and he looked down at me; almost as if he had forgotten about me. He kissed me on the forehead before heading to the kitchen to get us some drinks. I was done being second to Vanessa. Tonight he was going to think about me and only me.

I spotted Vanessa having a blast grinding on Dylan and Kayden. How no one saw her as a whore was beyond me. Well, time to go burst her bubble. I made my way over to Vanessa and made sure I 'tripped' in their direction. I gasped and looked up at them through my lashes. Damn, they were hot!

"Sorry about that."

What I didn't expect was for them to grimace and push me away. I could only gape as they grabbed Vanessa and walked away. You have to be fucking kidding me! They completely blew me off. Was Vanessa that great? It seemed like she always got what she wanted.

Emmett finally came back with drinks and seven cups later we were more than a little drunk. We were currently dancing, and I was enjoying every moment of it. I loved the way his hands gripped my hips, and his lips brushed against my neck. I raised my head so that my lips brushed his ear.

"Let's find somewhere to play."

I grabbed his hand and headed upstairs. I pouted when both bedrooms were locked. Emmett nodded and dragged me in the opposite direction.

"She never locks the guest room when she has parties. She just doesn't want people fucking in her or her parent's room."

I didn't blame her, although fucking Emmett in her bed would be a massive fuck you to her. Oh well.

Emmett and I were naked in minutes. I loved how aggressive he was with me right now. His touch, his kisses, they were raw and passionate. Emmett flipped us so that I was on top. He looked so hungry, hungry for me. Emmett slid on the condom and slammed me down on him. I cried out in shock as the pleasure hit me, and then we were off.

I'm sure anyone within the distance of the bedroom could hear our moans. Neither of us was making much of an effort to keep quiet. Not that I could even if I tried. I've never seen Emmett so into it before, and I was the one to give him that pleasure.

"Fuck, Vanessa." Emmett groaned into me.

I halted my movements. The fuck did he just say?! Emmett's eyes snapped open when he realized what he said.

"Are you fucking serious right now?!"

"Look, babe, I just drank too much."

"I can't believe that even when we're having sex, you think about her! Have you been doing this the entire time?!" I outraged.

Emmett looked away.

"Oh, my God!" I was starting to have trouble breathing.

How? How could he be this cruel?

"Have you ever just had sex with me?" I whispered

Emmett snapped his head in my direction and nodded.


Emmett clenched his jaw.


"The first time."

I got up and shoved my clothes on quietly. Once I was fully clothed, I exited the room with silent tears running down my face. It seemed to hurt more that he didn't even try to stop me. He didn't try to plead his case, and it hurt.

Fuck this! I stumbled downstairs and raided the fridge for any alcohol I could find. After the ninth bottle of beer, I stopped counting. I was so far gone and no one even bothered to stop me. No one cared. I made out with every guy that was willing and reveled in their attention. The last thing I remember was going to the bathroom to pee.

Fuck my head hurts! I groaned. I felt like I was hit by a truck. I looked around my surroundings. Oh, so that's why I feel like a truck mowed me down and came back to finish the job. I somehow ended up sleeping in the bathtub. I climbed out of the tub and stretched. My bones felt a bit of relief as popped and cracked. The urge to throw up was strong as a couple bustled in, making out. They completely ignored me as they groped each other on the toilet. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore and turned to the tub to empty my stomach out. God, that tasted horrible. The couple now realized that I was here and now gave me disgusted looks. Well, at least the girl was, her boyfriend was too busy checking out my ass. I walked past them and rinsed my mouth out at the sink before stumbling out of the house.

The walk home was hell. I felt like the neighborhood was three times louder than it would usually be on a regular day. I wasn't even going to start on my aching feet. Fifteen minutes later, I sighed in relief as my body hit the bed. I was so fucking done with everything, and my hatred for Vanessa had quadrupled. I wanted her to pay. I wanted her gone, and I was going to make sure I made it happen.

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